장음표시 사용
seed, and mine them ripe for the harvest. Blesa even noW,
him to figlit against them that persecuto him. Shiold him in tho day os batile, and grant that the fruit of his lolns may sit upon his throne. Be hind to him, o Lord, for ths sahoos Thy holy and apostolic church, and ali Thy Christdoring
their fouis, and deem them Worthy of the hingdom of heaven. Grant that κε may end our lives as Christians, acceptabisunto Thoe and without sin, and bo pleased to gius us part
stering archangsis at Thy holy, heavenly, and Nason lealtar in the spactous heavens, the thankofferings of those Who offer sacrifice and oblation, and of those who destro tooffer much or litue, in secret or openly, but have it not togive. Accepi the thanhofferings of those Who have presented them this dari as Thou didst accepi the osts of Thyrightoous Abel. The Priest ossera ineense, and 8υδ:M Thou didst accepi tho sacrifice of our fallier Abraham, the incense of Zacharias, the alms of Cornelius, and thowido a tWo mites, accept also the thanhofferings of these, and give them for tho things of timo the things of eterni , and for tho things of earlh the things of heaven. Defend, o
ing ; heal the sich; and guide them ali, good Lord, into the
Way Oi salvation, and into Thy sacred sold. Delivor us homour iniquities; proieci and defend us at ali times.
o God of licti, Fastor of lira, Author Oi Grace, Creator