장음표시 사용
Mi82 formiis. The sentenoeris,nfinished buciis aenae is completae in
the following ae --- mae ctrem. Id. Avomm, M. Bis p terna grandi atherbas the celebrate orator M. Antonius, eong in B. C. ss o his mother' fide, L. Iulius Caesar, consul in B. c. so, Whos son, of the fame name, Nas consul in B. C. i.
1 38. Impiorum, of the impiova, a term frequently -plied iath Philippios to tho nemies of the Republicas 'ilinu in Aeae
Tun union fructavia vit the partae of the seniste, and thodosertionis trum legion homontony, indueed the lalter in marehinto Cisalpine Gaul, Which, sine the desit of Caesar, his Menoeeupied by Decimus Brutus the conspirator Brutus declisred his resolution to suppore the authorit of the senato by holdin that province isgainst An ony, Whos siluatio had norum hecome eritie Cicero then addresse the senate, an in tho thir Philippi d nounoed Auton ad is publicisnemyopraised Oetaviando his spiritand enorm declared that Decimus Brutus had deserve melli thostate, and conclude by proposin public thanks to these Ieadere an to the legion this his deserte homontony.Fro the senate Cicero ent immediaret to the Forum and dolivere the lauri Philippi to the largere audiendo that ad everssistene is his speeehes. e recapitulate in subjecta pon-hio he hisd enl-ged in his spere betare the senate, viring the Peοple an account of What hadlappened, and declaring that though Antony hisdiot been formistly declared, public enemy by the senate, hebae in esseet trestted by them a s h. The oration, Whic mas delivere December 2oth, B. C. d. Masre mel received that, spe-- in os it in the fixi Philippio, helaeolares me mould have rea dAuffcient fruit hom in exertions of his,hol life hisdae die onthe durit mas pronouneia, When the wholes pie, Withrene volae and mind, o ted out that he had inice saved the repubIio.
Sao cum, lilio misit habuisset, sub unot. o oonematon Io Tanta tuit, a preαt, tae never rem observe that numqvom excludes ali compsirison. - Foueitato- virtute, is inera d fometine n the enerre. Ir Rodiorno, M. Ordere autem hodierno die primum for thastrat time longo intervallo exarsimus ad spem libertatis, me a toro et principe ho M. Servilio, fortissimo viro amicissimoque vobis,oollegisque ejus ornatissimis viris, optimis ivibus, referente. Is Eoo . servilio referente, thi mrotia Serviliva inero e vcte aulaeot lisying the matteraelare us in the senato G Iudincto the action of the tribunos as relate in Philippio III., in Ioii layincholare the sensit in sub eo of the common ahlad. MDronte. The fult expression Wouldae de re Publie referenis. Se notem linere, pago 23. y the Plebiatarum Atinium the tria hunes ecame, eae ossicio, member of the senate, an dis early us B. . um the assumed in right of summonis me iuga of that
INTRODUCTIO N. DROMO BRUTUS, Min unable in hee the old, Wiindrorum to
Mutinis, hero e ac siege by Antam. Cicero noeende vore to Prevati upou the enisis tu proelisi Anton a publioenomy, ut that bod determine firstri try the mildor measuro offondio an embam re imis Three senatora os consular anti Sorvius Sulpicius, Luoius Piso, and Lucius Philippus, more ther foro sent si demandis Anton in ahandonment of tho lege of Mutina, Od isti ther hostilities in Cisalpino Gaul, an his submission to the authorit of the senate falling in Whie ho Nae tota deelare umenem to the state. Belare the reste d Antony'soamp Servius Sulpieius diessi e mas ineraret laWyer in Romo, had fille ali in high offoes of sisite, and had long heen in intim e friend of ieero. When tidings of his deat reachediome, in consul Pans brought betare the sonat the question o paying honorari his memory, and suggesto si publie funerat an a publio statue. In the follοWin oration, mitio mas delivorexo the 6tho Mareh, B C. 3, Cicero supporta the proposition f the consul, declaring that though Sulpieius haedios been hilled Whilo employedon the embassy the embassy ma in cause of his death. e con- elude hy movin insit chronet statue, di publie funerat, an Stomb, at the publie expense, hovi ho decree in honor of Subpiuius resolutio in theseriems mas adopted by the senat
sor sulpicius Q. F. - ovisti litia Lemonia Rufus, Seroi
quoversus dive 'et in ber direction, i. e. circular, Wit a radius of five laeti, circum eam statuam ludis, etc. - Ludis, cit the scimea.
ci cintraue curules aediles remittere edictum, quod habestnt de funeribus, funeri Servii Sulpicii, etc. - Aediles eurities. The curula Aediles Ner tW in number, a Nere also the aediles plebeii Theome of the former mas institute B C. 365. nly the aediles curule had the poWerm promulgatin edicis, a pomer Munde ontheir authorioisa superintendent of the markeis, and of vingant ae ling in generat. Dici Antiqq. s. Edictum -romittere, Muid reiciae the ediet hic therum honein reρατ ιο Itinercita, in ciueor of the 'nerαVU Seroi rati olestia Rufus, etc. - De funeribus, i. e., regulating the expense Edictum de funeribus fuit de sumptos in funere Molendo modo, quo edicto solvi volebat funus Sulpicii. E. et Eunori. Distive of advantagae in 'mmo the nerαἰ, soas to alto Sulpicius, distinguished funerat. Io. Quin inforaturo ut eo-inferaturrim I hvried , subjunet os pumoso. Quod sopuIerum, ut id avulorum, an henoeesaei, subjunct.m purPοSe.12 Uti quod aeum id beocitiae it, and theretare folloWed by causa subjunctive, datum esset. . . S. V26 , 8, 23 Η bis,3 I2θ3 A. 63 II. optimo jure Mithfer eo tiae. Publico, is the alcite. The resolution is quit verbose, liko II legis doe