장음표시 사용
ST. Vir, a man, an iis compounds, the ni nouns in is, are declined like gener. . Prope names in ius mitis in the vocative; as, Horatius Hord si S also stius, a son, haassi.
m. o. is vir deel edasa. What nouna are meepted in the voeative singulas
m. Deus, a god has deus in the vocative, an in the plura it has commovi dii and diis instead os dei and
90. The number os fines letters in the thir decien
The ollowin are examples of the mos common forma ornouns of this deciension decline through ali inei cauea:
89. What peculiarities in deciensio has deus 894. What terminations in the secondi tensioh, aro Greec M. What is the number os finia letters an syllabies in uis intradoetensionisisI mellae honor, Le.
Carmen a verse neut. Singular.
. ouiis endin in o re, or es incre in in thegenitive, an os, are masculine. . xc 1. - Νouns in is are seminine, hen theysignis things incorporeat as, ratis, remon. 94. xc 2. - Nouns in do andio, o more than two syllabies, are seminine; aB, arundo, a reed i ungo, animam.
. Nouns endin in as, es no increastri in thogenitive, is, s s preeede by a consonant, andis, reseminine.
are neuter. 92. What nouus os the third deelensio are maseuline l93. What nouiis in imare excepteda M. What nouiis in do andi are except q95. What nouit os the stiris deciension are seminineam. What noui scin is are exeopted Τ97. What nouias in a precede hy a eonsonant are exceptedas8. What nouiis in Hare exceptet Τει. What noui co the stiri deelonsion are neuter '
lii l. xc 2. Nouns in us havinxtitis o tidis in the genitive are seminine; as, juventus, youth incus,
l04. Nouns in o form thei genitive in Onis; as,
109. Ouns in a form thei genitive in diis as,
110. ouns in es sorinthei genitive by changin es
iii Nouris in is have thei genitive the saliae a the
117. Some Latin nouns in is, hich domo incream in the genitive haverim an som Gree nouns have
t 8. euter in e ah and ar have the ablative inis; as sedile, sedili animal, animnii calcar, calcari. lus. Νοuns hich have imis in in the accusative, and ames os monilis in re an is, aves in the abi live M vis, vim vi . December, Decembri Aprilis,
120. ouiis hicham emis im in the accusative, have thei ablative in e oro as turris, turere o turri.
121. ouns hicii, in the ablative singular, have ionly, or e and i mahe the genitive plures in tum G,
sedile, sedili, sedilium turris, turrem turri, turrium.122. ouns in es an is, hicli do no increas in the genitive singular, have ium; as, nubes, nubium; hostis, hostium.123. onosyllabies endin in in consonant hoEium in alie genitive plural as, urbs, urbium gens, gentium. 124. Ouns os two o more syllabies inis orira, and names os nations in as have commoninium; as, cliens, clientium Arpinas, Arpinatium.
II8. What neuters have i in the ablativo lil9. What other nouns haveri in the ablativo lim. What nouns have thei ablative in eori 121. What is inessiret elam os nounc hie mino tum in the genitivo
plurali 122. What is the weon et satra. What is the stir elas. 124. What is the ourth elassa
Im mounsis the Murth deciensio enit in us and Thos in us are masculine those In ore neuter. I 27. The are thus declined: Fructus, fru t.
129. Domus, aiouse, is parti os the lauri deciemsion, an parti os the second. ut is thus declined
130. se sollowin nouns have tibus in the dativo an ablative plures:
Genu, 'nee portus, charbor ton trus, thunder; and veru, a spit, haveabus oribus.
I23. Whai noum os his deelention are seminino lIv. m. is domus declineus Iast hai nouns Me xcepte in the dativo an ablative pluria l