장음표시 사용
Priaetor, conceretv vhOm, etc. The negistive in non vercit gives an amrmative senserio quo minti occideret there Was no religious conviction vincto Marius Fou must nο hili, etc.
translatio is eas enough. IVNe retia them, there is evidently
geugma in crediicie essenti, Whichas applicablemni toricinis reasto sollieitcitio Ernesti theretare supplies auae tα. Read thusa jam vero illa Allobrogum sollicitatio ab Lentulo ceterisque domesticis hostibus numquam esset suscepta), Rm dementer tantae res numquam essent creditae et ignotis et barbaris, commissis litterae numquam essent profecto, niSi ere
35. Eadem- quae the cime- . --Ro tuorum, iam guste est fortunis atque condicio illarum. 3s. Facta - recto, thei deeda uel sine
1s. In honore vestro' in referment offolia invisnoement v
ei Romex assembled the senate in in templem Conmes, and referre to that bod the question of the punishment of the oon- viristors. D. Iunius Silanus, oοnsul et L aen othors, spolio in favor of Ovitia punishment But C. Iulius Caesar havin advo-eate the milde meissures of eonfiscation f propero an perapetuat imprisonm nt, Non overrionis ieWs a large morit of the sensite. At this potui Cicero prose, and Whil horaritali appearsio e neutria, et by Rinting the danger of the conspirae in diron colora, disclose his prefereno lar extrem mensures His reo produce the destred effect The senat ordere the exo-eution of the criminals and the mere strangle the fame night in the subterranea dungeon, tilitantim Catiline imself sol in harile nea Pistoria, early in B. C. 62, an most of his Milomerastared his fate. The lauri oration mas delivered, in nones HSt o Deeem-her B C. 63 da Whie Cicero ever regardexas the proudest oehis life Tho Noncto Dee-hrea forme a bright spοt in his mem-vry and frequentillusion re it are mund in his Writinga I. In me Ieam his vioWs and wisheg. Eo . si tim, hether. . . S. Is8, 11, Rem. e in n. g.
23. vorsari, te metive Veracita diri eue, Wit cietitam. 2T. Quiequid est dolorere the mctiter alcinda, states Ioosely,hae quocumque, gentemitae states expressiF. M. Ante noctem Boihaecause a reseuem the criminals mighthoittempted, and Aulus Gellius says that tore valido decree of the senato mustae passe affer auriris undaefore sunset.
88. Vindicandum est mnishment vat he in ficted. gr. D. Silani Then consul et t. Iulius Caesar as praetoriaret. 8s censet Tho techniest term in referene to decision of the sensite, M jubere mas Pthοse of thes vireata Raeo Tho gestureo the orator mould sho that the cit anxiis establishmenta,ere meanta conati sunt, indic brenus eo is nodi recites.
s. Pro sua dignitate, in eo 'rmit mithri bestiiny thei Ash 53
T. Videor- videro, fors poemo mae cto eo. A celebratae Passaege, illustratin the rhetorica figure, vi on. 1o cerno animo. Compare hahspeare' - In m iniud Meye. II. Versatur - oculos, reaent itae cte re rum.1d. Purpuratum, in imitation, Oriental minister of state. 28. Mihi vero, etc. his is holi inconsistent Wit Cloerolarea character an vieW8.28. In his hominibus, in the ocipe, theae m. 32. In vestigiis in the Beatipem trocem tirbe incenaci.M. summa nobis, etc. Order fama summa crudelitatis in in ectae, the pernicie patriae civiumque est subeundis. 58 virum, thret tho uobcinit, P. Cornelius Lentulus. 2. Avum suum. i. o. L. Caesar's. Whae A. A S.I 2θ8; Rads L B lo2D A. Is II. g. Larvitionis, o liberα uis nudo cor so the oorerrae le(t secure thoir favor), in compliano mit the leae 'timentorio of
A. 65, IV. I. - Sibi esse pereundem Methcit thei mite PerisA. 8s. In civium, i. e. numero, in the nex clause.
d. summam, consiliique, re agminene in rcti hin deliberation. 5 et Dissensione. The senate had alWays supplied iee (jurors)yn judiei,sublieci unti the leae SemProni o C. Gracchus, in B. C. 123, transferred thsit right to the equites. Sulla subsequently r store it to the senate. Finalty in B in ro the leae Aurelici nacted thsit judiere houldae elected fro the senators, equites, and tribuni aerarii. Dici Antiqq. - Rujus ordinis, mith thicordere limitin dissensione. For, orretim hoc ordine. im. Ig. Tribunos aerarios, the tribunea, the trecim . These mereplebeian moers hos principat dulcat this timebis to coli tine tritatum, esto hom his tribe, Whio the made vecto the militar quaestor Whosaid the soldiers. Dici Antiqq. u. seribas. Gribete a Romeflere publio notarie or oleres in the pay of the taete. The Nere hied emplοSed in making up publio accounts copying ut laWs, and recording the prooeedinga of tho differoni functionaries of the state. The were assignisu tot to the quaestors, aediles, and tribunes of the peοple. Dicti
voluntatis quisntum audet et quantum potest.2. Fortuna, perditi, uretehed in eondition, Matri uood millin
s M. Mas Penatium. The Pensite mere hept in the oentra pare
28. Ros gestae things achioved Mischiemementa, exploita. 2T. Isdem, eto Ordor continentur isdem regionibus bov-ries a terminis quibus cia cursus Bolis. ao. Quo exire possimus - iit eo exire ovem . Sub . o Pu