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beseech the clemency of Thy goodness; lead ns not into temptation, but deliver and save us from the evit one and his hosis; becauso Thine is the hingdom, tho poWer, thestrengili, the might, and tho dominion in heaven and on
He signa himsely. and they respond:
HE texi of tho ino following shori pieces is found in the Spieilegium Syriaeum of the lato Dr.
λ Τhis piece has muta in common mith tho Discourae to the Greeri Λόγος προς 'Eλληνας), ascribed by many to Justin, Which is containedin via. ii. D. 279-283 of this Libram. TWo thinga seem to bo evident: I) That Mither of tho tWo pieces is the original composition: for inchcontaina something nos found in tho other; 2) That tho Origines mas in Grain: for the Syriac has in some instancea evidently mlatranslated the
98 SYRIAC DOCUMENTRin the celebrated Homer, Who has said concerning the Wars of tho tWo trials : Because of Helon, many of the Greelis
first os ali, we ars told' concerning Agamemnon their hing, that by reason of the goolishness of his brother Μenelaus, and tho violence of his madness, and ths uncontrollabis nature of his passion, he resolved to go and rescue Helen
WardH, When the Greehs had bacome victorious in the war, and burni cities, and taen momen and children captive, and tho land was filiod with blood, and ths rivors With corpses, Agamemnon himself also mas found to bs taen captivo by hisJ passion tor Briseis. Patrocius, again, We are told, Wassiain, and Achilles, the son of the goddess Thetis, mourned
Priam and Hecuba together mere meeping over the loss of their children; Astyanax, the son os Hector, Was throwndown from the walis of Dion, and his mollier Andromacho
οξ tho miles of Odyssens tho son of Laertes, and of his murdere, Who shali teli tho talo For of a hundred and ton sui tors did his homo in one day become ths grave, and