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I LATIN GRAMMAR Eaches in principies of tho Latin linguage. 2. It is civide into orthography, Orthoepy, Etymology, Syntax, and rosody.
3. orthograph treat os the letters and other cha acter os a linguage, and the prope mode os spelling
4. The letters of the Latin language are twenty-mur. 5. The have the fame ames a the corrospondirigcharacter in Englisti.
6. K and mare no Mund in Latin Worda. T. Letters are divide into vowel in consonanis. S. The vowel are , e, i, , , and y. s. os the consonanis, his, , and , are called siquias. 10. I an mare calle douiae lettera I standa sores orins andri fortas rus. II. The other consonanis, exceptra in s are called
l2. Wo voweis, in immediate succeasion, in thesam syllabie are calle a diphthong as, ae in mu sae, o eu in heu.13. Acilior vowe is marhed by a curve line verit as, et in dom--nus.14. A long owe is marhed by a horizonta lineove it as,is in se moianis. 15. A common or docibisti vowe is marhed by both a curve an a horizontal line; as u in vot--cris.l6. The cireum et accent denotes a contraction; RS,
17. The grave accent is ometimea rium verparticles to distinguisti them stomother orda contai in the fame letters as quδα because quod, Which. IS. The dioertiis denotes that the vowel ove Whichi Mands, domino formis diphthong With the preceding
I9. Orthoep treat os the right pronunciatio os
20. A, at the en os an unaccented syllabie, has thesound os a in ather, o in ali as, mu-sa, Pronouuced
21. Es, at the en os a Word, is pronounce like the Englisli,ord ease; S istianes. 22. os, at the en os plura cases, is pronouncedline os in dose: as, nos, iP-DS. 23. C andi have their sost Aound like s and I besoree, i, undis, and the diphthong in and ae. 24. The pentium a Word is therias syllabi butine. 25. The antepentiu is therias syllabi but two.
26. l. A vowel besore another vowe is hori. 27. 2. Diphthongs, no beginning withis, ure long. 28. 3. A vo et e re ae et, I, O any tW cons nariis, excepto mute an a liquid, is long by position, ascit is called. 29. 4. A vowel e re a mute an a liquid is
32. in ord os more that two syllabies, is thepenuit is long it is accented; ut is it is hori, the
33. Is the penult is common the accent, in proSe, Supost the antepenuit as, phar --tra; ut genitives inius, in hic Dis common, accent thei penult in prose;
34. In ever Latin or there are a mali syllabi a there are separate vowel and diphthongs.
35. tymolog treat os the different classe os Worda, thei derivation, an various inflections. Λ6. The paris os speech in Latin are eight - α stantive o Mun, lective, Promun Vero, Adverb, Pr position. Conjunction, an Interjection. nT. To verba elon Participias, Gerunds, and Austines. 38. Insection, in Latin grammar, signifies a changcti the terminationis a Word.:N. It is os three indς deciension, conjugation, and compariSm. 40. Ouns, pronouns, adjectives, participies, gerunda. an supines, are declinec
31. How are ord os two syllabies aecente la32. How are ord os more that two syllabies aecentest M. How, is me penult is commons M. How many syllabies has a Latin orda M. Os whai does Etymolog tr at l36. Howman paris os speech are there in Latina M. What classes os ordὐ long in verba l38. What is inflections 39. How many kind os inflectio are there 'M. What classes os worus are deelinoda
41. Verbs are conjugalea. 42. Adjectives an adverba are eo aris.
43. Α substantive o nou is the nam os an obieci. 44. A prope nou is the nam os an individual object as, Coesar Roma Rome. 45. A common nouit themammos a lassisis obseeis,to eao os hic it is applicabie as, homo, a mam; avis, a bird. 46 A collective nou is ne hich in the singularnumber denotes a collectio os individualsu as, popuIus asse te. 47. An abstrae nou is the nam os a quasi , action, or ther attribute; as, bonitas, goodnes ;
48. A materia nou is the nam os a substanc considered in the o s; as, lignum, Wood; ferrum, iron.
49. Nouns hau three gender&- masculine, feminiae, and neuter. 50. The ender os Latin nouns depend either onthei signification oris thei deciension and termin
51. ames an appellations os ali male beings, and
viso Privera, inda, and months, are masculine.
4I. What classes os Worda armeonjugated 'M. What compar a 43. What is a nouit 44. What is a prope nouit 45. Whatria a common noui 46. Whatria a collective nounso. What is an a tractinoui M. What is a material noui M. How manu gendere hau nounc M. On What cloes the genderis Latin noum dependJM. Whatia thorae rulas noulis ocinam culino genωτ'
52. ames an appellations os est semaleaeings, and
also os countries, towns, rees, planis, hips, istandS, Poems, and gems, are feminine. 53. Some ord are either masculine or seminine.
54. ouns hicli are either masculine nor seminine, are sal tote os in neuter gendo.
m. Latin nouns have two numbers, the Singularand the Pluria, hic are distinguished by thei te
minations. 56. The singula number denotes ne object thoplures, more than One.
57. Cases are thos terminations os nouns by means os,hicli thei relation to the word are denoted. 58. Latin nouns have si cases, viz. Nominative, Genuive native, Accusative, Vocative, an Ablative. 59. The nominative indicates the relationis a sti, Detrio a finite verb. 60. The genitive is sed to indicate origis, posse sim, and many the relations, hich, in En ish, arodenoted by the preposition V.
61. The dativo denotes that o o for hic any thin is, Orcis One. 62. The accusative is either the objectis an activa verb, or o certain repositions o the subjectis an infinitive. 63. he vocative is the or appropriate in thenam os an object hic is addressed. 64. he ablative denotes privation, an many ther relations, speciali those hici are usuali expremedin Englisti by the preposition intΛ, fram, in or by.
65. There are, in Latin, ve different modes os declining nouns, calle the rat second third, Durifi, and fili deciensions. 66. These a be distinguished by the terminationos the genitive singular, hich in therars deciension, enda in in in the secon in t in the stir in is, in thosourth in us and in the fifth in ei. 67. ver inflected or consist o tW paris aroot an a termination.
68. The oot is the pari hic is no change is
innection. 69. The termination is the pari annexed in ho
TERMINATIONS. Tho sollowin table exhibita a comparative viemos in terminations os inerave deciensiona:
Remaris. 70. The accusative singular, except in om neuter nouns end in m.
71. The vocative singula is like the nominative, excepi in nouns in us os the secon deciension. 72. The nominative an vocative plura are Mike. 73. The genitive plures enda in m.
74. The dative an ablative plures en Mike in theas andra deciensions in is in the ad 4th, and 5th, in bus.
o. o. does the Meusative singula enda I. What is in ruto so the vocative singular ra. What caseris like in nominativo pluria II. How dos in genitive plures endri 4. What is the ut so the dative and oblative plurala
75. The accusative plures, excepi in neuter Ouns, and in s. 76. Nouns os the neuter gende have the accusative and vocative like the nominative in both numbers and these cases in the plures, en in a. FIRST DECLENSION. 77. ounsis therars deciension endrinis, , S, es. 7S. Thos in a an e ara seminitam thos in as andes are masculine.
D. Latin nounsis this deciensior en oul in a. M. The are thus declined
85. hos endinii um audis are neuter the restare masculine. So. Nouns in er us, and um, are thua declined: