장음표시 사용
choose their place of Settiement. The emigranis came Dom various economical backgrounds and Domdisserent paris of the German lands. Κonig mentions the various Germandistricis which provided colonisis for Russia
In addition to ethnic Germans, there were also Danes, Swedes, Dulchmen, Frenclimen, SMss and Italians among the colonisis. Some of the Frenchmen arrived as sarmers while others took up positions as language tutors in nobie sa- milies. One Russian observer described such an arrangement HI went to the house of the Ρrince, having learni that he had a teacher sor his
children, a Frenchman. Here Ι was received in mendly sashion. The teacher, a native of the Garonne, recruited sor setilement in Russia but unable to come to te s with
name and a Russian or russianised Tartar name. The German name wasgiven unofficiatly at the time of the colony's inundation. Some of the colo-
nies received the la ly name of the founder of the colony. This was the rescit ofa process in which the names of the colonies' munders were abbreviated in church register books N.N. aus der Molonie des Vorstehers Heinrich Bangerin came Simply N N. aus der Kolome Bangeris. In addition many colonies which bore the names of their foundem were also known by a popular Germanname - a WVolkSnamen. In t 68 the Imperial govemment ossice Κontor) gavethe colonies their Russian names. The colonisis themselves used the Germani , while govemment ossicials naturalty presened the Russian one. Almost allthe 3l Catholic colonies had both German and Russian names: Schuck-Gij novatha, Hildmann-Ρanovka, Marienthal-Tonkosurovka. Around thetime os the Fimi World War, ali the colonies received Russian names: later the Soviet govemment restored the German ones . The German colonies each counted Dom one to four or more thousandinhabitanis and e oyed the right os self-administration. Frequently, theyserved as modet villages and were favourably compared to their Russiancounte aris which were osten poorly organised. Osten the German colonisislooked with pride on their own setilements and with disparagement on their Russian or even more Asiatic neighbours. This was perhaps a reaction to the common Russian altitude toward the colonisis which regarded them as thesiscum os Germanyis since most of the Germans derived hom the lower socialspectruis'. A popular jingle, composed by one such colonist who described himself as siein Omgier, auch gut von Adet warn - an officer who would well
Both Roman Catholic and Ρrotestant colonisis arrived. They foundediheir villages or colonies in their new lanos of Settiement separalely on confessional grounds. Judong Dom the statistics given in our and other manuscripis there were three times as many Protestants as there were Catholics. of the onehundred or so colonies of the Volga region only about 30 were Catholic. Zott- man oves the number of Catholics as about two hundred thousanssi'. More accurate statistics given by Schnures' reveat an amount sar below that number- just above ten thousand SoutS. The Protestant colonies and later those of the Mennonites were vlewedas superior to those of the Catholics cause of economic, sociat and culturalreasonS. Catholic colonies were more rural than those of the Protestants.
This factor eventuatly allowed them to preserve their nationat identity bellerthan their co-nationals . At the fame time it prevented them Dom better integrating themselves in the encironment which on ali sides surro ded them. The religious diaspora siluation in which both Roman Catholics and Ρrotestants fiund themselves helmd both Moups to remain German. At sirst, many German colonisis did not even leam Russian since there was no actuat need. Onlythose engaged in trade immed a smattering of the speech of their adopted counto in omer to do business with the world oulside the colonies.
The emigranis setiled on both sides of the Volga in two very different geographical environments. While the lest fide die Bergseite) was thichlyforested and of higher elevation, the right side die Wiesenset te) formed
part os a vast steppe stretching into the distance. At the time of the emigrations the Volga was frequently used as a dividing line belween Europe and Asia, as the Urais and the Caucasus are toclay. Thus, the colonies of the si Bergseiten were then in Europe, while those of the 6Wiesenseiten were thought to be in Asia. At sirst, times were hard and the colonisis were subjected to both materiai and spiritual privations. One fource provides a rather poetic descriptionos the predicament of the colonisis
Originalty the missions had been directed by Rome through the Congregation for the Propagation of the Falth, under the watchful eye of the
nuntius. In lT66 Catherine II submitted the missions, as sar as sinances were conoemed, to a goismment agency the College of Iustice for Livonia, Estonia and Finiand. In l769, she bound the missions even more tightly to the Collegeand regulated more stringently certain aspecta of their administration. Shesurther sorbade the use of the term simissionaryn since, she reasoned, the aim Osthe sathen was not to converi those of a different faith but rather offer pastoralcare to their own co-religionisis. Hen fomam only the Propaganda continuedio use the titie simissionaryn when adoressing the sathers and continued to holdopen the possibility of the conversion os Russian orthodox, even though this was explicitly sorbidden by the Russian govemment. The siluation was again tochange with the nomination os Siestraenoe GN.Already in the year l765, when the sirst missionaries arrived in the Volgaregion entrusted with the spiritual care os the Roman Catholic Germancolonisis, their missions were under the direction of an independent mission-ary Vice-prefecture. It took iis name Dom the provincial city of Saratov, thelargest in the region, and was known officiatly as the Vice-Presecture of Sa
dent that one became apprehensive about the futureis β.
casus. The Volga mission was the sirst of these Ventures. Instrumental in securing the Iesuits for SaratoV was the state councillor
made name and career for themselves in Russia working both in the naturalsciences and occupying various high goVernment positions.
Although Senator von F abiitZ was a Ρrotestant, it is a lie and a disgracesulcatum ny to suggest that he saddled the coloni sis with the Iesuits out of malice. HabiitZ possessed a high degree of integrity and sincerely shared the high opinion, which his contemporaries in Russian goVernment circles, had of the members of the Society os IesusDβλ.
colonisis, entrusted the Saratou mission to the Iesuit sathers.
While the ambiguous altitude of Aleksandr I to the Society os Iesus is
well known, SOur S Seem to agree that it was more or less the Emperor's ideato entrusi the mission to the Society. one of the letters of the Iesuit superior Landes mentions this fact: 6The Emperor accepted their petition and ordered that the religious ministration of these colonies be entrusted to the sathers of the Society of Iesusnβδ. Zalςski is even more specific in this regard
Thus, they the colonisis) knew the Iesulis in their native country either Domtradition or personat acquaintance with sormer members of the Society. Therefore having been informed that Iesuits were working in St. Ρetersburg at St. Catherine'schurch. they petitioned Emperor Aleksandr through Senator Lari HabiitZ whom thegovernment had sent as inspector of the colonies, that he send them these priesis asmissionaries. The Emperor, on the recommendation os HabiitZ and the petition os the colonisis, summoneo Generat Gruber at the end of the year l802 and had him supply
WAlready ten fathers have been assigned, and sor now two brothers. They will Send as many as that and more when the weather is Miter. All of them are Germans since ali the inhabitants of the colonies are likewise of the fame nationat originis.
stadt with the Iesuit Iohann Baptist Richard. Twenty-two Iesulis served in the Saratou mission untii they were forced to leave in l820. Hieronymus 369) gives the following list os colonies and the Iesuits who served in them between the years l803 and l820. In vlew of the relative unavallability of this secondary fource the list is the following
l. Aloysius von Landes vom 5. Marg l803 bis 20. Mai l 809. Superior. 2. Iohannes Meyer vom 20. Mai l 809 bis 20. Sept. l820. Superior.