Select orations of Marcus Tullius Cicero

발행: 1873년

분량: 452페이지


분류: 로마


2 sertorianae Q. Sertorius,as ne of the most remisrholo igadventurer os antiqui Me mas finali invito by the Lusitanitore Omo thei leaeder against the Romana. Diot Biog. . Folicitati ejus, is hias a fortunes ne of the qualifications hich aecordincto Cicero, are necessar is a good generat. II. Ei detraeta. . A S.I 22 , Rem 2 j. 385 Adflata imputet . - Videatur line leti, holitarem Subjunct. of result. Is Putotis, Oti thinh. Piso an existimo are nen used pleonastion ly by Cicero more sententious riter in similar cases


266 NOTES.

Some editor rendie et relinquiantur.




85 d. Duabus Rispaniis, i. e. Bither an Farther pian citeriorandisverior, tho Iberus Ebro 'eing the dividincline.


genitive. T. Erat desigendus Missae delisensio , ν ονἰd degere torae a

13. summa ablative, agreein With αἰνte. 16. At enim These Word anticipat is Supposed objection, ore suggestincit an enim introducing the tutement of it. e mu


s Non dies, Me g. e. I exclude fram eonsideratio large an si


ad oradu The senatoria age at this period is uncertain. M I. sportavit ho brotiphchome oris is pisrticularly used intho sense of a bring home froin the provinoeB. Se Lexicon. s. Equitem Romanum, etc. Maus no nebas permitte in triumphrentes he had hol the ossicem dictator, consul, or praetor, non of Whic Pompe had held. - Triumphare. The victorious generat Was precede by the captive and spoil taken in mari Naalallomed by his troops, sin after passing long the via Sacris, ascende the viret to offer sacrisio in the temple o Iupiter Diet Antiqq. d. Quam ut Me Notio the change hom therint to the subd.


at aquam. Eequia is particularly used in impissione inter sS





INTRODUCTION.AMON inose Who, mit Cloero, opposed the ambitious meus e Caesar and Joine the prero os Pompey, Wis Maercus Murcellus, eonsul in B. C. I. is opposition to Caesar his been conducted mith consideriale animosio, sin theretare, after tho histile of Pharsaliis, his proud spirit refusexto ask for the conqueror' clemenoy, andae retire t Mitylene. ut though Mareotius himself-ould in emo reps to procure his recali, his friend is Rome, and Cicero in partieular, mere iunxious for his restoration an MIongth, in is tali assembly of the senate, Caelus Marcellus, the musino Mamus, in is supplieatin posture implore the pardon o thoillustrious exile, and the whole genate, move hyj mmmon impulse, araeatly Joine in the petition. Though Caesar ad hilherio, refusexto e re nolle to Mumellus, he noe esure thisthemouldio oppos the unanimous vis of the senate. e ther fore pronounoetis fuit pardon. Maroellum informed of this favori te result, set out vo his voyage to Italy, butis his arriva at Athens e vius assaessinate by P. Magius Chuo, ne of his a

tendanis, hom motives of privist regeniment.