Ante-Nicene Christian Library; Translations Of The Writings Of The Fathers Down To A.D. 325, Volume 16: Apocryphal Gospels, Acts, And Revelations

발행: 1870년

분량: 597페이지


분류: 미분류



147IE 5, 385 sit. 6, 338

v. 24, .

0ota. II, .

359 xxxii. 25,

xvii. 5, .

xxxiv. 10,

136356 xxxiii. 22, 52s

21 I

V. 3,

391xxii. II, 17, 16s xxviii. 32, 3xii. 22, .

xxx. 23,

462xvii. 24, 137 Ixxviii. 18, . 203xxxiii. 23, 474

475 lxxxvL 13, 174 viii. 56-58,147 Ixxxix. 44, 45, 495

xoviii. I, 2,

viii. 12, .


385 ix. 9,2

240 cxviii. 23, 147



CANTICLES. iv. 14, .

392, 462

204xi. I, 2, 58

rix. I, o

x. II, . .

V. R . . .

v. 28, .

ix. IT, s

T. 42, .


M L . . .

I. I 8, . .


xxvii. 53, o

xi. 25, o

xv. 34, .

i. 28, .

7, 28, 99 i. 32, 33, 59

L M, . .

1. 35, . .

1. 3s, . .

il. 23, .

XI. 2, . .

xii. 24, .

0. 36, o

xxi. 24, .

L 29. .

133, 155 viii. 56-58, . 43ix. 6, 7, 155

159 rix. 26, 27, 159,505, 522

. . 520ix. 1l, ο



in .

I PETER. v. 10, o

vi. 8, 20, o

i. 14. .

EPHESIUS. ii. 26, .

iv. 20, o

TITUS. xxii. 2, .


QMd. II.

but ho mill not belleve, 325; goea down into Hades, 325. Ananias, a comin oi ring Abgarus,sent to Jesus, 440: returna With a picturo of Jesus to tha king, 441.

Androm a conversation tWeen,

milla. 246 : another account of-Jesus appears to. and senes him to Matthe , to the country of the man-eatem. 349; tho Lord, in thoclis iso oi a pilol. conducta him hyada to tho place ot his destination, a50. ete. : requested by tho pilol. horetates tho miraclea Oi his Teacheriami tho cause cii the .sewa' rejectionos vim. 352. 25I: gives a curious narrative of tho ministry ol Jesus. and of tho oppositicin Gi men to


spheres, . 20.

a utes aud Lilla lita, 438, 439. Bacchylus, 257. Barabbas preferred to Jesus, IM, I 25, 185. Bariesus mei hy Barnabas and Mark, 297 ; ΟΡΡoses Barnabas, 293. 299. Barnabas, Ma ; the contention he- tWeen Paul and, 224, 295 : With

Mark, 296, comes to Anemurium,

and preaches thero, 296, 29T ; or- datas Heracleius blahoΡ of Cyprus, 297 ; visits Lapithus and Lampadiatus, 297 ; reachea Paphos, and meeta Bariesua them, 2U7 ; visita Curium. 298 : interiained by Aristoclianus, 298 ; op sed by Bar-jesus, 298; comes to Citium, 298 ;from Citium satis to Salamis, 299 ; the Ja s, excited by Bariesus, bum him; his ashes deposited by M E

in a cave, 299. Bartholomem, When a bon restoredio ius by the child Jesus. II 3; visita .ith Thomas the city oi Ophioryma, 30I, 302; beaton and shut up intho templo of the viper, 305 ; his handa are naued to tho gato Oi thetemplo, 307, 32S: deliversit, Philip'silirections to, 3 II, 3I2. MI, 3M ;

or, and is Uded by Jesus, 4S, S3, 89, 97. IIS. Cave, the, in Bethlehem, in Whieli

Jesua mas bora, 11 and note, 31. Christ. Seo Jesus.

Claudius Caesar, tho letter of Pilatoto, respecting Jesus, 212. Cleopas, tha mother os, and her rival, II 2, 113. taeophas, marries Anna alter tha deathoi Ioachim. 5I, notB.


vix 435; exhibited by an angelin tho tamplo Hack M an Ethiopia 437. Demoniam hoaled by Jesus, 103. 104,

Dymas, or Diamaa, or Demas, and Oeatas, tho malefactora crucified

mith Jesus, 135, 136, 186, 187 sses Dumachus and Tit J; histora es, Hon by Joseph of Arimathea, 237, 238, 240, 24I. Earth, the, to med up and purified, 498 ; and paradiae, to ho



ring, UI; is permitted by the tangio occupy the palace, MI, 402; iaaealed by Thomas, 403, 404.

of the aianis in, at tho anticipalea coming of Jesus D, 217, 2l8, 2Is; Adam and his descendanta desiverinfrom, 174, 207, 208, 220, 22I; tho

Hellas, Philip's visit to, and interviemmith tho philosophera there, 3I7, et Heracleius, or Heracleides, ordia dbishop of Cyprus, 297. Heretios, the peculiar place assigninto, in the region of the damned, 487, 488. Herod, mocked by the Magi, seota tokill Jesus, 65, 90, 103; alauoteratha infinis in Bethlehem, 13, 14, 35, 135; Jesus sent to, by Pilato, I57 ; tho death of, 65; in Tartarus, 471, 472. Hierapolis, or Ophioryma, 30I, 302. Impotent man. the, he oro Pilato beare Witneas to Jesus, 133, 155, 1μInfandi, tho alaughtor os, in Bethlehem


be silent, 140, etc., 165, 190, IsI; Nicodemus proposea to the councii that aearch be mado for, Which is accordingly done, but in vain, 141, I 66, 192 ; lamentation of Mary and tho other momen fori 162. 163; mised others When He roso Himself, 169; tho testimony of thoso raised by, 170, etc. ; tha descent os, into Hades, I70, 173, I74, 2I8, 220; triumpha over Satan in Hados, 174,220; delivera Adam and his posteritysrom Hades, 174, 175, 206, 220, 22I ;aeta up Hia crosa in Hades, 221 ; thomiracles os, reported by Pilate, 225, etc., 228, etc. ; at tho mention of thoname os, the goda fali in the aenate-houso in Romo, 231; Veronica'aportrait os, 234, 235 ; sea Ma tunicos, mora by Pilate in the presenos of Tiberiua - ita strange effeci, 235,236 ; tho Wonderivi Worka Wrouot by, related by Nathan to Titus, 246 ;and by Velosianua to Tiberius, 253. Jesus, meeta Peter departing Dom mo to avoid persecution, and tella him He is coming to ba crucified for



hia offerings of gratitude, 3, 4. John, ins Ap uo, informa Mary of tho sentenco os death pa in onJesus, I58 ; at tho crosa, I59; visita Ophiorma, and pleias for Philipand his companio , 307, 308, 328, 329 ; Domitian sanda soldiem to

demon, 448; aent to Patmos, 448, 449; in the relin os Trajan Mosio Ephesus, 449; his ministra in Ephesus, ibid.; appotata Eutychua

wrdom ho deposita his ainea in a Vo, 29s ; tinea refugo fram hiaenetaea, dis ; comm to Alexandria, and labo a there, Mo ; relatea thooccaaion of the ohange of hia namo, oid. Joseph, aon ol Jacob, met is Pavi in paradiae, 490. Joseph, a rich man in Capernaum, riasin iram tho Mad by tho Gild Jesus, M.

I 37, 138, 168, 188, 18s; found by

-d prouod innocent, Io, 29, 30 ; Mavisit to Bethlehem, 10, 31; conducta