장음표시 사용
Nor a similitude of the things which are in the heaven, and which are in the earth, and which ars in the wa,' has inte dicted tho servants of God from acts of that hiud est thouniverse over. Enoch had preceded, predicting that tho demons, and the spirita of the angelic apostates, Would turn into idolato ali the elementa, ali the garniture of the unuverse, ali inings containin in the heaven, in tho sea, in thoearth, that they might bo consecrated as God, in oppositionto God.' All things, therefore, does human error Worship, except tho Founder of ait Himself. The images of thosethings aro idols; the consecration of the images is idolat . Whateuer gulit idolat incura, must necessarib be imputedio every artificer of every idol. In aliori, the samo Enoch for condemns in generat menace both idol-orshippers and idol misera together. And again: I sWear to you, Sinners, that against the day of perdition os blood' repentanco is Ming prepared. Ye Who serve stones, and ye Who mine images of id, and silver, and Wood, and stones and clari and serve phantoms, and demons, and spirita in fanes, and ali errore not according in knowledge, shali find no help from thom. But Isaiahq says, Yo Me witnesses Whether inere is a God except Μo. d they Who mould and carve out at thaltimo mere noti est vallil Who do that which lihoth them,
In fanis.V This is Oehler's reading on conjectum. Other re ingsare infamis, infamibus, insanis, infernis.. Iaa. xliv. 8 et seqq.
146 TERTULLIANUSwhicli stati not profit themi V And that whole ensuing dis-
R i.e. tho Disciplino of the ho e ot God, the Church. Oeliter reada, eam disciplinam,' and inhea the meaning to bo, that no artificer otthis clam inould be admittod into the Church, it ho applies for admittance, Mith a knowledge of the iam os God referred to in tho formorchapters, yet persisting in his unia fui crast. Fr. Junius Would read, ejus disciplinam. ' i.e., Ii lawa os Dur oWn, and nos the mill and law of God, are inosource and means of your lila, Fou oWo no thanks and no obediencsto God, and thereiore necd not to aeta admittance into Hia Muso
there re, persevere in sina, as the result of that interpretation i sor there is not any one of us who has not been Aund
Stain-or Whatever other exposition of that figure has been revealed is morthier men, no matter, provided me remember
148 TERTULLIANUS the Hoplo' Muratisely; it is enouo that the fame God, as by la He forbado the mining of similitude, did, by the
not so, in Whom Fou slay this salter, more precious and greater victim, Four salvation l
liands Whicli confer bodies on demona. Nor is this sussicient. Grant that it M a smali mattor, ii hom other hands theyreceive What they contaminate; but even those very hanti desiver to othera What they have contaminarad. ΙdoLartificereare chosen even into the ecclesiasticia ordor. Oh michod-
CHAP. VIII.- Other aris mari subserrient to idolatry. Means
to unia ut onea. There are also other species of Very many aris Whicli,
os maintenance' is urged so much, the aris have other species
Withal to afford means os liveti hood, Without ouistepping the path os discipline, that is, Without the confiction of an idol. The plasterer knows both how to mend moss, and lay on
the temples and shrines Whieli aro bulli for idolsi But
for tho gainy of handicrasis. Luxury and ostentation have moro votaries than ali superstition. Ostentation mill requiredishos and cups more eastly than superstition. Luxury dealsin Wreatlis, also, more than ceremony. When, therelare, me urge men generalty to such hinds of handicrasis as do notcome in contact with an idol indeed, and with the thingswhich are appropriate to an idol; since, moreover, the thingswhich are common to idola are osten common to men too;
Wo observe among the aris' also some professions li leto tho charge of idolat . Oi astrologors there should bono speising even ; but since one in these days has chal-lenged us, defending on his o n bellati perseverance in that profession, I Will use a fow Words. I allego not that he honours idols, Whose names he has inscribed on thoheaven to whom ho has attributed ali God's power; beeauso men, presuming that We ars disposed of by tho immutabio arbitrament of the stars, thinh on that account that God is not
152 TERTULLIANUS. to be Quot after. One proposition I lay do- : that inoso
angela, the desertera imm God, the lovers of momen,/ wem si Wiso tho discoverere os this curious ars on that accountatio condemned by God. Oh divine sentence, maching evenunto earth in iis Vimur, Whereis even the unWitting render
penalty os exclusion for discipies and mastera i But Magi
and astrologere came from the east. ' We know the mutuatalliance of magic and astrology. The interpreters of the stare, then, Were the firat in announce Chrises blath, the
put Christ under obligation to thomselves t What then 'Shali ineroforo the religion os those Μagi aci as patron
sinco hs mas stili thinhing somewhat os his jugoing seet; in Wit, that among the miracles of his profession he might buysven the giit of tho Holy Spirit through imposition of handa
logere, ino, have met, is any had fallen in the way of the aposties. But yet, When magic is Ming punishod, of whichastrology is a species, of courae the species is condemned in the genus. Aster the Gospei, you will no here find either sophista, or Chaldeans, or enchantem, or diviners, or magi-cians, excepi as clearly punished. μ Where is the wise, Where the grammarian, Where the disputer of this ago
have known this also, that you Would have nothing more todo Mith that profession of yours. Itseli, Whicli Ar chanis the climacterim os others, Would instruct you of ita omntangeri There is no pari nor tot for Du in that system ofyo s.ρ He cannot hope sor the Engdom of the heavens, whose finger or .and ab es' the heaven.
154 TERTULLIANUSCITAP. X.- of sehoolmastera and their disseulites. Moreover, We must inquire likeWise touching schoolmastors; nor only them, but also ali other professors of literature. Nanon the contrary, We must not doubi that they aro in amni with manisold idolat : first, in that it is necessary sor themto preach the gods of the nations, to express their names, genealogies, honourable distinctions, ali and singular; further, to observe the solemnities and festivals of the fame, as of them by Whose means they compute their revenues. What schoolmastor, Without a table of the seven idols,' mill yet frequent tho Quinquatria Τ The very frst payment of evo pupil he consecrates both to the honour and to the namo olblinerva; so that, even though ho bo not said to eat os that
intelligence, or uiato any Sense or action Whateuer, Sinceliterature is tho means of training for ait liso ' How do wo repudiate secular studies, Without ich divine studies can-