장음표시 사용
oven so be said to sKear, is you have eonsented to have dono it. Silonce of voice is an unavailing plea in a case of writing, and muteness of sound in a case of letters. But, hoWever, Zacharias, When punished With a temporary privation of
ready it is to hand; fa LaWJ peculiar to Christians, by means
Whereos We are recognised and examined by heastens. This LaW must be set betore such as approach unto tho Falth, and inculcatod on such as are entering it; stat in approaching they may deliberate, observing it may perseVere, not serving it may renounce their nams.' For me mill see toit, is, aiter the type of tho Arh, thero shali bo in tho ChurelimVen, and kite, and dog, and serpent. At ali evenis, an idolator is not found in the type of tho Ark : no animal hasbeen fashioned to represent an idolator. Let not stat bo intho Church which was not in the Arh.
CHAP. I.-Generat introduction.
HE Spirit os God, and the Word of God, and tho
Reason os God-Word of Reason, and Reasonand Spirit os Word esus Christ our Lord, namely, Who is both the one and the other, has determined for us, the discipies of the New Testament, aneW form os prayer; for in this particular also it Was need-ful that noW wine should be laid up in neW shins, and a new breadth bo seWn to a neW garment.' Besides, Whateverhad bsen in bygono days, has either been quite changed, ascircumcision ; or else supplemented, as the rest of the Law;or elso sulfilled, as Prophecy; or else persected, as salthitaeis. For the neW grace of God has rene ed ali thingshom carnal unto spiritual, by superindueing the Gospei, theobliterator of the whole ancient bygone system, in Which
Ointer'a punctuation is foliomed here. The sentence is dissiculi, anahas perplexed editora and commentatore considerably. Hati. ix. 16, 17 ; Harh ii. 21, 22 ; Luhe v. 36, 37. R Muth suggesta, fortasse qua sensit' referring to T. ado. Praeteam,
let us consider His heavenly Wisdom: fidit, touching the precept oi praying secretiy, Whereby He exacted man's faith, that ho fhould be confident that the sight and heam ing of Almighty God are present beneath mola, and extendeven into tho secret place; and required modesty in salth, that it inould offer iis religious homago in Him alone whom it belloved is see and to hear everyWhere. Further, since Wisdom followed in the sollowing precepi, let it in lihemanner appertain unio salth, and the modesty oi faith, that wo think not stat the Lord must be approached with a trainoi Worti, Who, Me are certain, taes unsolicited foresight for His o . And yet stat very brevi -and let this maliosor the stird grade of Wisdom- is supported on the substance of a great and blessed interpretation, and is asdiffuso in meaning as it is compressed in mords. For ithas embraced not only the special duties of prayer, be it veneration os God or petition for mala, but almost every
dis urso of the Lord, every record os ΓΗisJ Disciplino; so
180 TERTULLIANUS that, in faci, in the Prayer is comprised an epitome of the whole Gospei.
in the heavens and on tho sarth; 'δ' not that there is somo
182 TERTULLIANUS but wo pray for His Will to bo dono in all. For, by figura
184 TERTULLIANUS breari' spiritual0. For Christ is our Breta; because Christis Lila, and bread is lito. I am,' satin He, tho Broad of Liso; and, a lituo a v Tho Broad is the Word of tholiving God, Who came down from the heavens. Then
It was fuit is that, aster contemplating the liberali of God,δ' Ws should likowiso ad dress His clemency. For What will alimonis δ' profit us, is Me are reatly consigned in them,