장음표시 사용
Migi deliberation are excluded. enco the OBWer, min me vero, is nomeαris emb. - 1et comaeta est, locis ceret. Provinces vero generali distributed by tot Theriore oris Ma Nere throrum into amis ro--neched urn ei tuta, aitella, mo), and dra- fori onerit, timeo
retistive claus expressingo reisson.
lar horum omnium viandorem, the splendor orati theseanorum presenti. 13. L. Orfidium, Who die some time betare. Cicero aftervards discoverin his mistahe in is letterrio Atticus requesta him tonaveth nam erisse reo at the optes of this oration. I . Vosto mutata s. e. re put o the mile gar of mournis during thotrini. Isaea. Tuis suos, i. e. tuis amiel suos amicos, eo Foti Iriendatheir oum Irienda, the friend of Σοur friend3 --- - modum, 'ει - - Is Eoo, i. e. - te omnes, qui eoutris te non essent, tuos putare.' - 23. Fuerit latim , movis sive been In hypothetio sentenoes, When an intende notion, or is state or condition rumhictis in comerio pass, is tone ex reBSed the perfeci subjunctive of tho active periphrasti conjigation regulari inues the place of thopluperfeci, not oni after a Present tens botest , but even iner
INTRODUCTIO N. Tu Mortaen orationa cane Philirete Nere ali diraetexaminae
Mareos Antonius, the Vsori triumvir ' an received thoi namorroin their resemblance to the invectives pronounoed by Demostheno agisinat Philip o Macedon hererisis preoipitato by thoisas sination, Caesar atrarat alamed ieero for his asco, studhe resolve o a'oyage to Greece Aster he his set ut hebas dotiano a Rhegium by contrar Winds, and the hopes an Moommodation etWeen Anton and the aenate induce him re retum. Thi hopo mas destine notatone realige dor Antanae, norum holding the omoe os consul, mas oranil preparincto foliorum in the morate of hesar O theram atter his arrivia, Anton assemble theaenate for in pu ose of securing their sanction to ome nerum honorario in memory of Caesar, an Cicero as speetali summoneri tome presenti te excused himself, hovever, alleging fatig hom hi journer; ut o the lalloruming disy, September 2d B. . . he appeare in his place in the absenoe of Antony, and deliveredine rat Philippio. Aster explaining tho motives of his recent departore hom Rome his suddon return, his abseno on the pre-eedin disy, and Melaring that he -οul have opposed the pos humous honora proposexto tho usurperiae defende the lisWs of CResar, and Wamed the senate of the desim o Antony, Who hinviolateri the most authentio of thos laWs. This ration produeed an open rupture et en Cicero and An-reny They beeam the principat haraefers a Rome. Never foro di Romo stan in uel noe of the orator' services, and neve didae appear t hester advisntage than during this perilous erisis. The emergene of the occasion overca me his constitutionia timidi ty, and holgain hecam the popular idol. The imaege of the old republio filio his min and isnimiste him With, nobi spiritos pistriotism. ut his i ors and counset Were in vain. Those eombinationabere in progress Whio resulte in tho Seoon Triumvirate, an in his proscription and death, as related in therahelaho his life Thorarat mur Philippios moro delivere in the lalter part of the year B. and the lustrien early in B. C.,3.
Ωραι -- the more usu Itia liberct tapinionis me libero issatiomas permission grante in is senator in gesto any of the Prori eaon his omn privato, ira in the oharacter of - --ssis haut mithout perforfining the uties of one. Se Lexi n.
referre to 3s. st Ioeit utricis non fecit multa promissa romised multis.