Select orations of Marcus Tullius Cicero

발행: 1873년

분량: 452페이지


분류: 로마




CATO VERRE ,hos nam ha b ome a by-Word for oppressionnn miaruIe, in B. C. et3 had the istand of StoiI aIlotio tonim ashis provinoe, andae held the goverament for three years. Duringulis Ion perio the wretcho inhabitant Nero the lotims of his rapacit and omelv. e plundere in rerumns of their mork of ruri, sparin neither the temples of the god nor the private dNelI-ings of men Statues, and pictures, and jeWelle cups Nere tornerom their omners and appropriatexto himself. e imposed heavyduties upo the produo of the lan and the exporis of commerce, dis uredri himself the prooeeda Roman citigens Ner thrown into, ungeon an hept in chnina unti the were strangle hyhis ordera; and though one of them, name Gavius, While eingsoourged exolaime invia Romαnuaratim I it di notassivo him homhein crucified induti vie of taly.T bring this gresti criminal to justice, a deput ion hom early ad the principat cities of Sicil Was sent to Rome, an a Cicerohad been quaestor at Lilybaeum in B. . ets, he consented, at their solicitation to conduci the prosecution. ut Quintus aeollius Niger, a creaturem Verres Who ha been his quaestor in Sicily, asserted his right to bo the prosecutor, his objectabein to maheth prosecutionis ham. Cicero the delivere tho oristion in Ge-eilium, and the cour havin decide the question in his favor, homas allowed one hundred and te dus t eouect tho evidenoe Byassiduous labor, howeveri Cicero accomptished therias in fodus, and was reisdcto open the impeachment. The various devices by Whie Verres no endeavore t have the tria delayedunti the folloWin year, are tali set forth in the following oration. At this period B. .no the judices Nere selecte exclusivelyseo the senators. The ouri met in tho temple of Castor, rendolabrio the id praetor, as resident. The tria began ontherath of August, . . o on Whio da tho Milomin orationaeas delivered. It was an excitin stud memorabie foene. From Disiti sth GOO IG


326 NOTES.

tatemque, the εαnctim ne the rectitude. d. videatur ahcillime . In rendering the subjunctive, emplo thos auxiliario vhio hostoonve the reia meisuing.


NOTES. 32 et

the writer.


328 NOTES.

2M 11 e insistit, he tua. f. Immo vero Se nothon liness,


Me numeruis. -1o. Nomin8, n,ccount, i. e. to prevent, election. - Divisores, the diatri tora os money, tonu votes.1 IV. Praeturam. Verres Nisa praeetor et et B. C. IV. --- tam t. e. tantism Pecuniam quantam vellent.


heios, si ludoa, celebratexo the Ioth, Irth, and 8t of November, t commemorate the reconciliation etWeen the patricians and plebeisin arier thererat secession to the Mons Sacer Dici Antiqq. s. Et ae committere suam ictbellcim jurato abl. Sol, , quam tabellas aliorum injurato. The presiding judge dre out of the urnthe number of names proper to constituto the juv. See note on

hester eqvi med. - 2 . Tabulis, is the record3. 22. Istius - rationi, lit., bourse of that hind Muchis cotirae. - 33. Binos thelmo, first mentioned Seo note n line 38 paegens.3θ. comperendinem, , ct commeno the econdisciri of the cietion. Actor the passing of the ex Serviliis about B. C. Io ), tho proces in De Repetundis mas altogether peculiar, for at that perio Comperendinatio sis introduced B this arrangementiali tristis De Repetundis more divide into imo distinctiaris, Actio Prima and Actio Secunda In the Actio Prima the accuser gavean oviline of the case tho defende then replied and tho Nit-


NOTES. 331




Anno renua

A. C. A. d. o. Cloeronis.

C. Marius III. L. Aurelius Orestes.

C. Marius I. L. Elerius Flaccus.

Cn. Cornelius Lentulus, P. Licinius Crassus.

Cn. Domitius Ahenobarbus, C. Cassius Longinus.

L. Lioinius Crassus, Q. Mucius Scaevola.

C. stelius Caldus, L. Domitius Ahenobarbus.

C. Valerius Flaccus, M. Herenniud.

C. Claudius Pulcher, M. Perpern R. L. Marcius Philippus, ex Iulius Caesar. L. Iulius Caesar, P. Rutilius Lupus.

Cn. Pompeius Strabo, L. Porcius Cato. L. Cornelius Sulla, Q. Pompeius Rufus.

Cn. Octavius, L. Cornelius Cinna.

Cn. Papirius Carbo II. L. Cornelius Cinna IV.

L. Cornelius Solpio Asiaticus, C. Junius Norbanus Bulbu8.

M. Tullius Decula, Cn. Cornelius Dolabella.

D. Iunius Brutus Mam. Aemilius Lepidus.

Cn. Octavius, C. Scribonius Curio.

L. Octavius, C. Aurelius Cotta.

L. Licinius Luculius, M. Aurelius Cotta.

M. Terentius Varro Lucullus, C. Cassius Varus.

L. Gellius Poplicola, Cn. Cornelius Lentulus Clodi

Cn. Aufidius Orestes, P. Cornelius Lentulus Sura.

Cn. Pompeius Magnus, M. Lioinius Crassus.




M. Tullius Cicero, C. Antonius.

D dunius Sthinus, L. Lieinius Muren

M. Pupius Piso Calpurnianus, M. Valerius Messala Niger.

L. Afranius, in Caecilius Metellus Celer.

C Julius Caesar, M Calpurnius Bibulus.

L. Cislpurnius Piso Caesoninus, A. Gabinius.

P. Cornelius Lentulus Spinther, Q. Caecilius Metellus Nepos.

Cn. Cornelius Lentulus Marcellinus, L. Marcius Philippus.

Cn. Domitius Calvinus, M. Valerius Messala.

Cn. Pompeius Magnus III. ali ne untii August Ist , Q. Caeuilius Metellus Pius Scipio.

Ser. Sulpicius Rufus, M. Claudius Marcellus.

L. Aemilius Paullus, C. Claudius Marcellus.

C. Claudius M. F. Marcellus, L. Cornelius Lentulus


C. Iulius Caesar II., P. Servilius Vatia Isaurieus.

C. Julius Cnosar, Dictator, M. Antοnius, Magister Equitum.

C. Iulius Caesar III., M. Aemilius Lepidus. C. dulius Caesar IV. Dictator, M. Aemilius Lepidus,

Magister Equitum.

C. Iulius Caesar V., M. Antonius P. Cornelius Dolabella in Caesaris locum os suffoitur).