Ante-Nicene Christian Library; Translations Of The Writings Of The Fathers Down To A.D. 325, Volume 21: The Works Of Lactantius, Volume 1

발행: 1871년

분량: 524페이지


분류: 미분류


demned on account of theso deeti. Thereiars he was not

ho sither crushed his defendera or Mithstood his influence.yWhy should I say that, in tho case of Verres himself, that Was

as ius immortal goti bad given a prosperous Voyago to Dionysius When ho mas caroing off the spolis of god' so also thsyappear in have bestoWed on Verres quiet repose, in Whicli homiOt with tranquillity enjoy the fruits of his sacrilege. ForWhen civit Wars alterWards raged, Ming removed hom ali dangerand apprehension, under the cloah of condemnation he heardos tho dis imus missortunes and misorabis deallis of othors; and ho who appeared is have fallan whilo ali retained theirposition, he alone, in truth, rotained his position whilo ali teli; untii the proscription of the triumvir'-that Very proscriptio indoed, Which carried in Tully, the avenger of ths violated majesty of the god' arried him Og, satiated at once mith tho

with lite, and wom out is old ago. Moreover, he was fori nato in this very circumstance, stat betam his own death heheard of tho most cruei end of his accuser; tho goti doubilem providing that this sacrilegio man and spolier of their morshipinould not dis bosors hs had received consolation from revenge. CHAP. V.-That God only, tia Creator os ali things, is to beworahi ed, and not the elamenta or Mavenly bodies; and the opinion of the Soles is refuted, who think that the stamand planeta are gori. How much betier, theresors, is ii, leaving vain and insensibis objecta, to turn our ves in that direction Whero is the seat

Tho allusion is to tho efforta made by the partisana es Verrea to proventCicaro frem obtaining the necessary evidenos for the condemnation es Verres. But ali ineae inoris mere unavassing : the evidenco over- vhelming, and beforo the triat πω over Verrea Ment inis exile.



perpetuat necessi are subservient to tho usea and interesta ofmen, they nevertheless regard them as god' being ungratetultowarti the divine bounu, so that they preferred their o n oris to their most indulgent God and Father. But what wondor is it it uncivilised or ignorant men err, since evenphilosophera os tho Stoic feci ars of the fame opinion, so asto judgo that ali the heavenly bodies Which have motion areto be rechonia in the number of gods; inasmuch as the Stolo Lucilius thus spealis in Cicero: μ This regularit' theresore, in the stare, this great agreement of the times in such various courses during ali eterni , are unintelligibis to mo without

λ Ps. exlviii. 6: He hath eat lislied inem for ever and everi Ovid, Metam. lib. i.


the exercise of mind, reason, and design; and When We sesthese things in tho constellations, me cannot but placo thesevery objecta in the number of the gods.' And he thus spesis a littio bosors : It remains,V he says, that tho motion of the stare is voluntary; and he who sees theso things, mould aci not

borno hi thor and thither in ali directions Without any necessity, as living creatures on the earth, who wander hither and thitheras they please, becauso their Willa are undisusned, and eacliis borne whereuer inclination may havs led it. Therefors thomotion of the stare is not voluntarn but os necessi , becauso


but ibat they are voluntary; nay, in truth, as it is plain thatthey are not by chance, so is it clear that they are not Volunta . Why, then, in completing their courses, do they preservetheir regularityi Undoubtedly God, tho framer of the uni- Verse, so arranged and contrived them, that they might runthrough their coursesy in the heaven With a divine and wonde sui order, to accomplisti the variations of the successive seasons. Was Archimedes' of Sicily ablo in contrive a lihenem and r presentation of the universe in hollow bram, in Whicli ho soarranged the sun and moon, that they effected, as it mere every dari motions unequat and resembling the revolutions of tholicavens, and that sphero, Whilo it revolved,' exhibitod not onlytho approaches and withdra ings of the sun, or tho incream and waning of tho moon, but also the unequat courses of the stare, Whether fixed or Wandering Was it then impossibiosor God to plan and creato tho originals,M When the skill of man was ablΘ to represent them is imitation Would tho Stoic, therelare, is he aliould have seon the figures of the stare

Spatium; a mord borrowod hom tho charis,couras, and applied Withoeat heauty to tho mo of the Mara.' Archimodis mas the greateat os ancient mathematiciana, and pomeamdiu an eminent degrae inventive genius. Ho conatructed variova enonis of ar, and greatly assisted in the delenoe ol Syracuae When it πω beateged by the Romana. His most celebrated Moa, hoWever, Ma the constructionos a sphere, or orrery, representing the movementa of the heavenly bossies. To thia Lactantiva referri


CHAP. VI.-That neither the whole univerae nor ths elamenta are


the earth, nor the sea, Whicli are the paris of tho morid, can bogods, it follows that the worid altogether is not God; Whereas tho samo Stoica contend that it is both living and wise, and there ore God. But in this thv are so inconsistent, stat nothingis sald by them .hieli they do not also overthrow. For theyargue thus: It is impossibie ibat that whicli produces homitsoli sensibie objecta aliould itfelt be insensibis. But tho worid produces man, Who is endoWed mitti sensibili ; therosors it must also itself bo sensibie. Also they argue: that cannot bemithout sensibility, a part os Which is sensibie; thereiare, be-

cause man is sensibie, the worid, of Which man is a par also possesses sensibility. The propositions themselves are true, that that which produces a being endowed vitii senso is lineis sensibie; and that that possesses sense, a part of Which is endoWed with sense. But the assumptions by Which they dra their conclusiona are falso; Ior the worid does not produce man, nor is man a part of the worid. For tho fame God hocreared the worid, also created man from the beginning r and man is not a part of the worid, in the samo manner in Whicli a

without man, as it is for a city or liouso. No' M a houso is the dWelling-place of one man, and a ciu of one pmple, soalso tho morid is tho abode of tho wholo human race; and that which is inhabited is ono thing, that whicli inhabita another. But these persons, in their eagernem to provo that which theyhad falsely assumed, that the worid is possessed os sensibili , and is God, did not perceivo tho consequenees of their o nargumenta. For is man is a part of the worid, and is the woridis endo ed missi sensibiliu becauso man is sensibi' thereiore itfollons that, becaum man is mortat, the worid must also os nece sity bo mortal, and not only mortia, but also liabis to ali hindsos diseaso and suffering. Αnd, on tho contrarn is the worid is God, iis paris also are plainly immortal: thereiore man also is

λ Lactantius apeari alter tho mannis of Cicero, and uam the Word proposition to expresa that Which logiciana cali the major proposition, as containing the major term : the word assumption expressea that Which is calledine minor proposition, as containing the minor tem.' Thua Cicero, de Finibus, iii , sua: But they thinh that tho universo lagoismed by the po er of the mos, and that it is, as iι ere, a city audatate common to men and goda, and that every one of ua is a pari of that



anan, then also both beasts of burden and catile, and the otherhinds of beasis and of blads, and fishes, sines thes also in thosame manner are possessed os sensibility, and ars paris of thomorid. But this is endurabis; sor the Egyptians morallip eventhese. But tho matrer comes to this: that ouen Dogs, and gnara, and anis appear to be gods, because theso also limo sensibility, and are paris of the worid. Thus argumenta dramn

clearly cannot by themsolves' talio the nam of God. For noone can rightly say that tho members of ona man ure manymen; but, ho ever, there is no similar comparison bet Een a

endo ed with sensibili , iis members also have sensibili ; nordo they becomo sensetess' unless they are separated hom thobody. But What resemblance does the worid present to this 'Truly they themselves teli us, sinco they do not deny that itWas made, that it might be, as it mere, a common abodo sorgods and men. Ii, thereiore, it has been constructed as an


tune. Nor do they openly sacrifico to the elementa themselves. Men are possessed With so great a fondness for representations,' that those things whicli are true are noW esteemed of less Value:

Whatever they themselves destre, Whateuer it is, on account of whicli thotis and robberies and murdere datly rage, on account of Whicli mars overthrow nations and cities throughout the whole w ld. Therelam they consecrate their spolis and


cellence and truth on this account, becauso the ancients havehandod insin dom; and so great is the authoriw of antiquity, that it is sald in be a crime to inquiro into it. And thus it is

ove Where belloved as ascertained truth. In shori, in Cicero, Cotta thus speas to Lucilius: μ u know, Balbus, What istho opinion os Cotta, What tho opinion of the pontiff. μου tot mo underetand What Me your sentimenta: for since you area philosopher, I ought to receive hom you a reason for Four religion; but in tho case of our incestora it is reasonabis to



Romulus, When iis mas about to found tho ci , called to-gether the shepherds among Whom he had grown ut'; and Since their number appeared inadequato to the founding of thoci , he established an asylum. To this ali tho most abandonedmen floched together indiscriminately srom the neighbouring places, without any distinction os condition. Thus he brought together ilis Mopis smm est these; and lio cliose into tho senato those Who Were oldest, and called them Fathere, by Whose advice ho might direct ali things. And concerning this aenate, Pr pertius the elegiac poet thus speaks: The trumpet used tocali the ancient Quirites to an assembly;y those hundred in tho

augurie3, oraclea, and 8imilar portents.

It is theresors right, especialty in a matter on Whicli thowhole plan os life turns, that every one aliould placo confidenco

in himself, and uso his o n judgment and individual capacityior tho investigation and weighing of tho truth, raster thanthrough confidencs in others to be deceived by their errore, asthough he himself Were Without underetanding. God has givenwisdom in ali alike,' that they might be abis both in investigato things Whicli they have not heard, and to weigh things whichthey have heard. Nor, because they preceded us in timo, did

. Pro virili portione. Tho phraso properly denotea tho inam that salis to a person in tho division ol an inheritance, henco equasi .