Ante-Nicene Christian Library; Translations Of The Writings Of The Fathers Down To A.D. 325, Volume 16: Apocryphal Gospels, Acts, And Revelations

발행: 1870년

분량: 597페이지


분류: 미분류


aeereis of tho reno in heari. Tho translation la a urato and minabis, and thooditor Moma in havs dono his Work With much care.' rea teria

MARD v. I. B.) ho Triparuis Natum es Han. spirit, fovi, ana Body, applied to Ili trais and Explain the Doctrine of Originia Sin, tho Ne Blath, the Diaembodita State, and the Spiritual Bois. Second edition.


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MARTENSEN minori hintian Dogmatim. A compendium of tho Doctri aes Christiani . I. Introduction. II. The Christian Idea es God. III. The Doctrino of the Father. IV. The Doctrino of tho Son. V. The Doctrins of the Spirit. Translated by Rev. R. mmcx 8vo, 10α ω


UNNINGRAM Principia latorioia Thoolore. A Ravia. of tho Principia Doctrinal Discumtona in the Christian Oh oh ainca tho Apostolis Age. Seoond Edition. Chapter 1. The Church; 2. The Coanesi es Jerusalem; 3. The Apostlas' Crsed; 4. The Apostolicat Factera; b. Herealis of tho Apostolicia Age; 6. The Fathera of the Second and Third Centuriis; 7. The Ch in os ins Seeoni and Third Centuriis: 8. The Constitutiones the Church; s. Ths Doctrino of tho Trinity; 10. The Person of Christ; 11. The Pelagian controversy; 12. Worahip of Minis and Imagea; 13. The civit anci Meleat licia Authorities; 14. The Scholastio Theology


A comprehensivo revie. of thia sori, dono by ablo handa, la both instructivo and suggestiva. Recora. The volume is repleto missi meat principies, popularly and eloquently exmunded.'