Barnabæ itinerarium:

발행: 1818년

분량: 374페이지


분류: 미분류


valle, sor horein I found this instrument fusuri and the Devit tot of ne Societie, and that the crave nothin O any ne, Smemnet securitie. A weali blastis light fame,n a great partis that portion Latmedat. An herein was in m adnesses Pheldnothing o likel to mali mee linown to the wOrid, or admire incit, a tot debauchriando piarchas a parasite' pratSe by my

The da see med long herein I id noteirio them pleas ares: the night long


pleasures too, but of another degree, and in an higher stratiae fianitie. Alas, poOre de crepit age loliat pleasiare an the whole vorid finisor such a crippleri hine eyes areto di in to discerne beautie; thyclam legscan findio Dei, to walherio thelouse of the

with in lancie hici, was veri light I asproud in bearing the titie of a writer Whicli, must consesse, together illi the instancie


grievinito periise what Lyciuili solearelylovel Olo familia was I with ParnaSSuS, Helicon, Hippocrene, an ali themuses meaneti me, Ι 8eldome o neve thought of that heaverit Olympus whicli crown ali ver-tuous labours illi true happinesse. It was the sayingis an hol fallier alios studies


thos Cardinat Verities hereo I realed and which to the imitationis other I coria


ohe memorial are te in number the nintharas rellirinted in the Reδtitutu vol. i. p. 287.


These Xcerpis are Domin volume but recenti obtained by the editor, an are uia scient to confrin the ille o Brathwait toth Itinerary, a ni ready asserte i. O many incidental facts relative to BRATHWAIT and his ortis have been mund unknown to his forme biographers, during the present re-search, that the editor has been indueed topromote alac-simile editionis therars impression of the Itinerary, o a very limited number that vili ave an introductoryvolume devoted to an account of the authorand of his poetica pie es hich re not Mithout merit, illier sor ancy, Sentiment, or expression V as ei as ut his therknown orks. Ascit is intende to e putio pres immediately, an communications


gratesuli achnowledged, and the editor sedis confident of obtaining further intelligende of the author and his orti, hen the presentedition obtain circulation in the orth. The editor has to acknowledg the ostliberal conina unication stom many literarysetera df, severa o whomae is not permittedat present O mention Τo r. Gilchrist an d tr. Adolphus his est thantis are due forSOme curious note Sand other matter, an falso to the Rev. ames Topham, Si Cuthbert Sharp, and eo Allan, Ε sq. M. P. for their promptiniad valvabie aSSiStance.


NOMINIBUS INSI II UΜ: Viatoris Solatio nuperrime editum, aptissimis Numeris redactum, veterique ono BARNABAE publice


Essicit gregios nobilis alla viros.