장음표시 사용
apply sv to a floch, in proportion as it is large. Ac is an oak : iis seed-fruit is ac, corn. It is proper tospeak of it in this simple way. It is still reta inod in designating
SaXon, and refers to physical, and not moral, qualitieS. Arrand is a spider, Dom aranea in Latin, and our good peasanis micti, in this as Weli as some other Words, be taken sora scholarly tribo; but it must be admitted that theirs is involuntary literature.
Saxon, is to hie or go oss. It is applied to one Who, in thelangvage of our dramatisis, exit in a rasse. Morm is disserently used in this pari frona any other: norcan I ascertain tho authority. Let there bo a Dost os longduration; and though tho air is most stili and the shy most
ing as those Whicli tempestas, in Latin, involves. ten is not infrequently pronounced ostens. This solani sto a stranger very har8h. But the apology is, that ei: ooni , ERsoons) the Saxon for again and again, Was the original Word, and is turned into osten8. Guile oot is applied to the Worhing of beor. It is ignorantly spolien by some as though it Was the head and fermentation itsols: it is frona Lyllan, Gyllan) Anglo-Saxon, signifyingany Sound loud or murmuring, and Dot is a degeneracy of vat,
Gawden is used When a person assumes Something over his
To in it up is to overtae any Work Whicli has been su8- pended.
mme is misi, generalty the mist of host. Sometimos it is
Goster is a Dol. Spelt, a turn. I et him take his spoli. Miled os , is sald of a fraudulent person When he makes aclear ance of ali and of himself. Squat, is conisertable. V e, an insect of the smallest Lind. A tite, as Soon.
be Worse, and is as desperate as the Speed. Strange SceneS Occurbelare the mounting, in very prosperous or adverse times. The