장음표시 사용
for I found in them nothing that is holy oracceptabis to God. For the very compositions
of your poets are monuments of madness and intemperance. For any one Who becomes the scholar of your most eminent
instructor, is more beset is dissicultios than ali mon besides. For first they say that Agamemnon, abesting the extravagant lust of his brother, and his madness and undistrained destre, readily gave even his davgliter to be sacrificed, and troubiodali Greoco that he might rescuo Helen, Who had been ravished by the toprous' inepherd. But When in the course of the warthey took captives, Agamemnon Was himself taken captive by Chryseis, and for Briseis' sino hindled a foud with tho son ofTholis. And Pelidos himself, who crossed the river,' ove thre Troy, and subdued Hector, this Dur hero became thostave os Polyxena, and was conquered by a dead Αmagon; and putting ost the god-fabricated armour, and donning the hymeneat robo, he became a sacrifice of love in the templo ofApollo. And the Ithacan Uysses made a virtve of a vice. And indoed his festing past the Sirens' gave evidenco that
λ Pester mouid here rein λιπαρου, elegant; ' but tho above readingis delended is Sylburg, on sis ground that shepherda mere so greatly despised, that this is nos too hard an epithet to apply to Paris.
' in tho many attempta to amend thia clause, there Mems to be none satisfactory.
host os Nereids not a feri Whose names, mere me to recount them, Would cost us a multitude of wotas. And as forJupiter, he was a Various adulterer, With Antiope as a Satyr,
missi Danae as Mid, and with Europa as a buli; missi Leda, moreoVer, he assumed wings. For the love of Semele proved both his unchasti and the jealousy of Semele. And theysay that he carried off the Phrygian Ganymede to be his cuin bearer. These, then, are the exploits of the fons of Saturn. Αnd γοω illustrious son of Latona ApolloJ, Who professed soothsaying, convicted himself of lying. He pursued Daphne,
os tho masculino character of Minerva, nor of the feminino nature of Bacchus, nor of the fornicating disposition os
Venus. Rein to Jupiter, ye Greelis, the laW against pa ricides, and the penalty os adultery, and the ignominy of
λ Apollo accidentalty hised Hyacinthus is strising him on ine Mad
tho curse of Atreus, tho bed os Thyestes,y and tho laint in the houso os Pelops, and Danaus murdering through hatredand mahing AEgyptus childless in the intoxicatiou of his rege, and the Thyestem banquet spread by tho Furios.' Andrioeno is to this day Bitting about, lamenting; and her sisteros Athons stirilis With her longue cui out. For What needis there of speahing of the goad' os indipus, and tho murderos Laius, and the mar ing his mollier, and the mutuatalaughter of those Who Were at once his brothera and his sons CHAP. IV.-Mamele8s praetices of the Greeis. And your public assemblies I have como to hate. Forthere are excessive banquetings, and subito flutos whicli provino to lustiui movemenis, and useless and luxurio
seemed to be mere clanderous accusations, and not truth.
3 Thyestes seduced the wsse of hia Mother Atreus, Whince the tragio eareer of the famib. 3 There is no apodosis in tho Grech. NM, M the editora dispute, either the tonguo of the Malo mith lach M put out his eyes, nor tho ami With which his Mela mero b in
Hencosortii, D Greas, come and partise of incomparabiowisdom, and be instructed by the Divine Word, and acquaint 3 curselves With the Κing immortal; and do not recogniso
passions of our sensual nature from the very recesses of the
Both ocean, the origin ol the goda, and their mother Tethys.
Indeed, ho says that he Was not only the dispensor of Warto the armn but also the cause of perjury to the Trojans, bymoans of his davgliter; ' and Homer introduces him in lovo, and bitterly complaining, and beWalling himself, and plotted against by the other gods, and at one time exclaiming con-
And at another time concerning Hector: μ
mounded by Diomed, and of many othors of the gods ho
translation. In Justin's quotation one or two linea are omitted.