장음표시 사용
ST. Paul, in ono of his reproos to the Gentiles, has discovereda linowledge of thei idolatrous system, and declared in principies, it in very significant ternis. mu now, say be aster halbe have linown God, o ratherare linown f God, o turno again to the wea and eginguri Elemenis, hereunto e destre again tot in boni age 'VGalat. 4. V. . He ad drown a comparison etween the Jews and the Galati an Gentiles, and represented the Ormer, as hereto re pupiis unde thetondage of tutors, bo aught them theelements of the worid, o the rudiments of woridi Wisdom, ros me a and iis eremontes the lauer, as in bondage to them, hic is natur are o Gods.''ohe Jews ad been admitted sonsi adoption the Gentiles hecam fons by the isto the spirit os God He sears that his Galatiati converis,ould relapse into a state of bondage, and it must be observed that these Galatian were originalty Pagans, an no Jewisti Prose-