장음표시 사용
Dious reserenoes to the sume effeci, an he notices a base application os a passage in Scripture by the degenerat Rabbinica Philosophers. Thou turnest man to destruction, undsvest, return, e chilhen of men. V hereas the isto of their own nation ould have furnished the rue solution
vasion and captivities, oti me Occasionis thei repente idolatrios' And a simila visitation on the great empires that have successivel risen and been destroyed, o malle a so that whicli is to eis Iastiti Lingdom, has been a powersul illustration in luter days. There a re many assages indeed in Scripture, the orce of whioticis in part Iost to iis stom oti no fully comprehendiligine vices of ancient nations, whicli ad commerce ith, and furnished proselyte to the Jews. Such, I presume, is in sol-lowing, hicli inde has noti ced containing a terribie warn- inito Christians, and quaily a armin to the Gentiles of old, whos salse speculation it lashos They are the word of John Baptist- whose an is in his and an he will morouolypurge his Oor, and gather his heat into the garner; ut hewill burnis the chair,ith utiquencha te ire.' atth. 3, 12. Containing a true and complete refutation of the a bove errOneous supposition According, hoWever, to the agan notion,
andirought withaim into agna Graecia. Sibi quam subsicivam fecerat, ' says Apuleius apolog p. 457. Ed Delph. and thence, oubiless, indar, and probablyal the ystagogues in the Colleges at Agrigentum, Capua and Nola, derived thei metempsychic notions.
Dr. Aikin's correspondent observes, that the chin, ο I, bytho iri os his san could low ou to the nil of the worid, without illing oua utiles h plea sed .' These speculations might o further extended, to the memorial os the Deluge preservet in the Incarnation os theondian istinii, and to tho Arkit Ritos illustra ted by the rea Bryant buta content my-
I have now t shew, that the promises of the Dei ty respectingma ' final reinsta temetit, ere symboli sed by arth an iis mitis. This,ill be hos understood in the irs instance, by therea der' recallinito minis that the seret, o Mother Earth fine Greelis, and the correspondita Ceres of the Romans, representin corti und the fruits of the eurth, were that agati Goddess, in honour Os whom mysteries Were instituted ut Eleusis, in bicli,ero held ut to the initia ted an obscuro romis os afuture state. But his matter must be alieti up rom a bigher
his personago, in combination viti, ther symbols, furnishes the Ollowing Hieroglyphiclis on hines Porcelain:-When on mot with aiough on his sit uiderbearing three os these fruiis, an in compan with a Female id incon the ungΙIoan bir so termed by the Chinese), he denotes ternity, and the emale Spirit; and these figuresciointly, terna Spirit: vhiches conjecture to e the two example produce by the Firs Principi e mentione in the Ι-king. The Eternat Spirit is therWis expressed by the compound symbol f Τοng- ng-sok old ingiliis fruit, and ridinion a stor as an emblemi Winil, o Spirit.
whose characteristic symbol is a fruit peculia to bina whichio bear in on hanx et ther singly, o in a triple cluster. I venture to term this personisge the Hercules of hina, an to compare him,ith a well-known bronge figure in the Townele Collectionis Antiquities, no in ur attona Museum, fiercules holding the three Hesperian apples, hile bellinclaim, o fhewwhere e gathered them, appears aure With a serpent ent inedround it Buta have in my wn possession an artici perhapstio les ancient thun me Ownele Bron2e, that is qua lyillustrative of this subjeci. t is a Terra Cotta of that artiest ware termed perhaps no improperly Carthagini an It consi sis os a cluster of three Pomegranates bound together by a serpent, whicli is coloured illi a lacli and urpi varnish, and thescules suintly and delicatel tooled. his valvabie relicti, re- sentedo me by m ver intelligent friendi. restiam, sq. R. A Wus rom a tomi, in Magna Graecia The work of D'Hancarvili and ther On vases, ill fur isti severat interest-ing compositions, hicli represent the atherinios such fruit in the arden of themesperides. In ali these cases the fruit mustbo supposed to convey the gistis immortality, and in his senset is presentedisti many religiolis,orks, Greel urt.
The originis Serpent orshi may be here distincti traced. A the supposed guardian of the fruit os isse, his reptile is chorished and sed in the pagodas, Hindustan to this day, and
representations of this eremon very frequently occvriti Greeti an Roman martiles.' inerva, ho was ais termed Hygia, boing the Goddes o Health a well, Wisdom, as accompuniod by the serpent, a the symbo both os lis and knowIedge, and the lassis aesculapius, the odis Medicine, o Preservero Lise, a uecordingi enWreathed with in serpent. It is needies t enlarge on o weli linown a subjectis the Atlanti Is ands, extolle by Plato, and linos every aganPoet. In these ere the Hesperian ardens a med sor heir fruits These Isiand of the Blessed so the were so termed),were reporte to have been suddent submerged in the ea. -Τhocios o Paradis is videnti implied by this sto , hi cligave riseri many thers. Froni sueti materiais, the Greelis de vised thei satile of Atalanta, b stoopingit picti up the three
to the serpent a compound of suga and ulter in a taZZa. The obre capella, when sed glide u the pillars of the portico, and again sheliere ii set bonoath the
t he Rev. Dr. S. Hen ey, in a very interesting note communicate hyaim to ille translator fir Lowthys Lectures, vol. 1, p. 213, observes, that the place herethe wiche aster deat more supposed tot confined-srom illo destruction of the oldWorld by the deIuge, the covering of the sphalti vale illi iti Dead ea, c. was belleved tot siluate unde the waieri; lieno he notices the expressio τον δεταρταρον τῆς ζυσσου, Job, l, 23- the Tartarus of the Abyss. his accounts both so the submersion bove noticed, and so the popular Gentile notion respectinglatur punishmenis, hic the Ρhilosopher privatet disbelieved while tho chie of them nevertheles achnowledged the were referribie to early traditions.
goide apples, a thrown ut os the chase, and accordi glyresigned her virgin state. he Ope of roga ining this stato ostiliss and the divine promis that inanishould e eventuali re- insta ted were sonili cherished by the agans, and recorde lthough misrepresented by numerous satiles und devices. But it is remat Labie, that while the Hercules o Tyro audGreeco rought the ruit os lis se in the arden os themesp rides, ne Hercules os in Celis, re crowd to in by the charnis, eloquetice, instructing them in the iis os letters undhe Was termed Ogmius, a conveying by these letters the mysterious tradition o ancient times. he coincidelice of this Danie illi thalios Ogma, ho devised the re Alpha etsos theorish, is ver remur utile. Respecting these a great deat is satis in that reasuro os curious earning the fifth volume os the Collectanea os Generat Vallancey. e is there termedigma, gum Or Om, the las of hicli is expressed in three Ogtiam Characters, with me followin hieroglyphic subjoined, Whicli Generat ullance has compared with tho Sogol of tho Iews and Chaldeatis, ii reverse thesios V and terme it Sacat, the uncti os Grapes; hut it
'hat singula predictionis a delivere in the person o Hercules, in the Prometheus of AEschylus, is a Ver particula instance. Confident of this, rometheus exclaims -τ ονα φοζοίμην, ω θανεῖν ου φριτι ιον. V. 933. What should I fear, Whom fatesorbidcto die λ εσπερίδων λιγυφωνιου in nomacritus, a perhapsi belle rendered -Eloquent
t e the Dissertations of Schmidi and the Rev. Stephen eston in the Archiaologia, ii the Hercules ginius of Lucian. Collectanea ves 5 P. 86.
may bo comparod illi the Symbol f the Chinese, Gree and
Tyrian Hercules Generat Vallance has rema ined that the Chines Word Si a tree, is the oot of many iners of Iearnedimpori, and he has also derived early the whole of thona me os themetire Letters stom Trees. It is ore thala may venture to submit an etchin froni an extremely curious hines TaZga, formet ly in tho abi et of Ir. Newton, that exhibit the Trigram O Folii, impressedon tho very ruit to whicli are ascribet sucti peculia virtues. Withii tho disti the character are expressed by the originals phers Withoiit, the are more picturesque y displayed ntriplo Juster os the fruit. he forme are the rimitive charactor of the Chinese, the alter a b consideredos the si si approactio a cursive character. Helice, that hichin the haud of tho Idol Tong ong-soli is the ruit, Immo tallty on the agga of r. Newton, is the Fruit os Knowledge. It is triple, illi reseretice to the three male branches Domwhicli the arth was re-peopled, and repeate eight times with a dimerent trigram, illi resereticeo the eight, ho vero a together the depositaries of Antediluvian earning and traditions. Ali these memorial os the regre and hos of the euri Pagans, he a dee sense of thei Ios Os communion
Tho Gentiles,lio hau los the genuine account os the Fall, supplied an impersee story. r. Kennico has shewn that One I ree ni standing in Eden a sorbitiden, nil ibat, Dot en-dowed With any particular virtuo. That the terni Trees of
io the particular re sorbidden, beatio ledge derived, and thelis tost, resultet stomoti transgression, and uot stomotiesruit. Whilea presume o recommoni the beautini dissortation ofDr. ennico to ali ho destre to undet stand the si si chapterso Holy rit I also trusi, that these traditions and conceiis of the early Pagans a noti deemed uni inportant, speciallyby those ho seel interested in the calling in os ibo Gentiles. The are ut present fas bound by rejudices, hicli are onlystrong, ecuus the round of them have been itherio un-oxplained But a lino Iedge of the causes Os these errors, and a clue iven to the path hicli a considerable par os manliin have rodden, in thei departure froni the worshipos in true God, a be ne secondary mean os olearing theirsiglit, an enlargin their undet standings, and of Hachingstem to retrace their teps. Sine mos of thei traditions, allegories, an symbols, are ut mistalien memoranda firΟ
mise long ago made, os the actua performatice of whicli in these ater times, it is the devout Objectis ourmissionariesto assure them.