Ante-Nicene Christian Library; Translations Of The Writings Of The Fathers Down To A.D. 325, Volume 16: Apocryphal Gospels, Acts, And Revelations

발행: 1870년

분량: 597페이지


분류: 미분류



carpenter, is assisted by Iasus in his trado, 48, 1 I8 ; history of, narrated by Jesus to Hia discipies on the Mount of Olives, 63, etc.; his prayer foro death, 68 ; hia age, situ. ;hia lamentation heiore death, ibid. Ihia addissa to Jesus, 69, etc. ἔπι-ner and circumstances of his

Judas Iscariot, not a disciplo ol Jesus, but crastily protenda to be, 238 ; plota against Jesus, ibid. I coVenantimith tho Jewa to doliver up Jesus to them, 23s; deliVera up Jesus, 239, 240. Iudment, the Jay os, Esdras Praysto aee, 470; signa of tho approachos, 47I; foretola to John, 500; orderos proceduro on, 600, 50I. Just, the place of tho, 479, 480, 482485. Juvenalius, Bishop, 259.

Κarinus and Lucius, sons ot Simeon, Who Were mised from tho daal when Joaus Tose, thala narrativo of the descent of Chriat into Hades, and tho deliveraneo He Wrought there,

timony to desus, IM, IM. Lovi, Rabbi, hia testimony to Iesua foro tho Sa adrim, IM, I45, 195, 196. Licianua commandod by Tiberius toaetae and destroy the JoWa Who procurea tho death of Joaus, 232, 233. Lioneas, a, and cubs, tamen by Jesus, 47, 48. Liona and panthera Worahip and escortJ- , 47, 48.

sania, the body of Pilata aent thithaeto be buried, 236. Magi, tho visis of the, to Jesus, 13, 34, 35.

ano flood the citri 363 ; tho citiae repent, 366 ; certain of tho citiaena aent dom into the abyas, 366, 367 ; the dromed eitigena restored is lifaby Andre , 367 ; a churis foundelthere, 367. Mariamno, sister of the Apostlo Philip, 30l, 302 ; tortured, 305 ; orderea tobe stripped naked, but miraculonalytransfigured, 306, 307, 328, 329, 331. Mary of Cleophaa, 51. Mary, tho mother of Cleopas, and hrivat, I 2, 113. Mary, tho Virgin, tho parenta os, I - 19-22; her blath, and presentatuto the mests, 4, 22, 23, 65, 66 ; le: by her parenis in the templo, 6, Vis held in great veneration forgoodness, etc., 23, 24 ; aovcmarriage by Abiathar, thopriest, for nis ais, 24 ; is Queen of Virgius,' 25, 26 visited by angsis, ahct res remata a Virgin, 57 ; in talis counael What thoy

mation, enisustin to OJoseph the carpenter, 6. spina the true purpis olet for the veil of tho



Pregnant, 8, 28; questioned by Joseph, f; Joseph resolvis to dismi her privately, s, 60, 6 I, 64, 65; tho

Primis, suspecting ain, administer tho ordeat to Joseph ana to her, hen both aro provea innocent, s,

sumption, mith tho attendant iam eumstances, 522-530 ; meeta Paesin Paradiae, and is morari in is angela, 490. Maatera, tho, under Whom sis Ada Jesu a Waa placed, 42, 43, 44, 45, 4s,

50, 51, 80, 83, M.

visited by Jesus in tho forin es alitus Gild, 373 ; receivea a mairom Jesua to plant in ins ei. oltha man atera, to produco fruit, and honey, and mater, 374; pro' coeda to Μyma and heala demonia

cast his into prison, 348, 34s;

in tho prison ho ia miraculo ου --

croas, 346.

Miraclea performed by tho Aild Jesus, 35, 36, 37, 38, 40, 41, 42, 48, 49,60, 8l, 87, 89, 95, 96, 97. Misdeus, hing oi India, and tho A auo

Thomas, 425 ; ordera Thomas to boput to death, 427; a demoniac sonos, healed by a bone of Thomas, 428. Moses mei by Paul in paradiae, Ga Mother of God,' Mary the, 488, 504 ; orahippin in paradiso is angela,

490. Mule, R, ymng man transformed into, by magic, restored is hia proper


tyrdom of hia executionem, 277, 27S; received as he is going to Iconium by



Nicanor Ilo of tho proconsul,

307 ; visited by Jo , 307, 308, 328,

Philosophum ol Hellas, tho, and Philip,

Jesus to death. Ira, 157, 166; -- aemblea tho chies primis in thotemplo to inquire a ui Jesus, 2I0,

etc. I Winea an account of Jesua totho Em me Claudius. 212; tholetior os, in Tiberius tamar, 223;

Plato, Bishop of Myrna, Mo, 37 377, 385, 387.


Race, an abominable, performed at Paphos, 298. cognition in a futuro stata, 496. Boaurrection, the, 496.

Righteous, tho place of the, 482, 485,


Sea, the, Matium againat tho aina olmen, 478.

Seiaing, 285, 403, 404. Serpent, the, uaed by Satan in tempt-ing Eus, 457, 458; tho curae pro


546 INDEX OF ramara L MANERE.

Standaras, ino Romin. miraculo lybo. dom to Maus, 179, 180. Stopa, the fifteon, of tho templo, 56. Stratocles, brothor of AEgeat , 346. Sun and moon, tho, bear testimonyagainst the aina of men, 478. Sunae ting. tho timo Whin tho angelagius in to Gol their repori of the oonduci os meri, 478. Symeon. Seo Simeon. Syracuae, Paul at, 257. Tartarus, a deseriphion es tho punishmonis endured im oven by a Foung-oman .ho hin hoon rataea Dom

aalom, to bring Jesus to hoia him, 234; haring found that Pilato Maput iam to death, ho ordam Pilatoto come to Roma, 235; ordora Pilatoto M put to Math, 236; another


285, 286, 287, 288.

Tunio, tho aBamless, Wom by Pilato .hen citod lore Tiberius-ita mar- vellina influenco on Tiberius, 235,236.

Vasi of tho templo, the, Μary spinatho truo purpio and aearlet lor, 6, 7, 27. H of tho tribunal, tho Io ering ordo ing oi the, laci, l86.

Veronica Mara Witnesa io Jesus M oro

by Μary, 25, 67. Virginio and ch tity, 332, 333, 46s. Virgina in tho templo, 25, M.

Witnesses of tho resurrection of Jea ,

I 39, 145, 146, 164, 165.


os Ne Testament Exegesia. By m. G. B. Wmm. Tranatatod hom tho German, With large additiona and luli Indices, hy Rev. N. F. MO TON, M.A.. Clasticia Tutor, Nealeyan Theological College, Richmond, and PMeman in Hebro. and Nem Testament Greeh in the Univerasty es London. The additiora by the Editor ara very large, and mill tend to mahe thiagreat mota far more Melae and avas te tor Enyliis studenta than it hashitherio Men. The Indices have been greatly eniamin; a , as an studenta mill admit, this is os vast importance. Aliogether, tho Pub-llahem do not doubi that thia mill be ins Standare Urammis os Ne


T. and T. CAM, Publications.
