장음표시 사용
the main ver though grammaticali in the samo tense, is no in tho amo time-sphere, roto state the matte in another
Way tho conditiona in hiel either relation is reasonablo, and therocis nothin to determino hic is meant. Such a sint of things may bo men in Epid. 283, iam igitur amota si fuerit omnis consultatio nuptiarum, ne gravetur quod uelis, dismis at oncesten tho holo question os marriage lest he hallaegrudge oumhat ou ish.' Elthor si V or shall,is V is horo rea- sonabis, and nothinii the contexi ars either meaning Sucheombinations forme a brid rimm tho us of tho subjunctive of diuo reling V to tho us of tho subjunctive of forma likenes V in tho dependent clauso, and thus carried the ood verfrom iis origina domat in tho formo fiet to a ne domat intho lalteri Distincti unfavorabis are tho conditions hen thoro is a histin tenso a mellis in time-sphere, a When a ver in the pastdependa grammaticali um a futuro ver of Willingis Wishinnas in Cas. 503, ut quod mandaui curet, alia hema execute thecommissiona hic I havo givon V or, o tali a subjunctive, in Rud. 1243, ut cum maior dote abeat quam aduenerit, aliat hema depari With a large domo than he brought wit hor. VHere aduenerit, a ver os past time, could no stare in tho futuro volitivo ido expressed by the m Dand tonse of Meat. In gentences of this typo, then, is found the extremo of the fuit devol-opod habitis attraction. With his preliminar explanation, me pasci an enumerationand discussion of the various hind of subjunctivos after hichtho vor of the dopendent clauso is a times found to contain thegam moda feolingis that of the main clauso subjunctive of
Tha orde in this lis is that of the reaiment hie follows, an is determine is practica eonsiderationa os exposition.
2. Optativo Subjunctive ndepondent an dependent. 3. Subiunetivo os obligationis Propriety. 4. Anticipator Subjunctive, for the presentis the past pres
7. Subjunctivo in Indirect uestions.
Subjunctive deponding um subjunctivos it simplo volitivo o optative forco have been sussicienti trealed above pp. 5-6 .
The clausos hicli depondispono subjunctius os surprise
may et be reate in a separate paragraph, since the sho som important peculiaritios Through tho vor natur of this construction, it mattor littio hotho tho main and tho dependent verba re in tho fame timo-sphoro for surpriso or indignationis expresse a readit at an ac that too placo in tho pastis atone of the present time. Ordinarib, in his group, it is eas toteli rem tho contexi hotho tho socondar ver has naturassythe reling of tho main orb. Tho followin sentenos assorda amo illustratio of this class: Phorm. 970-3, ubi quae lubitum fuerit peregre feceris neque huius sis ueritus feminae primariae,
. . . uenia nune precibus lautum peccatum tuom l. The m dis uenias expressos in speaher' Rimed indignation hat fame Deling extenda, it suom to me throuo feceris, an sis eritus, sine theselawellipo tho ver acta hic causod the angor at probabi does no exten into the explanatoryclaus quae lubitum fuerit, or is it doos, it oriend wit far lass&rce should say that feceris and sis ueritus ars in tho subjunctive for the samo reason stat uenias is, but stat lubitum fuerit
In the folloWin examplos, in hicli tho main verba aro in the indicativo, I bould prefer o interpret the dependent subjunctive a duo to indignationan surpris rather than to an adversative feeling. Pers. 76 sumne ego stultus qui rem curo publicam ubi sint magistratus quos curare oporteat l
is a case of attraction. his statemen may beeomo cloare is moeompare the following sentence, in hic the explanator clause,
whio is ueh like the ne jus discussed is os in the indicative: Men. 560, Egone hic me patiar in matrimonio Ubi uir compilet clanculum quicquid domist fIn tho following the subordinate verba are, i m interpretationis right in the subjunctive, o is mechanica attraction, ut
Pseud. 84, o uos vostro panticesque adeo madefactatis quom ego sim hi simus Here Lango De Sententiarum Temporalium apud Prisc. Scr. Lat. Syntaxi p. 45 ne lessi proposecto emen madefacta licto madefaciatis, in ordo i get a raisoni'δtredo illo ood os sim. Capt. 892, dubium habebis etiam, sancte quom ego iurem tibi lIn therars of these examples the fore is notrieit With such strength, at themoment Whematim an curo are utiered acto calicior the subjunctive; ut theapeaher' indignation rise ache proe-ds, and finda fui expression in in and oporteat. I Would ad to this lis Ad 166. novi ego vostra haec nollem factum, dabitur tua iurandum, indignum te esse iniuria hae,' indignis quom egomet sim acceptus modis. The tono of the Iast cloarly is to thin of ming Arith suo excuses, aftera have been ad vae in thia avt V Lange ibid., p. 43 mes far asset in saying that the ood ol the eum-clauseris duo to ita dependeno iam the infinitive, and libbert Die Syntax vo Quom p. I40 mahes it ne of the two clauses in Terence hic are in thia ood hecauseos a causa quom It we are right in recogniκing this foro in tho dependent tempora elausea abovem it a main verti in tho indicative , e hal alsor reniet it When a subjunctive clause it ubi or cum is found in dependencaupo a subjunctive so the existene os sue clauses alter an indicative proves that those hic moran alter a subjunetivo ara no necessarii in that mood cause of attraction, but possibi by their own inherent force. I should likω
is suggest that many of the incalle causa an adversativo qui-clausea in Plautus an Tereneo hould ather bo explaine a due to the presene of thiaother force. For, is, are right in momieting the subjunctivo o surpriseor indignatio alter a eum es Bacch. 1192, Egon quom hae cum illo accubet inspectem I and ubi Epid. 588, Non patrem ego te nominem ubi tu tuam me appeIles filiam ahould naturali do so alter qui in clauses of the amε nature, as in Pers. 7, deisna advorser quasi Titani, cum eis belligerem, quibus sat esse non queam an in Rud. I 244, Mone ut quod ad me allatum esse alienum sciam elem Note lio elosely, in th two example folio ing, the qui-claus and the eum-claus eorrespond: M. G. 64 Vah, egone ut ad te ab Iibertina esse auderem internuntius, qui ingenuis satis responsare
bocause of their m inherent force of surpris' indignation, Or
equa to: Haec cum illo accubet, et ego inspectem cf. Cic. Cat. 2 8, 18, tu rebus omnibus copios et dubites οὐ manprovide Wit everything,-and yo hesitato LV Wit quom: Bacch. 1192, Egon, quom haec cum illo accubet, inspectem Mos 896, ibi obtemperem, quom tu mihi nequeas fHeaut 413-15, Verum quom uideam miserum hunc tam πιcruciarier eius abitu, celem tam insperatum gaudium quom
illi porteli nil ox indiei siet fHee. 341, Non uisam uxorem Pamphili, quom in proximo hic sit aegra l
Andr. 44 Ego huius memoriam patiar mea uoluptati NStare, quom ego possim in hac o modicari mihil
Bacch. 285, Adeon me fuisse fungum ut qui illi crederem, Quom mi ipsum nomen eius Archidemidos
With ubi tomporal: Epid. 588, Non patrem te nominem, ubi tu tuam, appelles
Men. 560-1, Egone hic me patiar in matrimonio,
Ubi uir ompilet clanculum quidquid domist Atque ea ad amicam deferat fmi Ioeat: Bacch. 1190, Egon ubi filius corrumpatur meus, ibi potem Vshould ad to his list for reason give in the foot te p.
theory one of the numerou Woahnessos in Ditimar a genera procodure Iiea inibo ac that his theorios ara bolstere u is a se leveri chose examples Whac are interpretexto fuit the theor in question As for the interpretatio of the cum-clausea give at tho eginning of this note Uam,el a areo the fac that it is is no means certain. Ι may be that at of the sum junctives it eum in Plautus an Tereneo ouiside os casea os attractionor Indirect Iseourse are due t uneonscious corruptionis the partis copyasis ho ere follo ing the sage of theiriwn times. Cf.male, Cum-Construintions p. II. Ubi in os Pers. 76 may likeWis M adversative. This is classe in the Hale-Buc Grammar, I 503, as ilIustrating the extremo development rom the volitive question It i ordinarii classe a a Potential
8), the qui causabadversative clausos hicli Aho the fame force.
An tu me tristem putas Putem ego quem uideam aeque esse maestum ut quasi dies si
Ahin to tho subjunctivo o indignation in deling, though fa difforent origin, is that hiel expresses obligation or proprio ζ' ando accordingi troat it nexi. Inram. 658, nunc,
quom eius alienum a me Sse animum Sentiam . . . quam ob
rem redducam the main verbissks a questionis propriet in alans of su rise, hic laiter feeling has fuit possossion of the subordinato ver and mahes it subjunctivo Tho amo is truo in Eun. 566, quid ego eius tibi nunc faciem praedicem aut laudem,
Antipho, quom ipsus me no et quam elegans formarum Spectatorsicis Again I should adda this lis many of tho sowalled qui-causal clausos hic may bo interpretexas expressing the samo feeling, and opondispon verbs in the subjunctive os proprie . So, forinstance, Udo no se Wh subjimctive liko the folio ing, with qui, hould bo place in a disserent clas from thos jus citodwit quom: M. G. 426 Quin ego hoc rogem quod nesciam lM. G. 556, Vidi: cur negem qu od uiderimi Amph. 434 Quid ego ni negem qui egomet siemi
The number of thes examplos in Plautus and Toronco is large. There are also certain subordinato clauses depending pon verba
liko mereo, hic bolon to this group. Thus in Men. 1067, non edepol ita promeruisti de me ut pigeat quae uelis, bo have deserved Miter of mo stan that ou hould expros a is and bo disappotntia,'' I should say that tho, d os uelis is no dueto attraction, ut convey the idea os proprie multo a clearlyas pigeat does. The feelingis remonstraneo is also stronii thecumaelauses of tho folloming, in hic ut siet mustra classe asa substantius clause of propriet I should not, With Lubberi, p. 81, ah tho Subjunctives it cum a due t mechanica attrac
Bacch. 140-2, Non par uidetur neque sit OnSentaneum, Quom haec intus intus sit et cum amica accussiet, Q-mque Osculetur et conuiuae alii accubent, Praesentibus illis paedagogus una ut siet.
In nono of the bove, then, is the dependon clauso mechanicallyattracted. I may bo sald octo in tho subjunctivo booauso it is Within tho penumbra of tho subjunctivo hadom extended by thomain eis. An it seem hicti probabie stat tho mochanical habit os assimilation mas helpod o by the occurrence of a great
The par played by the anticipator subjunctivo is probabbas mos important of ali in the creatio of this construction. In horars place ali futuros, hen thrown into the past, o necessit are expressed by the subjunctivo. Epid. 01 Conducta ueni ut fidibus cantarem seni dum rem diuinam faceret. In hie faceret represent a futuro dum faciet projectod into thepast Contrast:
Epid. 47, pse mandauit . . . ut fidicina quam amribat eminretur sibi, in hic amabat represent a present amat thrown into pas di eourso. ther examples of the past future are:
Seo the Me-Buc Latin Grammar, I 508 , and Halo' Anticipator Subjunctive, P. 4. Minote. It is customary, of eourge, to reat the ood in sue casea a duo to attraction, or, i after verba sentiendi et decIarandi, a ducta indirecines of discourso. Somiibberi treata Amph. 128, and Bacch. 955 cf. p. 86 and 3 . Holiete' triniment is similar. See p. 19 5 passim It must e understood, ho everi that tho verba in suo casea mulano have been in the indicative, and therelare it is impossibi is in that theyhave been attracted They are, as explaine in tho Supplemen to themaIωBuc Grammar, o dus to the habit os using tho subjunctive, ut factoraeontributin to bring abis that habit.
Pseud. 57 Ea causa miles hic reliquit symbolum . . . ut qui huc adferret eius similem symbolum
Amph. 128, ut ne qui essem familiares quaererent uorsari crebro hic quom uiderent, domi.
Cf. also Epid. 316, faceret Epid. 356, redisses Epid. 386 inspexissent Amph. 83- mandasset, fecisset Amph. 225, uicti sint Bacch. 55, scinderetur; Trin. 1144, darem 314 esset; Adel. 109, eiecisset; IIec. 45 egissem Curc. 346, attulisset. It is notis great ste from sentencos like these to the folloming, in hic ono cannotas positivo hother tho origina vor of the dependent laus mas a futuro or a present Bacch. 550, ille . . . accuratum habuit quod posset mali faceret in mo. Cf. 554. Here posset could stand formister potero or possum. Fro Suchexamplo the stemis inori to tho us of tho importio subjunctive foris dependent clauso thrown from tho present into tho past. Cf. Moro. 152, me rupi causa currendo tua ut quae scirem scire actutum tibi liceret Bacch. 788, orabat quod istic esse scriptum ut fieret. o suo cases it is correctri appintho mor attraction, sine the verbs could bo in tho indicatius inomphasis requiro it. Cf. Eun. 574, ut . . . essem una quacum euPiebam. In the second placo, cur stud of early Latin Mem to bear ut
in bellos o Profossor Halo that in suo a caso a di tibi dent
aequomgue optes the od grant ou Whatover our eartshall,lin' , laut. As. 44, samo tho descendant of an original determinative anticipator clause. V I havo long belloved, 'Professor Hale says, that in anticipator subjunctivo supplies largo factor to the development of this construction attraction). Especiali in Plautus and erence, a considerable proportio Oftho subjunctives of assimilation ' after primar tenses seem asibtoas accounted foris simpl anticipatory, is, assum that theanticipator pomer stili remained to the ood a that timo. his has Menishomito bo the cas for erence, in a aper ritte fortho degre of A.B. Mir. F. O. Bates, a student of mino at o neli, in the year 1891-2. V
An examination f the expression of this hind in sarly Latincertaint gives strenn to the belles that the anticipator pomerstili persiste in them, though the Roman grammarians, lita themodern may have os sidit of tho origi and roforro tho modoto attraction. V ah cas of dum, meanini ,hilo V an as long a V an potntin to the futuro, furnishes a goo illustration. Wheneve it claus is subjunctivo in early Latin and opondsum a subjunctive, it is the practicorio a that tho mota is duot attraction. In his a Boetiger De Dum articulae Usu, etc. p. 20 explain dum-clausos in tho sellowinges habes has si quod dum uiuat usque ad aurem obganniat, Phorm. 1030 ita uelim
me Promerentem ames, dum uiuas, mi pater, ut me . . . dolet
Adet. 81 and ut dum uiuat meminerit semper mei mau 951. In the fame a tho dum-clauses in the folio in aro explainedis iste De Dum Particulae Usu Plautino, p. 26 quid dotis
egone ut semper, dum uiuat, me alat, Curc. 664 neu sessum ducat, dum histrio in scaena siet, Poen. 20 faciam ut mo memineris, dum uitam uiuas, Pers. 495; quaeso dum uiuas uti omnes
tui similes hospites haboas tibi, Rud. 499 and Richardson Do Dum articulas apud Priscos Scriptores Latinos Usu p. 72 similari explain tho dependent claus in Epid. 501, inio is a
sentenco of the fame hind in dependenos ponis ver in thoiast. But the occurronee o subjunctivos aftor dum it tho amo meaning 'hic χο no depen im subjunctivos and whichclearly ho anticipator force, proves that in casea just mentionod hould bo considoro as instances of tho anticipator subjunctive. Ihe lallo in Wil illustrat whata mean: Truc. 716, Ego interim hic rostiti tricis praesidebo
isto dum sic faciat domum ad te Xagogam. Cf. τοφρα - κτήματ' ἔδοντα Oφρα κε eewν τουτον lassi νοον β 123.
μενέω AE 361. Truc. 103, onus eorum aliquis oculum amicae
usque regerit dum illi agant. The samo subjunctive it other partioles is illustratod by tho following: Amph. 439 ubi ego Sosia nolim esse, tu esto sane Sosia.
This interpretation is vive is ange, De Sententiarum Temporalium apud rise Scr. Lat Syntaxi P. I.
CLiam; δ μεοι σχε&ην δια χυμα τιναξηὶ νηξοWu ε 363. Seo also in Umbrian pono sonomo ferar . . . re fert Iguv. Tab. VIb, 50, hic Buchelo translates eum in rem divinam foretur ... is ferto.
Trin. 1131, id repetundi copias quando uelis.
o tho subjunctivo for the followin independent sentences in
Plautus: Amph. 1060 Nec me miserior feminas neque ulla uideatur
Truc. 907: Nunquam hoc uno die ejiciatur opus. Nom that tho existenco of this subjunctive hac come s Widely recogniged, it milliso longo geom an unnatura interpretatio to
mhera Iaso mit Rode use an Hale takes quaecumque optes, ite a Ve, as an example of the Anticipator subjunetivo, ather han a due to attraction His Worda arer Ahniichisahe stehen sic Konj. Prlla und futur m Relativsat . . . Eo is de unklassischemonjunkti in veratigemelnernden Iatiuintaenisu inllire Wie a. 44 di tibi dent quaecumque optes Stich., 6 pa nos oportet, quod ille faeis quoius potestas plus potest Den da, o futuraIo Bedeutun ausgeschlosse iat, stetit de Indikativ, Wie Pera. 293 eveniant tibi quae optas immodo optavisti Eine Rethe Von 'pen deskonjunktivi hen Gebrauch in untergeordneten Elzen liliri u diesen onihm prospektiv genannte Gebrauch ursic Hale Thoonticipator Subjunctive, etc. Blas is hoWever, o correet in statin that 'o futurale deuium ausgeschlosse ist, stetit de indikativ.' futures of this indare, to M aure, usuali in the subjunctive; ut it has scaped laso' notice that these ver eases ad by tho time o Plautus one o far in creatin ahabit for attractio that ove present generalietin elauses of the sam generat natur are frequently in the subjunctive, and that 'his habit 'adbeen strengthene is a factor atready referre t rip. 5 , in hich, even in the present tense in subordinat clauseris subjunctive by the extensio of themoda seelinifrom the governin verb. dependent laus o Pseud. 36, tantum tibi boni di immortales duint quantum tu tibi eaeoptes, certaini refers to tho progent time for the Wis In question had jus Men expressed. Neverihelescit is in the subjunctive ood contextris equali explicit in referring the dependent ver of Μ. G. 1038, di tibi dent quaequomque optes, o the present sor further examples, se the is o p. 32. Furthermore Blase, is hia interpretation, hic is eorreet enough, of the illustration hichhe estis eveniant tibi quae optas immodo optavistiJὶ, hoWa that he is reali not dealin Wit a generaliging veraIlgemei rendenροὶ clause, ut mith a determinative elause an he has falle to sis that quae opta is in THE 'OURCES OF THE MONSTRUCTION.
tahe optes of the sentence cito Mir Halo di tibi dent quaecumque optes as a furvivat of the Anticipator subjunctivo, and
io stato that these anticipator subjunctivos, urviving, ascis naburat, after present Subjunctives referring to the future formedan important influenco in the devolopment of tho habit os attraction. An examinatio of the table following ill shom stat aver large percentage of the verbs referring to tho futuro and depending upo a vor in the subjunctivo is placed in tho famomood that in fac the porcontago is far hictor horo than in avother time-sphore and that is, in addition to referring to tho futuro, the subordinate ver is placo in clos proaeimit to thomverning subjunctive es p. 46), it is almos invariabi in tho
Same OOd. the indicative, o Meauserat oes no refer to the futuro, ut hecausa it ia very desinite determinative elauseram quae modo optaviati s cf. p. 4s . Blase a probabi te astra by the erroneous statement of Lange loe cit., p. 45ὶ Hic usus apud Plautum et Terentium certia etiamdum finibus comatrictus fuit: tum enim solum adhibitus est cum in enuntiatione demonstrativa futura aliqua notio continetur. But Lange ad himself seen that the subordinate Verb even hen referring to the future, as Iesa frequently in the subjunctiva hen it precede the main subjunctive than hen it Wasclosely attache t it p. 39 . Maharper analysis then, Evencis Iase fallini data, ould avarae him to tho conclusio that tho ood in theae casea a not holi a matter of the expression of the idea os futurity, hut in someo them a due to the proximit of the claus to the subjunctive of thegoverning clause, i. e. t mechanica attraction.
In his connectio it hould e note that the examples of attraction-Eo-ealled-Whicli occur in Osca an Umbria are verba hic refer to the future rho lis is a follo si1 pu far Lahad, ni putila edum. Curso of Vibia. imen he talitaloo may he nolle abierio eat. Buck. Osc.-Umbr. Ver System, P. 147. 2 prehabia, ire rakuoi muna si herte, et pure mune sis. MV. Tab. V a, . praehibeat quidquid ad illam rem diuinam sit oporteat, et qui in diuino in luch, Osc.-Umbr. Verb-System, P. 144. 3. persei marsei Τ depending ponis subjunctive. MV. Tab. VI a 28, 38 48. far ascis right.' Thia is no an undo ted instanee Me Buch, Ose.-Umbr. Grammar, P. 2I8.Mr Buch, rom Whose paper The Oscan-Umbrian Verb System I have tarinthes examples, adda in Iootnote p. 149 Assimilatio ma be a conservi rather han a creative force, a meret ton to preserve an old constructionagainst the inroad of the future indicative.
i. SUBIUNCTIVEA HICII REFER TO THE FUTUR AN DEPENDUPON SUBJUNCTIVES. A. Depe in vo Independent Politive SMjunctives. In the Secondieraon. Hoc 391, id facias quod in rem si tuam. Stich. 149, nequo tu me celassis quod scias. Cato, R. R. 61, agrum frumentarium cum res
In the hird Person. Asin. 776-7, nequo illaec ulli pod podem homini
premat quom Surgat, neque quom descendat inde, de quoiquam
Whonas talios Dod manlio nota able to eat . Truc. 233, ubi nil habeat alium quaestum coepiat. Cato, R. R. 3, olea vi i lecta siet, oleum fiat continuo. Poen. 20, ne fossum ducat dum histrio in scaena siet. Truc. 232, dum habeat, dum amet. Pseud. 307, quando nil sit, simul amaro desinat. Bacch. 652, utiquomque o siet, pectore expromat
Plaut. Frag. Fab. cert. 91, quique liceat, ueneat. Cato, R. . , quae satis accipienda sint, satis accipiantur. 2 frumentum quod supersit vendat. 5, cui iussus siet, auscultet. 2, quae opus sint locato, loeentur. 89 e gula consideret, quGd satis sit. Aul. 156, quae cras ueniat, perendie foras feratur.
Cato' treatis is a series of directions for a definite person, it a viem to futura eontingeneios, e nee no doub that tho subjunctives quoted rem the De Re Rustica reler to the future, an further that the are everinstance of the subjunetive in the secon person indefinite. Frem the Murse of Vibia,' se Buch, Oscan-Umbrianser System p. 147. dum.
B Dependiu pon Dependentila es of Plan.
Aul. 278, ibo intro ut . . . facta quom ueniat sienti Asin. 185, ut quom uideat gaudeat. Cas. 133, unde auscultare possis quom ego illam
Cur 253, ut sit paratum prandium quUm ueniat. Most 1064, astate, ut quom eriemplo uocem, Omtinuo oxiliatis. Most. 249, ornata ut sim quom huc adueniat. Pseud. 168, ne mora quae sit . . . coeus quom niat. Pseud. 1115, o quim adsiet metuam. Pers 190, ut domi sis quom ego te esse illi censeam. Pers. 191, uti domi sim quom illi censeas. Pers 152, ut fleat quom ea memoret. Cato, R. R. 73, ne quaeras quom opus Siet. Heaut. 711, ut quom narret Senec. . . non credat
Adel. 354, curre . . . ut guom Optia sit, ne in mora nobis siet. Andr. 24, i nunciam intro no in mora quom opus sit sies. Phorm. 39, ne quom hic non uideant, me conficem credant argentum. Hoc. 694, ut cum illa uiuas testem hanc quom absto amoueris.
Eun. 933, ut quom cognorit perpetuo oderit. Men. 543, in te lubenter uideam quom ad nos
Cap. 435, tu me ignores quom extemplo meo conspectu GSce eris. Heaut 854, ut quom desponderim des. quando Bacch. 768, ut quando ereat, extemplo . . . ei tabollas dem. Men. 1045, ne tum quando sanus factus sit, a me argentum petat. Bacch. 730 ut pater cognoscat litteras, suando legat. Poen. 552, ut gurando agas, quid agas, sciam
Tha depondent verba are probabi in the subjunctive, cf. p. I.
Bacch. 43, ut isti emeritum sibi sit se reuehat
operas. M. G. 3, ut Mi usus gemat . . . praestringat Oe lorum aetem.
Pors. 230, ne ubi uorsicapillus fas foede semper
sermias. Τrue. 230, quin ubi nil de . . . eum mittat . . . domum.
M. G. 1122, ut ubi illae prodeat, prouoces. M. G. 46, nequid ubi miles uenerit, titubetur. Cur 664, ut semper dum uiuat me alat. Aul. 600, herils imporium ediscat ut quod frons uelit oculi sciant quod iubeat . . . properet Pedisequi. Pseud. 883, ut quisque stuStauerit faciam. Pers. 156, adferto causiam quam ille habeat qui
Merc. 504, ut quod imperetur facias. Cato, R. R. 137, quod bubus satis siet, qui illic sient eo arison arae 46, nequis aduentor grauior abaetat quam adueniat. tibisumque Pseud. 580, ut ubiquomque hostibus congrediar . . . ut uineam. C. Dependiu ponita es of Proviso. gui. M. G. 785-6, duni modo eam de qum sit quaestuosa, quae ἰαι corpus corpore, quoique sapiat pectus. D. Dependino pon Substantive Cla es of eari eum. Heaut 1017, metuis ne non quGm Elis conuincasesso illum tuom. qui Bacch. 1173, non metuo nequid mihi doleat quod ferias.
Se P. M. Perhaps this illustrates the volitive subjunctive. THE 'OURCES OF THE MONSTRUCTION.
Amph. 983, fac sis . . . ut ministres mihi, mihi quae m Sacruficem. Aul. 273, curata fac sint quom a foro redeam
Cap 494, irrogabo multam ut mihi cenas decem meo arbitratu dent quom cara annona rit. Stich. 65, facito sultis nitidae ut aedes meae sint quom redeam. M. G. 578, ut miles quom aetemplo a foro ad Hesdomum, comprehendar. Cato, R. R. 28, caueto eum uentus siet aut imber, offodias.
Truc. 33, ueso ut quando otium tibi sit ad mo
Pseud. 663, id sis ne in quaestione sis quando
Aul. 13, quin Mi accersat meam extemplo filiam ducat domum. Rud. 1220, fac ut mi Ampelisca nubat Mi ego sim liber. Poen. 55, ut Mi mihi uapulandum si tu corium
Eun. 394, hoc prouiso ut titi tempus siet deducam. Cato, R. R. 2, uti ea cognita aequo animo rin . . . uti perficiantur. Pers. 495, faciam ut mei memineris dum uitam
Rud. 499, deos immortales quaeso dum uiua uti omnes tui similes hospites habeas tibi. Adel. 681, uelim me . . . ames dum uiuas. utquomque dr. 736, tu ut subseruias orationi utquomque opus sit uerbis vide. Capt. 448, ut quam primum possis redeas. Trin. 41, teque ut quam primum possim uideam
emortuam. I domo hesitate to clas Meersam mith the subjunctives.
Stich. 121, pridie caueat ne faciat quod pigeat postridie.
Capt. 386, ut potissimum quod in rem recte conrducat tuam id petam. Most 558, eum uideto ut apias qui credat mihi. Pers. 616, scio ossicium meum, ut quae rogiter uera eloquar. Phorm. 449, quae in rem tuam Mnt ea uesim facias. Eun. 1026, ut faciam quod iubeat. Hec. 65, qui . . . laceres quemque aes HS. Heaut. 721, quasi non ea potestas sit tua in uelis in tempore ut Θ XSOluRS.
Men. 449 ut quantum possint suique uiceant
Cato, R R. , reliqua quo sint ut compareant. Cato, R. R. 2, quo supersint uti ueneant.
F. Dependino ponandependent Erpression o Ulah. qui. Asin. 44, di tibi dent quaequomque optes. Trin. 13, bene quod agas eueniat tibi. Phorm. 552, di bene vortant quod agas almHec. 197. Epid. , di dent quae uelis S also Pers. 483;Poon. 1055 Stich. 469 Trin. 1152. Trin. 437, di duint tibi maequomque opteS. Afranius 358, di tibi dent propria umquomque
G. Dependis ison Another Anticipator Suhiunetive.
Heaut 544, expectat dum hic denuo abeat quGm
tolerare illius sumptus non queat. P n. 747, quam . . . quod loquantur creduam.
Thia expressio an ita equivalenta ara osten sed in salutations andaeem to refer to the futura. Interestin varieties of it are found in Asin. 623, dabunt di quae uelitis, an in Pers. 16, dabunt di quae eaeoptes, hich tranthe ten--tone of the expression Here velitia an eaeopte are evidently in the antieipator subjunctive, an depen in both instancea pon dabunt, .hie is virtuald a future imperative. THR SOURCES OF THE MONSTRUCTION.
tibi. Phorm. 1030, habet haec ei quod dum uiuat usque ad aurem obganniat. Cas. 56, ubi educat pueros quos pariat. Afranius 199, Non usquo quaque idoneum inuenias locum Ubi derepent eum uelis facias lutum. Eun. 1080 facile pellas ibi vilis. I. Dependitas pon Conditiona Subiunctives. cum Men. 454, qui nisi adsint quom citentur census capiat ilico. Poen. 27, ne uarientur uirgis . . . Si minus curassint quom eri reueniant domum. Triae. 234, nisi modo quom dederit dare iam lubeat
Merc. 406, flagitium sit si sequatur quando incedat
per Uias. Poen. 148, ubi dissolutus tu sies, ego pendeam. quando. titi.
J Dependiti upo Cla es of Result. Andr. 394, patri dic velle, ut quom uelit tibi iuro
irasci non queat. Phorm. 822, quas quom res aduorsae sint, paulo mederi OSSiS. Accius 337, nunquam erit tam immanis cum non mea Opera Xtinctum sciat quin fragescat. Heaut 951, indeo exornatum dabo . . . ut iumuiuris meminerit.
N. Dependino ponandirect Question o Futurtim qui Eun. 790, qui scis an quae Meam sine ui faciat L. Dependis upo an Indirect Q stionis Docti. cum Merc. 344, neque is quom roget quid loquar cogit
INDICATIVEA FUTUR OR PRESENT-FUTURE DEPENDINO PONSUBJUNCTIvΕs Not attracted. qui M. G. 573, post hac etiam illud quod scies, nesciueris. Ain. 781 deam invocet sibi quam lubebiti Pers. 524, suo periculo is emat qui eam mereabitur. Rud 486, qui homo sese miserum uolet Neptuno credat sese Cato, R. R. 8, qui eum . . . habebit, pare Cato, R. R. 22, ut expleas quod interest. Cato, R. R. 31, quae Opus erunt parentur. Cato, R. R 70, ieiunus siet qui dabit. Cato, R. R. 89 gallinas teneras quae primum parient concludat Cato. R. M. G2 rami ut, divaricontur quos relinques Cato, R. R. 103, qui fastidient cibum ut . . . adpetant . . . Par gito, Cato, R. R. 142, ut quae opus sunt, Parentur. Most. 1095, o huc confugero possint quaestioni quos dabiti mph. 608 cauo quicquam nisi quod rogabo te mihi responderis Bacch. 989, uolo ut quod iubebo facias. M. G. 254 inducamus uera ut esse credat quae mentabimur. Cur. 432, quaeso qui has abollas adferet ut ei detur M. G. 81, qui auscultare nolet, exsurgat foras. m. Cato, R. R. 23, quom pluet, quata parentur. Cato, R. R. 25, quom uinum coctum erit facito ut seruetur. Cato, R. R. 40, quom praecides caueto ne librum conuellas Cato, R. R. 45, ne libor laboret cum dolabis. Cato, R. R. 45, n librum scindas cum adiges. Cato, R. R. 4, ne sectentur cum arabundi Pseud. 163, haec quom revortor facito ut offendam parata. M. G. 1176, quom extemplo hoc ori factum, facito ut uenias. Mer. 146, ne laborem capias quom illo uti uoles. Rud. 1206,
adorna ut rem diuinam faciam, quom aduenero. Asin. 372, mox quom Saurea imitabor, cauet ne SuScenseas. Amph. 197, meditabor quo modo dicam quom aduenero Bacch. 26, ut auferam quom illum rescisces. Hec. 575, uereor ne Orata nostra mequeat celare quom sciet meo. 769,
quom tu eris satura ut puer satur sit facito M. G. 811, ut cum hic agit, actutum partis defendas
Cato, R. R. 86, ubi coctum erit lacte addat. Cato, R. R. 156, ubi libido ueniet . . . decumbati Cato, R. R. 156, ubi uersus ibit heminam . . . bibat. Cato, R. R. 95, ubi erit crassum . . . sinito frigescat. Pers. 6, curat . . . o mihi morae sit ubi intro aduenero Bacch. 36, ubi mofugiet memoria . . . facito ut subuenias. Capt. 342, ubi erunt indutias illuc, qui conueniatu trem Epid. 595, ubi noles, ne fueris pater. Pers. 384, uideto, me ubi uoles nuptum dare faciat. Most. 403, neu quisquam responset quando aedis pultabit Bacch. 224, ueniat quando uolt. m. 619, utrum illaec fecerint quando haec aberit. Aul. 78, ut faciam litteram longam, meum laqueo collum quando obstrinxero Poen. 1409, quando
in nemo emissu's, o Pingam in carcerem.
Cato, R. R. 151, quotiens Opus erit, Purges Cato, R. R. 151, quotienscumquo opus erit facito ut addas. Cato, R. R. 21, ne foramina maiora fiant quo indemtur Men. 1044, dicam ut abeat liber quo uoleti Cato, R. R. 66, quam diligentissime poterit, tollati Rud. 779, ego dum abes ut abeat non sinam. Rud. 558, tibi copias dum lingua uiuo qui rem soluas Poen. 1421, dum auctionem facio opust
Rud. 880, suadeo ut ad nos abeant potius, dum incipis. me. 874 ut . . . sinas . . . dum albquo miles circumducitur Phorm. 13, ut momaneat . . . triduom hoc dum id . . . aufero. Eun. 94, in interea dum uenit domi opperbamur Rud. 773, oro ut illas serues . . . dum ego erum adduco meum. . G. 1333, ne into ueneris quaeso, dum resipisci Adia. 786, nisi . . . dum haec silescunt, abeam.
priusquam Epid. 304, ne abitas priusquam ego ad te uenero. antequam Bacch. 381, priusquam malum istoc addis certumst dicam. Cato, R. R. 161, ne ante arueris quam Sparagus natus erit. Sin. 448, nunc adeam optimust priusquam incipit tinnire. Phorm. 19, ut conueniat hanc priusquam hinc
abit Phorm. 898, priusquam dilapidat . . ut
auferamus. M. G. 1408, ObSeem . . . te . . .
ut audias priusquam seca Andr. 558, priusquam . . . reddueunt animum, Xorem demus. Poen. 1399, ut minam . . . reddas PriuSquam . . . abducere Bacch. 440, at . . . PriuSquam septuennis est, si attingas eum.
donee Cato, R. R. 86, lacte addat donee crassus erit factus. Bacch. 758, ne quoquam XSurgatis donec a me erit signum datum. Besore metaram conclusion from these abies, 'ordis Warn-
in must Mulven d mill bo notico that the sage of Cato diverges notice ly rom stat of the ther early riters a factvhie is asil understood by the reader of the De Re Rustica. Whon Cato has one fairly enterod his subjeci, his or beeomes praeticali a stringis sentences haped alter his mould quom ubi, si etc. . . . erit Jacito, 'ith remarhablin monotony.Τhere are ver throe hundred sentences of this form in tho littio Volume maturalty thon, tho futuro indieativo Moomos o fixodin the dependent clauso that ne could ardi expecto to beatiraetexto tho subiunetivo hen, for an reason, a jussive subjunctivo is sed instea os an imperative in the main clause. That Lam right in saying that tho futuro indicativo becomes faeed, is prouod by the fac that in the firs se chapters, severa eases of attractio oecuraefore thoras of the regulari recurring future indieative missi in imperativo beeomes notice te after that theyare remactabi rare mould also ad that conclusion dram fro myclista in regaryto priusquam-, dum-, an Abelauses, Ouidbe erroneous is aecepte mithout modification see p. 52-5). Aster dum intit, it is customaryrio classis the verbs a inhedienti subjunctive; ut the very fac statis ut siri per cent of the verbs after dum inti ars in the indicative in early Latin,
and that ove halto those hic ara in tho subiunctivo ars also in dependenee pon subjunctives an infinitives, me to ino stat many of the latis musti duo to attraction. In gonerat the fame conditio of thing obtains it tho priusquamaelauses Withsi-clauses, the eeling of the los vivi futuro is so subtile in early Latin stat in the majorit os cases here the present subjunctivo i Dund with si in depondoneerapon anotho subjunctivo, Lbelievet is impossibi to a Wit certaint Whether the writer ouldhavo sed an indicativo i tho clauso ha no boon thus dependent Me p. 4). n cases of this class, accordinHy, it mustae unde stood that tho lis of subjunctivos is notis complete a stat of the
Di comparison ortho tW uses may bo made in the temporalelauses illi cum, ubi, an quando, as et a in tho qui-clauses of Plautus and Toroneo Tho follo in tablo mill show a mar dpreponderance of the subjunctive in clausos hic resor to tho future an dependispon another subjunctive.
This proportio of tho subjunctivo to tho indicativo bocomes significant hen ne find that in early Latin attractio is raster the exceptio than the rute, and that a ut thirly ne per cent of
the clauses hich, o far a functio an position aro concernia, are capable P in attracted are in factis assected. The tense, theresere, is significant; and tho examination has confirme thotheor that tho anticipator subjunctivo was stili a foro in Latinduring the timo filautus Isthon it is found tot suppina largo factor to the devolopmontis attraction,' it illisoadit Miseen fro tho lis justinive stat the factor is exceodingi important,
for his elas alone mine u a ut 55 per ent of at the early Latin verbs that re usuali classedis subjunctives by attraction
The note quote above p. 4 from Professor Hale's apero tho Anticipator Subjunctive gives a Mod illustration, from conditiona sentencos, of tho hin o ver no unde discussion: C. . . I, 196: Se quis egent que sibe deicerent necesus ese