Ante-Nicene Christian Library; Translations Of The Writings Of The Fathers Down To A.D. 325, Volume 21: The Works Of Lactantius, Volume 1

발행: 1871년

분량: 524페이지


분류: 미분류



Is men mero collected together on this account, that theymight proieci stela mea ess by mutuat help, thereiore Wamust succour man, Who needs help. For, since men enteredinto and contracted selloWship With men for the salie os protection, either in violate or not is preservo that compact whichmas entered into among men from the commenoement os their origin, is in bo considered as tho greatest impie . For he whomithdraws himself from inording assistance must also os nece




erelare humanity is to bo preserved, is me misit rightly tobo callod men. But What else is this preservation os humanitythan the loving a man becauso he is a man, and the fame asourseives There re discord and dissension aro not in accord- ance With the nature of man; and that expression of Cieero istruo, Which saysy that man, While he is obedient to nature, cannot injure man. The fore, is it is contrary to nature toinjure a man, it must be in accordance With nature to benefit a



This is stat trus and genuino justice, οξ Which you say that

λ μ me. iii. 17. Solidam et expremam.



or aro consumed by an accidental fire, or they ars overthrown

laria aura.



truest advantage of riches; not to vis meiath sor the particular

lainment thoso Who cannot invito us in return, and thus missus a recompens' so that no action of our life should bo mitta


besto our Munu on fuit is persons. For tho houm os a just and Wiso man ought not in be open to the illustrious, butio tho loMy and abieci. For those illustrious and ponerfulmen cannot be in Want of anything, sinco they aro sussiciently protected and honoured by their oWn opulence. But nothingis to be done by a iust man excepi stat Whicli is a benefit. But it tho benefit is returned, it is destroyed and brought in

many arguments might the inconsistency of Cicero be proved, it this were my object i Nor mould ho bo convicted so muchis my Words as is his o n. For he also sus, that tho moro any one refers ali his actions is his οὐ advantage, tho lem he



ance os trus justice lis knowin y and with soresight soli intothis snare. And that he might be pardoned for this, he testi-

sed that ho does not gius precepta milli referencs to truo justice, Which he does not hold, but with reserenco to a shelchand oviline ol justice. Therelare Wo must pardon this teacher Who uses aesthes and ovilines, nor must πε require the truthhom him .ho admira stat he is ignorant of it. Tho ransoming of captives is a great and nobis exerciso ot justice, of Which tho samo Tullius also approved. Andthis liberali ,' ho says, is serviceabis even to ths state, that captives aliould bo ransomed from flavery, and that thoso os flender refources aliould be provided sor. And I greatly preser this practico os liberali to lavisti expendituro on alioR s. This is tho part of great and eminent mon.' There oro it istho appropriate Work of the just to suppori the poor and toranwm captives, since among the uniust is any do theso thingsthey are called great and eminent. For it is deseruing of thogreatest praiso for those to confer benesit hom Whom no Ono expected such conduci. For he who does good to a relative, or neighbour, or friend, either deserves no pratse, or certainly

obligation os necessity for conserring a benefit. ΗΘ ought not there oro to have preserred this duu of generosi to expendituro on shoWs; for this is the part of one maing a comparis , and of tWο goods choosing that whicli is thobetter. For that profusion of men thro ing aWay their pr peru lato the sea is vain and trifling, and very far removedfroin ali justice. Theretare they are nos even to be calledosis,' in Which no ono receives but he who does not deservo to

Nor is it less a great Woa os justice to proieci and defend

Umbratim et imaginario praeceptori. De O . it. 18.. Munera. The samo mord is used for inovs,' M ol gladiatore, oreonteata es viri beatis, exhibitin to the peoplo.



orphans and widom Who ars destituto and stand in need os assistancs; and there ro that divino laW prescribes this to ait, since ali good judges deem that it belonga to their office totamur them missi natural hindness, and to strivo to benefit them. But these Woas ars especialty oura, sincs Wo lime

promptitude and boldness, since lis knows that ho leaves hisbeloved onea to tho care ot God, and that they Will neVer want protection. Also to underisho the caro and support of the sich, Who need some one to assist them, is the part of the greatestiundness, and of great beneficenco ; and ho who shali do this Will both gain a living sacrifico to God, and that whicli ho hasgiven to another for a tims he will himself receivo from Godfor sterni . The last and greatest office of pieu is tho bur ing of strangere and the poor; Whicli subjeci those tinchersos virtus and justico havo not touched upon at all. For theymere unable to Me this, Who measured ali their duties is utility. For in the other things which havo been mentioned above,

turo to say that it ought not to bo done, but that, is it happensio bo omitted, no inconvenienco is the resulti Therofore in
