Ante-Nicene Christian Library; Translations Of The Writings Of The Fathers Down To A.D. 325, Volume 21: The Works Of Lactantius, Volume 1

발행: 1871년

분량: 524페이지


분류: 미분류


laid bam their persons. But the men, recognising their Wives, and excited to passion by the figlit, rushed in promiscuous inte courae, sor there mas not time sor discrimination. In lihomanner, ths youtiis Who had on a formar occasion been sentis the fame people, haring intercourse With ius virgin' hom hom tho Partheniae wem born, in memory of this deed erecteda temple and statue to armed Venus. Αnd although this originaled in a shamesul cause, yet it seems better ω havs cons crated Venus as armed than bald. At tho fame time an altarmas erected also to Jupiter Pistor the baher), becausa lis had admonished them in a dream to mari ait tho corn whicli th had into bread, and throw it into the camp of the enemy; and when this mas done, tho siege Mas enderi sinco tho Gauis despatred of being abis to reduco the Romans by Want. What a derision os religious rites is this' Is I vero a d iander of these, What could I complain os so greatly as that thoname of Dds had come into such contempt as to be mocked by thomost disgraceful names' Who mouid not lavo at the goddem Fornax, or raster that learned men aliould bo occupiod with celebrating tho Fornacalia ' Who can refrain hom laughtor

immortaliu through the betrvat of her brother; and Cunina, who protecta insanis in the crassie, and keops ost Wittacrast; and Stercutus, Who first introduced tho method of minuring


the chapeis of many gods on stat spol, he consulted them is augury Whether they Would givo way to Jupiter; and whenthe rest gave Way, Terminus alons remainia. From Whicli circumstance the poet speata of the immoveabis sione of tho

mysteries. Among the peopte os Cyprus, Teucer sacrificed a humati victim to Jupiter, and handed dom to posteri that sacrifico which was lately abolished by Hadrian when ho wasemperor. There Was a laW among the peopte os Tauris, a fieres and inhuman nation, by Which it mas ordered) that

strangere aliould be sacrificed to Diana; and this sacrifice was practised through many ages. The Gauis used to appease Hesus and Teutas With human blood. Nor, indeed, mere the

Latins fres hom this cruet , sinco Jupiter Latialis is evennow Worshipped with the offering of human blood. What benefit do they who offer such sacrifices imploro from the godsi

punishmenta they are propitiatedi But this is not so much amalter of surprise mitti respect in barbarians, Whose religionanees With their character. But are not our munirymen, Who


training, turn aside from such refinement, stan those Who,

being ignorant and inexperienced, glido inis erit practices homtheir ignorance of thoso which ars good. And yet it is plain

that this rito os immolating human victima is ancient, sincBSaturn was honoured in Latium missi tho fame hiud os sacrifico; not indeed that a man was flain at tho altar, but that ho was thrown hom tho Milvian bridgo into ius Tiberi And Varro relates that this Was dono in accordance With an oracle; of ich oraclo tho last verso is to this effeci: d offer hsadsto Ades, and to the fastor a man or lighis). d beea sinis appears ambiguo , both a torch and a man ars accustomedio bo thrown in him. But it is said that sacrificos of this hind re put an end to by Herpules When ho returned hom Spata; the custom stili continuing, that insisad os . real mon, images made from rushea wero cast sortii, as ovid informs us in his ali Untii tho Tirynthian came into these landa, o mysacrifices mere annualty offered in the Leucadian manner: hothrow into the water Romans made os sua ; do DR aster theexample of Hercules, cast' in the imagoa os human bodies.'Tho Vestat virgins mas iness sacred offerings, as the samo poet sus: Then also a virgin is accustomed to cast Domino Moden bridgo the images es ancient men mado from

For I cannot find languago in speah of the insanis .homero immolated to tho samo Saturn, oti account of his halred of Jupitor. thiis that men mere so barbamus, so saVage, that thv gmo the name of sacrifice to tho flauoter of their



men ' Or What will they do in profane plaees, Who committhe meatest crimes amidat tho altare os the godsi Pescennius Festus relates in the books of his History is a Satire, stat the Carthaginians Uere accustomed to immolato human victims to Satum; and When they Were conquered by Agathocles, inshing of the Sicilians, they imugined that the god Was annyWith them; and theresore, stat they might more diligently offeran expiation, they immolated two hundred sons of their nobies: So great tho ills to whicli religion eould prompi, Whichlias Ofttimes produced wiched and implous deeds.' What advantage, then, did the men pro se by that sacrifice, When

discum at the proper timo the fourco from Whicli theso errorsand deeds os such great disgrace originaled. In the meantime,let us look also in other matters mulch aro mithout guili, that me may not seem to select the worso parra through the desim

sacred rites there is a representation os a circumstance whichreatly occurred; and whicli assuredly declares, ii Ue have any


Osiris covered with wood.' This Osiris is the fame Whom thopeopte cali Serapis. For it is customary sor the names of thodead .ho ars deified to be changed, that no one, as I belleve, may imagine them to be men. For Romulus aster his deathbecame Quirinus, and Leda became Nemesis, and Circo Marica; and Ino, When she had leapi into the sea, Was called Leucothea; and tho mollier Matuta; and her son Melicerta was called Palaemon and Portumnus. And the sacred rites of tho Eleusinian Ceres are not unlius these. For as in those whicli bavo been mentioned) tho by ostris is Mught with thowalling of his mollier, so in these Proserpino is carried a Vio contraci an incestuom marriage With her uncte; and becauso Ceres is sald to havo fought for her in Sicily With torcheslighted from the top of Elna, on this account her sacred ritesare celebrated with the throWing os torches. At Lampsacus tho victim to be offered to Priapus is an ass, and tho causa of tho sacrifice of this animal is thus set sortii in the Fasti:-When ali tho deities had assembled at tho festivalos the great mollier, and When, satiated With feasting, th mero spending the night in spori, they say that Vesta had laidheraeis on the ground sor rest, and had salien asleep, and that Priapus upon this formed a design against her honour as ahaslepi; but stat sho Was aro ed by the unseasonabis bruingos tho ara on Whicli Silenus used is ride, and that tho designof tho insidious plotter Was frustrated. on this account th say that tho peopte os Lampsacus were accustomed to sacrifico an am to Priapus, as though it mere in revenge; but among tho Romans the fame animal Was crowned at the Vestalia sestival of Vesta) With loaves,δ in honour os the preservationos her chasti . What is 'baser, What more disgracelat, thanis Vesta is indeblad to an ass for the preservation os her puri But the poet invented a sabie. But Was that mors trus whichis related by thoso wbo Wrote V Phenomena,' When they speah



concerning the tuo stare of Cancer, Which tho Greeis callasses That they were asses whicli caresed acroas faster Libor When he was unable to cram a river, and that ho mWarded o of them missi tho poWer of speahing With human voice; and that a contest Moso belWeen him and Priapus; and Priapus being Worsted in the contest), Was enraged, and sto the Victor. This truly is much more absurd. Bnt poeta havo sto licenco

invented for the purposo ot concealing some greater depravity. Let M inquiro What this is. But in fact it is evident. Foras tho buli is sacrificed to Luna tho moon), because he also has horas as alis has; and Persia propitiates With a horae Hyperion surrounded With rus, that a sto Victim may notbe offered to the smist god; ' so in this casa no more sultablevictim could bo found than that whicli resembled him to Whomit is offered. At Lindus, whicli is a tonn os Rhodos, thero are sacred rites in hono of Hercules, the observanes of whicli differs widely from ali other rites; sor they ars not celebratad With morda ofgood omen δ tho Groeta term it), but mitti revilings and cursing. Αnd they consider it a violation of the sacrod rites, is at any timo during tho celebration of tho solemnities a good ord shali havo escaped from any one even inadvertently.Αnd this is tho reason assigned for this practice, is indoed

δ ευφημία. Is mas supposed that morda os ill omen, it ultered duringino offering M a sacrifice, movid render the goda unpropitious : the primitherelare, at tho commencement of a sacrifice, called umn tho perelo to stata hom ill-omenin morda: εὐφημῶri, faveto linguia.


afforded gratification to the man os elegance and refinement. For While hs prepares a ferat for his companions, and while ho devoum the oxen os another man, he receives With ridiculo and loud laughter the bitter reproaches With Whicli tho otherassatis him. But when it had been determinod that divino honoum aliould bo paid in Hercules in admiration Os his e cellence, an altar Was erected in his honour is tho citigens, hich he named, hom the circumstance, the yohs os oxen; and at this altar tWo yohed oxen mero sacrificed, liho those whieli ho had inhen iram tho plou man. And hs appotntedilis fame man to be his priest, and directed him always to usotho fame revilings in offering sacrifice, becauso ho said that he had nevor se ted moro ple antly. theso things are notsacred, but sacrilegious, in Which that is sald to be enjoinod, which, is it is dono in other things, is punished With the greatest Severi . What, moreover, do the rites of the Cretan Jupiter himself sho' except the manner in Which he was WithdmWnhom his father, or brought upi Thero is a goat belonging to the nymph Amalthea, Whicli gavo such to the infant; and of

this goat Germanicus Caesar thus speAs, in his poem translated hom Aratus: Sho is supposed in bo the nurso of Jupiter; itin truth the insani Jupiter pressed the faithfui teais of tho Cretan Mat, Which attesta the gratitude of her lota is a bright


Musaeus relates that Jupiter, When fighting against tho Titans, used tho hido of this goat as a shield, irom Which circumstancebo is called by the poeta ahiel&bearer.' Thus, Whatever Wasdono in concealing tho boy, stat also is dono by Way of r presentation in the sacred rites. Moreover, the mystery of his

λ Βούζυγον. 3 Aratus Ma tho auctor es ino Grea astronomical poema, the Φαινομενα and tho Διο εμεια. Virgil, in his Georgies, has borrowed largeb hom tholaiter. Germanicus Caesar, tho Mancton es Augustus, M atated in thetexi, tranalatin the Φαινόμενα. αἰνιοχος; acutum habens. '



matter Was concealed, and imitations os the ancient doia r main ; the attendant goddesses shahe instruments of brass, and hoaras hides. Instead of helmela they atriho cymbals, and drums instead of shieliis; tho fluto gives Phrygian strians, asit gave fore. Sallust rejected this opinion altogether, as though invented by the poets, and wished to give an ingenious explanation of the reasons for Whicli the Curetes ars said to havo nourished Jupiter; and lis spealis to this purpori: Because they Weroths fidit to underatand the worship os tho deity, that theresore antiqui , Which exaggerates ali things, mada them known asthe nourishers of Jupiter. How much this learned man wtis misi En, the matter iraeit at onco declares. For is Jupiter

the Curetes, on the contrary, Were tho firet who did not undem stand the worship of tho dei , sinco ali error Was introduced by them, and the memory of the truo God Was taken aWay. They ought thereiam to have understood from the mysteries and ceremontes themaeives, stat they wero offering prayers todead men. I do not then requiro that any one aliould bellevotho fictions of the poets. Is any one imagines that theso speah salsely, let him consider the writings of tho pontim themselves, and weigh whatovis thero is os literaturo pertaining to sacredrites: he wili perhaps find more things than me bring forWard,srom Whicli ho may underatand that ali things which ars esteemed sacred ars empty, vain, and fictilious. But is anyone, hining discovered Wisdom, shali lay asido his error, he willassur ly lauo at tho sollies of men Who ars almost Without

solves on their aliouidera. For Furius Bibaculus is regarded

Aneile, tho incred alliola, carried by tho Salii, or prieata es Mare, in

the prooemiona at the lectival es that dei .


C P. XXII.- Who was the author of the vanities before δε- aeribed in Rab among the Romana, and who among other

Tho author and establisher of theso vanities among tho Romana Was that Sabino hing Who especialty engagedy the rudo and ignorant minia of men mith neW superstitions: and thatho might do thia mith somo authori , lis pretended that he had meetings by night With the goddem Egeria. There Wasa very darh cavem in the grove of Aricia, smin Whicli flowed astream Mith a never falling spring. Ηither ho vas accustomedio withdraw himsali Mithout any witnesses, that ho might bis abis to pretend that, is the admonition of tho goddess his Wise, lis dolivored to tho peoplo thoso sacred rites Whicli vero most acceptabis to the gods. It is evident that ho wiahad to imitato tho crastiness of Minos, who concealed himself in tho cavo of

to obedienco not only by tho authori of his Mornment, butalso by tho sanction os religion. Nor mas it dissiculi in m auado fhephetas. Therolam ho institutea pontiri, priesis, salii, and augura; he arranged tho gods in families; and by theso means hs solisned the fieres spirita of the neW people, and called them aWay hom marithe assalas in the purauit os Mace. But though he deceived other' ho did not deceius himself. For aiter many years, in tho consulfhip of Cornelius and Bebius, in a field belonging to the scribe Petilius, under



seven books in Latin respecting ths law of tho pontiffs, and tho fame number Written in Greeli respecting systems oi philosophy, in Which he not only annulied the religions rites .hicli ho himself had institutia, but ali othere also. When this mas referred to the senate, it Was decreed that these Mori aliould bo destroyed. Therelam Quintus Petilius, tho praetor Whohad jurisdiction in tho city, burni them in an assembly of tho

might have been burni, and yet tho matter itseli have been unknown. Τhus, Rhilo they Wish to prove even to posteri With What piety they defended religious institutions, theylessened ths authority of the institutions themselves by thela

But as Pompilius Was tho institutor es Dolisti superstitions among the Romans, so also, betare Pompilius, Faunus mas in Latium, .ho both established implous rites in his grandiather Saturnus, and honoured his fallier Picus With a placo among tho gods, and consecrared his sister Fatua Fauna, Who Wasalso his vita; Who, as Gabius Bassus relates, mas callia Fatua bacauso fho had Mon in tho habit os foretelling their fatesto momen, as Faunus did to men. And Varro writes that alio mas a Woman os such great modes , stat, as long M sbolived, no male excepi her huisand saW hor or heard hername. on this account Women sacrifico in her in secret, and