장음표시 사용
Ioachim LugsinsZkyMensis divini amoris II.
Mensis divini amoris III. Romae
Annus hebdomadarum coelestium Pragae
Annus meditationum cordis III. Viennae
Ianos Vanovicri Exercitationes de amore Dei Graecii
moriendum Annus dierum memorabilium Antwer Π
Seraphinus divini amoris Pragae
Ferenc Lenard SZegedi Hebdomada SS. Ignatii et Xaverit Coloniae
Horae Marianae angelicae Viennae
Fereno Lenard Sregedi Mons myrrhae Viennae
Gyorgy SZelepcsenyi Collis thuris Viennae
Balint Balassa Punctum honoris aeterni Viennae
Balint Balassa Annus amoris Dei Viennae
Kalse in Eleonore Vita et mores praedestinatorum Viennae
Mal: Annua eremus Aeternitas magna cogitatio Posthumes Werk
Die Manuskripte von Iohannes Nadasit. Vitae illustres quorundam a Soc. Iesu. Tom. II. ARSI Uitae III. 0l rv Notationes in vitis nostrorum Ρ. Nadasis. In Collegio Romano l4. Ian. l6 9. 1 s. l-363. Pol. mpl. I, p. XXXII, Cod. 6.
2. Tristes Annuae Desertorum Societatis Iesu. Insertis etiam nonnullis eorum calamitatibuS qui Deo vocanti non revondere, vel effecere, ne alii responderet. ARSI Hist. c. 4. 20v Romae anno l66l, minimus omnium in Christo servus Ioannes Nada-si. T lr-324V.
Iohannes Nadasi es uno de los eschitores religiosos mas secundos dei sigio lJ en Europa. Iesulta de origen hungaro, me miembro de la provincia de Austria. Vivio ytrabrio en Roma mas de 20 anos, y paso et ultimo decenio de su vida en Viena. Fueautor de unas cincuenta obras asceticas y de algunos libros de la historia de la orden. En sus trabrios lienen iugar preponderante los topicos dei genero narrativo: biograssaS, leyendas, anecdotas, historias, los milagros, et martirologio, en paralelo con lasplegarias y las practicas de devocion. La tengua que uso sue normalmente et latin, pero pronio se imprimieron traducciones de sus obras, nueve hasta et final dei sigio pa- sado, en diversas tenguas Vulgares. Los eschitos de Nadasi iuvieron siempre un sin di-dactico-edificante, y estaban ensocados at uso diario en su vertiente religiosa. Existennumerosas ediciones y elaboraciones - incluso sin mencionar et nombre de su autor para tos miembros de las Congregaciones Marianas. Este articulo presenta los primeros resultados de una tentativa de monograssa so- bre Nadast. Dentro dei marco de su vida viene encriado un cuadro cronologico y una breve resena dei contenido de sus obras. Et genero literario preserido por Nadasi se centra en et abasiecimiento de material para la meditacion diaria. Su estructura se adapta casi siempre at calendario liturgico, y solo ocasionalmente at conjunto tematico de los textos. Los temas que mas resaltan son: Iesu risto, su insancia, Maria, et coraZon de Iesus y Maria, tos sanios jesultas y et culto a los diversos patronos. No saltantampoco otros temas la Santisima Trinidad, la eucaristia, tos angeles, et suffimiento, la muerte, la predestinacion, ei pecado etc. Et rasgo caracteristico que se obserVa en sutecnica expositiva es la compilacion distinia y precisa. Sus himnos, suS plegarias, nomenos que la Seleccion, las glosas y la aplicacion de los multiples textos, muestran laoriginalidad de su estilo perSonat. Las obras de Nadasi se prestan at examen de su genero literario, de los Variados modulos de presentacion, de la estructura y composicion linguistica propias de la literatura narrativa piadosa. Todas las obras indican claramente Sus fruentes, las formas de exposicion y dii usion, y asi mismo la aceptacion Sublimada de los vinculos supra-nacionales. Debe tenerSe en consideracion que Nadasi me un valor importante parata compenetracion entre la tradicion orat y los textos escritos. Con mas precision, et
sue et intermediario entre la literatura religiosa de la Baja Edad Media y la de la Edad Moderna. Cono autor ha tenido un inurio notable y duradero en ta Vida cotidiana, enla religiosidad y en ta mentalidad de diversas entidades sociales.
The Manuscript and Related Archival Materiai The manuscript which forms the principie object of this study is entilled Notigie circa te nuove Missioni de ΡΡ. della Compagnia di Gesu nella Ρrovincia di Saratovia neli Impero Russon milate . It is mund in the Libraryos the Pontifical oriental Institute ΡΙΟ) in Rome and consists of nine pages os hanclwritten Italian text written on both sicles.
CARAYON m Missiora des ramites en Russis et diaris I Archipes Grec. Letires is Pere Gilles Henryde la Compagnis de Iesus molies par te P. A. Car on de la meme Compagnis inaris l8693. HIERONYMUs - HIERONYMUS Ioseph Kruschinshy), Die Iesulten an der Molga. I. Muret
The manuscript was purchased in the Soviet Union after the Revolution
ac ring to the present rate of exchange, that i doliar is equivalent in t rubie 93 ko ks.
l. one copy exisis in Spain in the Iesuit Archivo de Loyola in the division 6La Compania en Rusia Blancan of which a photocopy taken in November l972 may be examineo in the ARSI. A page is missing and thecopy was written by a disserent hand than that which wrote the manuscript preserved in the ΡΙΟ. A Spanish translation of the complete texi exisistogether With the manuscript preserved at Loyola. This is a published editionentilled Noticias de las nuevas missiones de los ΡΡ. de la Compania de Iesus, en la Ρrovincia de Saraowia det Impero Ruso, traducidas de unimpreso Italianon. It consists of twenty-one pages published En la imprenta de Francisco Isern y oriol, calle de Agullersn, Barcelona. There is no date. This texi is listed however in SoMMERvoGEL XI li 76. A disserent publisher isgiven but this time with a date of publication Valencia, en ta Imprenta de D. Benito Monsori. Ano l8 l . Traduit par D. Fr. X. Borullis. A more weighty problem concerns the use of the word impreson in the titie of the Spanish translation. This refers to a printed edition of the Italian original ofwhich the present author has no knowledge at the present time. 2. Reinhoissi appears to have used another copy of the fame texi found in the Archive of the Propaganda Fide, Rome, in the collection 6Scritture riserite net Congressi: Moscovia, Ρolonia e Ruteniis entilled HBreve descrigione delle missioni delia Compagnia di Gesu nella provincia di Saratovian.
Italian account of the Saratou missions lacking a litte: l0 pages of minute handwritingis . This was hept in the Archiwum Zakonne Prowincyi Polskiri S.I. From his description it is plain that he is referring to another copy of the
In addition to the manuscript found in various copies there existS a whΟ-le family os related archivat materials which describe the Iesuit mission onthe Volga. Chies among these for the purposes of the present study is the Descriptio Missionum, quae in Saratoviensi Gubernio a Patris Societatis I U excoluntur; facta Anno l803. Ρatrumque in illis locis labores decursu anni ejusdem complectensis Descriptio . This is found in the ARSI and attributed to the hand of Thaddaeus Brgogowski lJ49-l820), elected Generat of the Society os Iesus in l80'. It was written on the basis of the letters of the
missionaries Exarata manu Ρ-is T. BrZoZowski, concinnata potisSimum e Missionariorum litteris). The texi is in Latin in fixteen numbered pages. In many cases Descriptio ados delails which milate leaves out. At other times it merely repeais mila..Thus the critical edition presented here is in many
respectS a comparison of the two.
Descriptio was probably composed stightly after milate since it mentions the presence os de Grivet in Krasnopol'e. milate cloes not. Since de Grivel arrived on 22 Ianuary l804, Descriptio must have been written aster that date. Milate somewhat before it. Other source materials were used by Ioseph Κruschinsks who laterclied exiled in Alma-Ata in l940. In l903 he wrote a series of articles under the pseudonym Hieronymus and published them in Memens. the Catholicweekly of the Volga Germans. of the four sources used by Hieronymus twowere avallabie to this author. The sirst is the texi compiled by Auguste Carayon, entilled Missions des j uites en Russis et dans Larchipel grec Ρaris l8693. Ιt contains excerpis of G1Reen of the letters of Aloysius Landes, Iesuit Superior at SaratoV, and repeais some of the content of milate. The second fource was found by Hieronymus in the Imperiat Library in St. Ρetersburg and appears to have also been used by Moroskim. The document which he discovered was a Ρolish text which bore the titie
Abel Bonafou's Du relabiissement des Iesuites et de Peducation publique translated as O powrocie. Included near the end of the volume, togetherwith other unrelated materiai and following iis own system os paginationis the texi of siopi sis, which extends for some forty pageS. Aster Clofer examination, opisis reveals itself as an almost word forword translation of the Latin texi os Descriptio. An anonymous note writtenin French on the copy of the articles of Hieronymus found in the ARSI is correct in indicating this fact. Zalςski seems to indicate Labςcki as the author of opisis'. This would however conflict with what we know about De scriptio. Ρerhaps, Labςcki was merely the translator as he was of O powrocie. Finalty the actuat identity of the texi copy found by Hieronymus in the Imperiat Library of Saint Petersburg remains unclear. He refers to ii as a siBroschureis orsi Buchleinn without pagination or the name os an author, although the pages of O powrocie are clearly numbered and an author is given at least for the translation os the titie work on the front page. Hieronymus found two other sources in the Library of the St. Κatherinenkirche in Saint Ρetersburg. The first was the uordinationes Generalium a l0. Novembris anni t 800 ex quo coepit esse Collegium Societatis Iesu Petropolin. The second fource which Hieronymus discovered had more to dowith the Volga mission itself. It was the diary of Iohannes Meyer, S.I., miS-
viensis Diarium, coeptum anno Domini l803, i 3. Martii, quo tempore coloniae catholicorum in gubernio Saratoviensi traditae sunt curae Societatis Iesu a Clementissimo Imperatore ALEXANDRO ID. ACcording to HieronymuS, the originat was in Latin. It was written in an almost illegibie handwriting. Hieronymus gives the texi in German translation. It covered the time Domthe l3 March l803 untii the 2T September l80T. Meyer's successor Ignatius Zachare ior continued the diary for an additionat two months. Long Sections of the diary are reprinted in the newspaper articles in MemenS. Most of the content of the diary is a monotonous list of church services but it includes severat more interesting delatis such as Meyer's chastisement of a group os his parishioners for rowdineSS. Who was the author of mtigi' The style and good Italian of the manuscript lead one to suspect an Italian hand. Italians worked both at Ρolotsk and St. Ρetersburg. A certain Giuseppe Cassasso, born in Castel-nuovo d'Asti, actualty worked in the colonies'. However, he arrived only in l807, severat years after the document had been written.
Ρerhaps it is more likely to assume that one of the Angiolini brothers there were sive of them and ait worked as Iesulis in Russia) probably
badly spelled somelimes to the potnt of unintelligibility. A great part of the
second section of the work describing the activi ty of the missionaries is con- cerned with retelling stories of miracles or nearly miraculous evenis. This is inline with similar religious literature of the period which aimed at fortii ying thereader's personat piety. The texi exhibita a very positive altitude toward the Russian authorities and particularly the imperial house. The author avolds religious polemic and adopta a conciliatory altitude to those of other satilis.
The abo Ue, georgic so unding phrases stem Do m the pen of AntonSchneider, German schoolmaster among the Volga coloni sis. Writ tenaro und l860, some forty years after the forced departure of the fa thers of the Society os Iesus in l820, they describe the so-called sigoldene Zeit der Iesultenis the subject of the texi of our manu script . German Colonisation of the Lower Volga Region The German presence on the lower Volga may be considered one of the resulis of the poticy os colonisation assumed by Catherine ΙΙ during the years l774 to l 96. Both Russian and western authors, especialty Germans, haVedescribed in delati the Empress' colonisation policies/J. Essoris were made
during this period to populate the newly gained territories of the Black Sea
tion consisted os scattered setilements of Dee peasanis under Cossack protection: Colonisation of the area was necessary in order to butiress this frontier region of the empire against nomadic assaulis. Russian pensanis, hΟweVer,showed litile enthusiasm when invited to setile in this saVage wilderness. The Volga region was chosen as a site of colonisation since it assorded
possibilities os trade with Persia. Iis black earth, when cultivaled, promised an agricultural boom. Colonisis would also aid in defending the region. Finalty, the Russian empress seiZed upon the idea os colonisation as a means of increasing the population of her vast but mostly uninhabited land. Byincreasing the Russian population site hoped to boost the economy. Thus shewould increase the wealth and power of the state. While stili a grand duchess, Catherine atready consided her thoughis to paper
Lighter thoughis aside, Catherine had three Western European coun- tries to use as modeis for her colonisation projeciso Austria, Prussia and Den- mark. In neighbouring Austria, colonisis stom Various paris of the empire had been invited by imperiat manifesto to cultivate the frontier regions offouthern Hungary and defend them hom Ottoman invasion. Actualty the Russian 6Semiramis of the Northis chose as a modet for her colonisationplans the Prussia of Friedrich the Great rather than the Austria of Maria Theresa. This potnt is corroborated by comparing the manifesto of the Russian empress inviting German colonisis to her land with that issued in l68 by the Ρrussian kingio.
Actualty the sirst attempt of Catherine ΙΙ to iure German setilers tothe Volga region was her manifesto of lT62. It was unsuccesssul since itfailed to enumerate the rights of the coloni sis in detail. Her manifesto of the sol lowing year rectissed this omission and produced the desi rede ectyy. In the fame year the HKantseharha opekunsiva Inostrannychn The office for the Protection of Foreigners) was founded to deat with coloni sation problemS. The German emigranis recruited by the manifestos of Catherine II topeopte the Volga setilements were known collectively and after l804 even legalty as sikolonistyn - Κolonisten. The use of this term became more specificin Russia during the nineleenth century and was applied only to the Germansettiers of the Volga and the Germans, together with some of the Greeks and Bulgarians who setiled in New Russia Novcla Rossha) and Bessarabia. Other foreigners living in Russia were not known as sikoloni Styn. Together with material bene is, Catherine II promised the colonisis religious freedom. This was in accord with the teachings of the siphilosophesisso patronised by Russia's enlightened monarch. The empress' manifesto included a paragraph regulating the religious privileges of the colonisis
The Lithuanian author Brumanis rejecis the notion that Catherine ΙΙShould be ranked with other sidespotes eclairesis suci, as Friedrich ΙΙ or Ioseph ΙΙ in view of her oppressive policies regarding the nationat economyand the extension os sermomy'. The foregoing excerpi seemS neVerihelessio harmonise with the tone os the Russian empress' other sientightenedis domestic policies. In vlew of her stringent programme of Secularisation, theclause sorbidding monastic mundations among the colonisis takes On special pertinence.