Ante-Nicene Christian Library; Translations Of The Writings Of The Fathers Down To A.D. 325, Volume 2: Justin Martyr and Athenagoras

발행: 1867년

분량: 487페이지


분류: 미분류


in which Wo used to spend our days, passing Our time in ovilastor tho fashions of the other inhabitants of the earth; and


be the expectation of the nations.' ' And it is plain that this Was spolien not oi Judati, but of Christ. For ait wo out of


expectation os nations '), I do not proceod to have a mero Verbal controversy With you, as I have not attempted to



but stated that they were Wrong in trusting to the magician Simon of their own nation, Who, they say, is God above alip0Wer, and authority, and might.' CHAP. CXXI. rom the Dot that the Gentiles bellave in Iesus, it is esident that He is Christ.


It is a great thing for Thee to be called my servant, toralso up the tribes of Jacob, and turn again the dispersedos Israel. I have appotnted Thee for a light to the Gentiles, that Thou mayest be thela salvation unio the end of the

out tho prisonora fram their bonds.' ' These Words, indeod, sirs, refer alio to Christ, and concern the enlightened nations;


254 DIALOGUE MITH TRYPHO. not roser to tho lam, and to thoso illuminod is it ' Now thoseare proselytes.'

Thoo tho nations for Thino inheritance, and the utiermost paris of the earth for Thy possession.' CHAP. CXXΙΙ1.-Ridiculaus interpretations of the Ieros. Christians are the true Israel. As, therofore, ali these lalter prophecies refer to Christand the nations, you fhould bellove that the former reser toHim and them in like mannor. For the proselytes have noneed os a covenant, is, since there is one and the fame lamimposed on ali that are circumcised, the scripture speas


Egyptians, blessed in the land whicli tho Lord of Sabaoth hath blessed, saying, Blessed shali my peopte in Egypt and


whether you ain this question in ignorance; but since me have brought the matter to a conclusion is demonstrationand with yοur assent, Ι do not belleve that you are ignorant of What I have just sali or destre again mere contention, butthat y- are uining me to exhibit the fame proos to thesemon.' And in complianco With the assent expressed in his

liave set judgment on the earth. And in His namo inali tho Gentiles trust.' As thereiore hom the one man Jacob, inomas Surnamed Israel, est your nation has been callod Jacoband Israel; so Wo hom Christ, Who bogat us unio God, liho Jacob, and Israel, and Judali, and Joseph, and David, Me called and ars the true sons of God, and hev the command-ments of Christ. '


and shali bo oach by himsoli judgod and condemned like Adam and Eve. Non I have proved at longin that Christis called God.
