장음표시 사용
Amos Licimo AR IA Was a Gree poet, hora, Antiooh, in Syri ibout B. C. Ilo. e amerio Rome in B. C. Io2, and wasono of the instruetors of Cicero. e Was received into the besttainuies of the ovilia, paertioulisrly by the Luculli, the poet inhingtheir gentilo nisme, Litanius. Some time afterWard through tho influonoe, Lucullus, the renoWne Roman generat he was en-rouexas mitigem Meraclia, in Lucania. In B. C. 2 an ad Waspissae oonferring the Roman hanchise on dil Who mere estirenso any of the federato cities, i. e. Italia cities connecte mitti Rome is troaty, provide the had a domicile in Italyindihould vive thoirmames to the praetor,ithi fixi disy after the passago of the aes Wit these oonditions Archias complied Notmith- standing this, a person nume Gratius brought against hi thoehargo os assuming the infigenshi illegialy. Cicero undertoo his delance, butis the register frueraclia ha been destroyed by firo in tho Marsian or Soeia War, o could present ut lituo direotproos. The orator, theretare, taxes occasion t digres eloquently anchoantifullae into the felds o literature and the prat se of poetu, an to exto the talent an mortis of Archias. O this oretion Cioeros expende ait his refources of stri, faste, and initi.
The result of the spere and the subsequent life of Arohias ars
posexto a judicium Priscitum oro cci hyriταια. - Res agatur, accipe iactetas conducted. h. Verum etiam, in evenis Cicero's orations Moura statem times fove times in this oristion); ed et tam eighty-one times.
6 et Litterarum momoriam, i. e. tae memora os evenis r
in the retinue of the generael. - superioribus, i. e. cm Oribtis. g. Primis i. e. Mengoribuas,niler the Frat remors electe after Archias had re ived the citigenship. - Esse eensam, rum inremeae
versea rαfhertans, i. m, verysther verse longer than the prooeding, in alternato hexamefers and Pentremeters.
ario meas. - sapientissimi homines, hos philosophors hotaught the immortalit of the sota. 1. o. Notio ita emphatio position. 22. --- vetustate. rder quem videtis omprobari cum a Meli dignitate tum etiam (- αἰεο vetustate is the tam eon
INTRODUCTIO N. Tun oratio for in Manilia Iam desivere in tho Forum in
bin mas opposed by the more eonservistive Romana, on Romunt of the extraordinara poWers conferre byri aut M supporte byJulius Caesar, an Cicero ChriIliant effore in ita hehat contri ute larget to ita passage. In the murae of his speec the orator prono oes a plendi panegyrico the chameter an militavtalenta, PomPv.
15. Fruotum alludes in his election to the praetorship. 16. Duationem. The domitiis might be postpone When the