장음표시 사용
A very Xcellent Inia, the proper tyi His Grace the Duke of Bed for I stili perpetuates the perilous adventur of Barnabe in the Signi themaycoch, on hichae is represented a passing under Mansforth-brigs interlocuting the inhabitant a to the Origino his ob age. G.
reservet for the Singula good fortune of honest Barnabee, sine the Witham has iis origin in the village heremur travelle rest-ed, and may be Steppe acros an where be-t Neen iis Ource and the village of Otters-wOrth two miles lower. But there is the poet' license so e trusi, notwith8tanding, that Barnabee' veracit wil mouit no
caugh in the river Witham, opposite Bard-ney. The boy who re vidit themanti illi his line, a terrifiei at iis bulli, an cried
Grantham has long been celebrated sor heistones, a sinali calle haped like a whet-Stone, and sor uiantisoni church, ,hose Spire rise to areat height. 8ays Caniden, an is amous for the an stories oldabout it Barnabee has ad ted an impersectonet the number itwere obe wished that he had been more explicit. The height of the spire a 273 Dei A law years be re Barnabee undertook his third peregrination, the church an spirem Grantham ere insuch a ruinous state that a petition a Presented to the Lord Keepe statin that theparisti church of the sat Mancient orough, bein ver spactous and the steeple thereos
famous for it eminent height were a stat present lihelyrio sal into ruin. expressing atthe Same time an ulter inabilit to repatrii. In his state it seem to have remat necltili l66l, hen it was lown O n and rebulli. The engravings of Ollar, and the histor of Dugdale, represent St. alii' at the time Barnabe travelled a wanting onlya spire to compleat the bulldilagri an it is lihely that the gossit ran among thOS Whostiare drunken Barnabee' compotationS, that this elegant spire os Grantham Was ab Outto e transplanted thene to perfeci thesplendid Cathedra os t. aurs G. Τ this communicationi a literar friendwe are enabled to ad Brathwait' relationo the Same stor in anothe work It is introducet in the Arcadian Princess, with the
rei unhesitatingly applied to that place. An inde haud is placed in the margin beller
the State intende thei spire though many miles distant should suppi it to divertwhicli intendinent, in ali umbi an peti
ii Onar manner, With oynt consent accor lingtotheir weal conceit, theybeseeched the State with ample gratuities tos me intercedinisa-vorites, O their et ter successe to commiserat their case, and sparetheir Spire Towhichthe State, pretendin them ali favour, after
an in ine. The Arcadian Princera, 635. p. 203.
nery dedicatei to the Virgin Mary, and of
whiel, no vestige rem alias Here Margaret, sister os Henr VIII., lepi in her progressio colland Theclas priores was Johanna La Son, ho rem aine an annuitant in l553. t was granted 32 Hen. VIII. to Jame La son, ho appearso have been great-grandiather of Frances L. ho marina ted R. Brathwait Nestiam is in the paristi ofΗurworth, a beautila village three miles froni Dariington, n the antis of the ees, and note a the place here merson thecelebrated mathematician resided. In righto his ise, Brathwait possesse the manoro Nesham, hicli aster ard passe out of the family, and was sol by the late Sir Charies Turne to a r. Wrightson, and has, we bellove been Oisere again recenti sor