장음표시 사용
imprudent anil blind masters, Who even illi this time permiteach man to have four or fivo wives; and ii any one seoa beautisul moman and destre to lime her, they quote thedoings of Jacob PalledJ Israel, and of the other patriarchs, and maintain that it is not wrong to do such things : for theyare miser ly ignorant in this matter. For, as I before sald, certain dispensations of Weighty mysteries mere accomptished in each act of this fort. For in the marriages of Jacob Ishali mention What dispensation and prophecy Were accomptishod, in order that you may thereis know that yourteachors never looked at the divine motive Whicli promptodoach aci, but onj at the grovelling and corrupting passions. Attond there ro to what I say. The marriages of Jacob woro typos of that whicli Christ Was about to accomplisti. For it was not la tui sor Jacob to marry tWo SiSters at onne.
though Wo are brothers is nature. Jacob mas called Israel; and Israel has boon demonstrated to bo the Christ, Who is, and is called, Jesus. CHAP. CXXXV.-Christ is King of Israel, and Christians aretia Israelitis race.
DIALOGUE MITH TRYPHO. 271 not, and did evit besoro me, and did chooso that wheroin I
tions ; '' even so it is necessary for us here to observe that there Me two seeds of Judin, and tWo races, as there are
tho octor is faith and tho Spirit.
is Noah were prophecies of the future.
For another mystery was accomptished and predicted in the dvs of Noah, of which you are not aWare. It is this: in tho blessings wheromissi Noah blessed his two sons, and in the curse pronounced on his son's son. For tho Spirit os prophecy Would not curae the son that had boon by Godblessed along With his brotherH. But since the punishment of the sin Would cloavo to the wholo descent of the son thalmocked at his father's natadness, he made the curse originate With his son. Nom in What ho said, ho foretoid that tho descendants of Shem Would keep in retention the propertyand dWollings of Canaan: and again, that the descendanis of Japheth Would tahe possession of the proper of Whicli Shem's descendanis had dispossessed Canaan's descendanis; and spoli the descendants of Shem, even as they plunderedine sons of Canaan. And liston to the way in Whicli it has So come to pass. For Fou, Who have derived your lineago hom Shem, invaded tho territory of tho sons of Canaan is the will of God; and you possossed it. Αnd it is manifestthat the fons of Japheth, having invaded you in turn by thojudgment of God, have taen your land irom you, and have possessed it. Τhus it is writton: 'Αnd Noah awoho hom tho ne, and kneW What his youngor son had dono unis him; and he said, Cursod bo Canaan, tho servant; a servant shallhe be unio his brothron. And lis sald, Blossod bo the Lord God of Shem; and Canaan shali bo his servant. Μay the Lord enlarge Japheth, and let him dweli in tho houses of Shom ; and let Canaan be his servant δ Accordinin as tWopeoples Were blessed,-inose imm Shem, and those from Japheth,-and as the os spring of Shem mere decreed first topossess the dWellings of Canaan, and the offspring of Japheth Were predicted as in turn receiving the fame possessions, and to the tWο peoples there mas the one people of Canaan handedover for servandi; so Christ has come according to the poWergiven Him hom the Almighty Father, and summoning men
Who amongst Japheth's race are descendants of Canaan,
277 DIALOGUE MITH TRYPHO. stat even though they bo sinners, but know God, ius Loesmill not imputo sin to them. have M proos of this theono sali of David, which happenin throuo his boastinn
granted belare repentance, and only When this great hinnand anointed one, and prophet, moumed and conducted himself so, hoW can the impure and ulterly abandoned, it th Weep not, and mourn not, and repent not, enteriain the liopestat tho Lord will not imputo to thom sin And this ono sali os David, in the matter of Uriati's wite, proves, stra,' Isaid, that tho patriarchs had many Wives, not to commitfornication, but that a certain dispensation and ait mysteries might bo accomptished by them; since, is it Were allow le
mould David have been permitted to do this. Whon I had said this, dearest Marcus Pompeius, I came
Then Trypho, after a lituo dolari faid, u seo that it mas not intentionalty that me came to discuss these potnis. And I confess that I have been particularly pleased mitti theconferenco; and I thinh that these are of quite the fame opinion as myself. For me have found more than We expected, and more than it was possibis to have expected. And is Wocould do this more frequently, we should bo much holped in the searching of the Scriptures themselves. But since,' liesaid, μ you are on the eve of departure, and expect datly to