First Lessons in Latin: Or an Introduction to Andrews and Stoddard's Latin Grammar

발행: 1864년

분량: 228페이지


분류: 미분류



5 Washington Streoti


Latin Grammar, in hic it Was designe in serve as an Inu duction. t Was favorabi received by classical teachers, and the deman sor it stili continues undiminished. Such havini enus receptio an continue populari , in author While caresullyrevising every par sor amemedition has no thought it expedient in mise an radicia alteration in ira plan. The solio in extractarimm the prosace to the secon editionmili suffcienti explain the plan and arran mentis the Worh: - his more consist os t. paris. The fidicis an abstractis Andrem an Stoddard' Latin Grammar, comprising the most important principies of that oin together Wit iis paradigms. The secon pari consist o Exercise in Syntax Readingrassons, and a Vocabulary. The Exercise are designe to illustrato the principia ules of Latin construction, an is rende the student familiar iththe grammatica inflections. The are divide into tW paris. Tho iret consist o Latin sentences exemplisying the rules under Which the are severalty arrangex the second os Englis exam-ples, in the translation os,hic into Latin the fame principiesare tot applied. The Readingiesson consis of thre paris. Theraret, in bracingis bries compendium os themis of Joseph, is takon, Withalight alterations hom the Epitome Historiae Sacrae of Prosessor L mond. The remianing parta, consistingis Fabies an a Latin


versionis an ancient an popular Englis Tale, are t en Domthe lessons o Broder To tho Readingiesson aro subjoinednotes, semin is explain the more dissiculi grammatica constructions Druserenoe in the principies containe in the rst

provent tho erroneous habits of pronunciation hic student osten acquire in the commen cementis thei Latin courso, in inflected word are divide into syllabies, and the place of tho accent carosuli marked. It willioriound aissem exercise, speciali so the youngerelasses, is prepare Writte translations of thei Latin lossons, ando a subsequent da in retranslato thom into Latin Without resedience to tho originia. xercises of this in should a fimi bestiori, ut a gradually be extende is almos an roquired longili. 'Ι preparing a revise edition of the Masons, the Synopsis os the Grammar, constitutin theraret par of the wois has been made to correspon more exacti Wit the revise editions of Andrews an Stoddard' Latin Grammari To his par have been adde a se sections containing directions sor translatingcertain Latin som and idioms. In the Readin Lesson no change has been ad Myon asen verba corrections and the occasiona addition os reserences, especiali in the neffections relatinito translation. The Vocabular has been entiret remodelled, o ac iter toexhibit the derivationis the mores and the prope successionis thei mennino.

Sine therars publicationis the Latin Lessons tho author has prepare t o ther elemoniar Works, designed like this for thous os student in the commencement of their Latin courae. Thofirs of these is entived the Flas Latin Book,' and was intend-ed particularisso the use of emale Seminaries, an sor thosoyouth, of either sex, Who study Latin maint μ so the purpos ofimprovomen in tho noMedge of genera grammar, an sor a belle underatanding of that portio of thei native longue hichis derived from stat languam' o mos student of these classes

the se of tho ira Latin Boo Will supersede that os a moro


PREFACE T THA NI NETRENTE AEDITION. extended grammar, sincerit contains mos of the essenties principies of Latin grammar, expresse in clear an simple languam. The authori recent editions of the Latin eader' and tho Viri Romae ' canis used missi eques lacilio in connectio Mihine ira Latin Booh, or it in Gramma os Andrem and Stoddard. The oster elementar more, bove reserre in is calle ASynopsis of Latin Grammar,' and consist of the paradigm and principes reses of Latin etymologyrin syntax. It is designed, a is state in iis resaco, especiali sor hos student Who commenc thei Latin eo se Min the use of Andrem an Stod- dardys Latin Grammar; and is intende to supply, in conVenient compass, ali mos paris of the Gramma to hic the williseed mos frequently in recur in the preparationis their dialflessons.'It illinenco bo obvious, that ach of these oris, though ain parently occupying in some measuro the samo ground, is in reali os a different character, and Was intende so a different classis


This mor is no ince more submitte to the indulgent judyment of the public in tho cheriised ope that the fame savor matri has historto received Willis extende to it in ita present



Pines, .......50 Conjugation ...... 5I

Third Conjugation, 6s

uni Coniugation, iam Deponent Verbs, 48IDregula Verba, ... MDesective Verbs, m Impersonat Verba, . m

Ablative, laeSubjunetive ood, Ilo Infinitivo mod, Il9 Participies, im