Oratio in theatro Collegii Regalis Medicorum Londinensis ex Harveii Instituto, habita die Octob. XVIII, an. MDCCC [electronic resource]

발행: 1822년

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26, God that ad the wοrid an ali hing therein hathmade, one lood ali nations os men, sor o weli on ali thesaco os the eurth, and liath determined the times besore aΡ- potnted, and the bovnds of theis habitation.' These divine honour then, aido Terminal tones, tot have been as early a the irs generations aster Peleg, in hose time the earin a divided the oundaries os Dations belliginen set outi divine appotniment, and nsorce in the case of dis odience by a multiplicationis languages. Τhus much respecting the fit si objecis smieroglyphical recori s. alie seconii, abstractedi considered, ere preserved by Astronomica allusions. at has heen supposed that the M chinah, that luminous oken O the presence of the Deity, was withdinwn froni men aster the time of Oah. O his descendanis, the disappe ance of the sun in the winter monilis,ould have enserce a melanchol recollection os this Ioss, und the return os that luminary in the prini uid have been greeted a thei ledge os restoration to divine avour Accordingly, various solstitia rite were invente in different countries, O celebratem elevationis the sun aster his return stom the winter portiono the sphere. mence in use of the olive bough in tho Litantes of tho Greelis, is it bestrue What Porphyry asseris of the upperand unde sursaces oscit leaves, alternatet reflecte accordingto the change of the seasons he wil olive was sor his reason es t have been brought ymercules to the neighbou hood os Pisa where me chario races ere instituted in hono of the sun. But the approacho an communion,ith the


Deity, o much longed o by the Pagans mere expressed in avor evident manne by the Greelis, ut their Olympic ames, in hanquet whicli they terme Theoxenia, ecuus a familia intercourse belween the God and mortat was implied by L Pindar has meret hinted that the Olympici Games recommended the scheme os the etempsychosis, ut in the later institution of the Circensi an ames by Romulus the doctrine was ver distincti ensorced. It is probabi that a contemplationis the different degreses os splendor in in heavent hodies, compare Witti in sun mio have led the Chaldean o undersos idolatryo expecto gradual approach to the ountain flight, an to imagine a series of stages, existence, revious O

παραὶ το δοκειν, τοτ ξενιζει του θεους.

Scholiast in Pindarum. Olymp. Od. 3. Similar east a Rome ere terme Lectisternia, rom couches et in Order, Onuhic the God mere supposed, o were invited, o recline. morace alludes to thena, Carm. lib. 1. Od. 37. nunc Saliaribus ornare pulvinar Deorum Tempus erat dapibus, Sodales. Helice, ille common representationi a Banqueti Gree and Roman SepulchralΜarbies, implies a sinat state of beatitude and rest, and communion,ith the Deity. The mos solem rite of the Christian Church is properi termed Communion, and the Author and Finisher of the Christian Fait eminenti asserte his Divinity in theorigina institutionis it. It is ne of the an instances, in hicli the ChristianDispensation appeale to the understandings and Delings of the Gentiles, and theready an vas influx of aga Converis, on therars promulgation f the Gospei, is hereb accountei sor. Ihe solemn Supper here noticed was achnowledged by them a the spiritualisin an persectinia rite the were,eli acqua ted Mith. t Ossere them an intimate union,ith God, hic the had in vain expecte in their Theoxenia an Lectisternia.

A great dea may e seen on this subjeci, and pon other that Willae mentione in this Essay, in the curious Trac o Winde de Vita Functorum Statu, ex Hebraeorum et Graecoriuneomparatis sententiis. Tond. 1677.


a final admission to the Divine resetice. everthel ess, thel imitation os sucti a series to the number seven, must e ruther attributed to ancient tradition preserve by them, hanci particula speculations noli planetur system. The Creation inseven days, und the supposed continuance of this eariti a many thousan years the Iast thousand of hicli, it a reported, would e a Sabbati a Millenium, might have occasione their adapting the sola system to the scheme of thei Metempsychosis, a datam inclinedo suspect that a notion of this abbatical res may be traced in the μοχθων ἀμπνοα o Pindar, Whichwas declared to e me rewar of Victor in the Grecian ames. The doctrine of an ascent to a state os rest through even re- violis stages, was exemplised by that towe a Babylon dedica ted o Iupiter Belus, in the temple described by Herodotus, lib. 2, ,hichiseem to have furnished a modet for the Pagodas in severat eastern Ountri es, here the wOrstiti Os Boudii re- vatis. I lius, OweVer, the presenc os a benescent Deity the

Author os ali Good, was hallei unde the symbolis Light, ut os me unisher of Evit, it was reade unde the emblem os Firo. Such was the Bratiminica meity in his destroyinica pa-


Let iis nex onquire Whether an very ancient record rema in os signa punishment inflicted. he discover os such would placem third conjecture upon soli Mundation. In the mytholog of the Chinese, findiserta in personages termed chin the number os,hicli, the date of thei appoin ment, in symbol they a re invested illi, und thei employmenis, ea to decided a resereno to the Mosaic deluge, to allo os an doub acto their original Among the various re- Presentations of them n ork of ari, I have observed them representing the lenient in a Oubie complement. An attentive consideration Os them has led me to suspect that os thesecon set os sabulous deities recorded by Diodorus, Hephaestus an Vesta, Iupiter ani Iuno Saturn and Rhea, Hermes unditie uti, areis other than distinguished personages os both sexes, bo DOm thei meritiwere deemed worth toto holi in recollection, ut Wer no Originali designe sor objects of wo stiis These chin, eight in number, are sal to have eon appotnted by Folii as uardian spirit so the protectionis mo tuis. The age of thei solander, contemporata illi Gah, is generali admitted. The ure, illi se exceptions representedon ater, frequently standing on sit, an various marine animais They a b rathe viewedis Heroes than Deities, hein frequently represented involitii a superior personage. In a very eXtensive uti elaborat drawing in the possession os F. Douce, sq. the are engaged in desperate conflict with ce lain marine monsters a partis Whicli are represented bearing bivalve helis on thei baclis, or Otherwis cased in crustaceous


Τho sollowing extrae froni a periodicat orti, ille Athenaeum o Dr. Aikiii, wili belle expla in his contest, and the characterso the combutuntS. In the egitining of the worid,' reporis the learnei Editor, on in authorit os a correspondent rom China, there liuod I sing-quas, monster With men' saces and shes hodies, hodesolated the face of the waters, so that his could Dot ait:

hrought heautim phea sanis, and allisther Lind of birds, Domino extremities of the arth.


In many instances these figures of the chin re connected Witti certain ancient characters, sormed of triple lines placedat,oVe r ea them, as is explanatory of thei tities undossices But his I an oni advance pon conjecture. It is susticient that Lam n led to assert, that the chin ei e P-Ρ0inted by Folii, and the trigi ams, ight in number, a Wel us


the personages With hicli they a re ometimes represented inconneotion, ere also devised by bim. Τho information, collect rom Diodorus Siculus, respecting

trae froni in celebra ted book of the Chinese the I hing, ascitis ited in the very interesting Essay of r. Remusat, On thelangvage and literatur of the Chinese. he rs principio genera ted wO Xamples, these two example genera ted sola rima ges, hicli seu images genera ted ight oisV or ovain Μr. Remusa expresses himself lituo satisfie with tho various explanations iven os thes Kova. he definition of them intho -hing is condemned by imos scio abstractis nature, and another deliveret in the book termed Oung-kao, i rejected by imos to arbitrui . Consucius, he Observes, considere linem to e symbolicat, and in generat, e Bilds, a morat undineta physica se se has been ough in the Koua, hereas theyshould onlyte vlewed under a grammatica reseretice since the Chines are in soni sor agreed to conside them a the primitivo typo os mei Written characters. 49 7 S. T controveri the writton opinion O the Chines theniselves. and of Consucius, on such a subjeci, a be attier huZardotis, even to a siti logis of r. Remusat' abi ity uni application. But it is a froni improbabie, that ait these assertions may hein the main correet, an no ne contradici unother. It is very true, that in an authenti collectionis Chines coloured r-


ing illustrative of the ancient isto China, the origin os letters is hewn by Folii encilling these trigrum or ova, disposed in an octagonat diagram. ut O mi an discussionon the fit si formation os the character of this very ancient people, as farieyoni in reach, I Wil submit to 3 reade thesoli Wing Damos an significations and the supposed position fili Nova, as I have collected them se in the Essay os r. Remusat: The fit si Os them termed Men orieaven is laced by the Chines in tho outherii region hile ouen or Earthis referre by them to the north i, denoting ire, the placein the east Kan or ater in the west Tovi Ormeat in thesouth east Ken or Cold in the north-West Tehin or Drynessis allotte to the orth-east and ioven o Humidity to thosouth-West quarter. p. 4-79. Heiae theseclois appeti to bono more than the Our Elemenis, and the properties of each finem. Their insuetice oti a Lindiseems O be aclinowledgediti a mores and metaphysicut ense, by the Chines reserrinito Heaven the dispensation Os virtuos, to arti, os affati s to ire felicities, o drynes directions to umidit generations. I id. P. 110. In the accompanying Elching, si omis iece of Porcela in in my wn possession the chin classed in uirs, represent the Elements and thei properties. I propos them a s Xamples fine ancientis os natural objecis sormieroglyphiclis, as,el asto he mei connection illi the Kova: here the element


Water, a the scene os thei action, is designe to record in agenerat way the reat Ventis a punishment inflicted, and thorepetition os a se of Element combined illi thei physicaleffecis denotes more particularly the owers of the Deity, and his doti lings illi manliind while they also conve sonte dea of tho confusion that induced a deification os mere mortuis in

hibited tho ne bearing fruit, the ther cauering owers, the productions os Earth, os,hicha o Dot hesitate to term thom

by him. Os os 1 and 4, I venture to surmise that they impi Liseandieath. he certaint allude to Water, hecause the threeother Element have been ecyphered For his a ver naturalaccount might e suggested. The ver genera tradition thalal things were create stom ater, might have induce the


chair, b dispersing and bringincit bach alternately by whioli

proces the chais Wouldie blown t a greater distances, and thegi ains, cornieing heavier, ould remain in the centro of thethrashing oor This,as conceived accordinito the notions of the AEgyptians and Greelis, a the probabi vicissitude that ever create belli underwent, an alternate state os lis and death, to whicli soni may have doubted whether the assigne any determinate period. me adduces soni Other inge-

menc the Bacchus of the Greeius was the God o Humid ature, the Ρresidentove Lis and Death, an himself subject both to generation an destruction. ewas also λφυὴς of tW sexes, ecause both seXes ere preserve among the patriarchaleight. φ . 29. In the time of Ρindar, e sin the period to these vicissitudes actuali desined. Olymp. d. 2 V. 123.

oσοι Γετολμασα ες τρὶς κατερωθι μείναντες,

mutis many as ad the sortitude to persis in Leeping thei soliis blameless, to the extent of three vicissitudes above, and three beneat the earth in the invisibi state, inmades), mere then forWarde to the is and of the lessed, c.' An idea borrowed froni the Jewis notion o a Sabbatical periodi res an beatitude, Whic do uess, ythagoras, ullo travelle to the east, learn sto the Hebrews,