장음표시 사용
phyin lino orths include in ne naxne, paradoxalty intimal in the rue honie
In respectis Ianture, nume, Forme, flection, and in ali Torae Franke, a me her Call.--
In the Ad Ires to Bacchus the author isto devise large pots, and the ther are tobe come forseited:
P. 68-9, note . Our author appe ars o have extended the Sense acto St. Alban whom, according to Caniden, Fortunatus Presbyter mentions thus:
'Albanum egregium foecunda Britannia profert. And Duitsul Britain hol Alban heWS.
P. 74-5, si i l. 2. The signis the Three Cranes a in the Vin try. P. 98 9. Sion egate-hole. There is great similitudob et Neen the ludicrous adventur of the at torney' cleri an partis the ancient tale of Danem ex ri morali os eices ter inserte in
tho Britis Bibliographer vol. i. p. 593.
affecte nothin more than alliance Theclarite, hos heate of ouili prompted hi m
Was, into his adle. His geldin missing his master' horse, fellis gallopin and neyingas teraim. Themaster With another fellow-
ler erat a litile ut of the way to visit Wasthe recent est abiistimenti Nicholas Ferratiat Litti Gedding in Hunt iragdonsilire Thisfoundation a lald about the ear 62o bythis earne an pious man who, haVing been Deput Governour of the Virginia om-Pany, after the violent dissolution of that body, retire frona public life purchased themano of Litti Gedding, entere into holy
righines of the motives and conductis therigit devotees G. See also thementiem an 's Magagine sori 772 vol. xlii. p. 322M 364 and o. ix. and X. o Hearne' Appendicto the resaceto Peter Langio Vs Chronicie, l725.