Attraction of mood in early Latin [microform]

발행: 1904년

분량: 41페이지


분류: 미분류


Bacanal habere. Cf. Trin. 472, siquid tibi placeat quod illi commstum siet, edisno in hic tho conditiona Doliniis pari asstrong in the quodaelaus a in tho si-clause. In the folio ingthere is moro ordos of tho conditionat s ling. It willa notiood that tho dependent clauso in tho secon examplo is stricti spea. ing, in grammatical dependenceram the apodosis of tho sentence, that is, ponis subjunctive of Idea Certainty. Quod uideas is equivalent to si quid uideas. Amph. 871 Nam mea sit culpa quod egomet contraXerim Si id Alcumenae innocenti expetat. Men. 111, Ni mala, ni stulta Sis . . . Quod uiro esse odio uideas tuto tibi odio habeas. There are numerous example liue the following: Capti 205 At pigeat posto nostrum erum si uos eximat uinculis aut solutos sinat quos argento emerit,

in hic there is a breah in time-sphere, and the dependent clause, is emphasis mere seven to ita actuat time-feoling, ould nota insto subjunctivo; but the speiae for tho moment conceives of theae fram the idea ratho than the actua mint of vie , an o presses this festiniis using the famem dis in the bclause. Cf. Bacch. 778, Ni facta cupiam quae is uelit strictb, ,hath no mishes V idoally, Whateve ho may wish V tua iam uirgis latera lacerentur probe. Seo alio Curc. 269 Bacch. 564;

In tho amo Way a clause dependin um a subiunctivo ofΙdeal Certaint may, stricti speahing, state a generat truth or an objectivo faci, an at the samo timo expres that fac ideatly thatis, With the samo mental altitudo mith Whic tho res of tho clauso is ultorod. ho depondent verb is thus thrown into tho famem dand tonso mith in vor on hic it dependa. A case in potnt insto present tens may borare in Cis. 497, quodcumque optes tibi uelim contingero, d yo fhould dostro a thing, Linould liko outo havo iLV Contrast Curo. 82 Nam istuno qui fer amotum uelim. Thorioilominiis an examplo os a clauso depending pona ver eontrar to faci Bacch. 488, si opperiri uellem . . . , plus uiderem quam deceret, more than Muid Mitting,' insisad

of mors than is fitting. ' Contrast Adol. 108, si homo esses, Abneres nunc facere dum per aetatem licet Decere has to in mindine Same tone a uiderern Tho fame relatio hold truo in thodopondent clauso os in following in Rud. 126 1, dum praedam

habere se emeret, interim praeda ipsus esseti

In the following on the oster hand we eem to have a clearcam os attraction: Poen. 681, uidero equidem uos uellem quom

huic aurum darem, a should likodo have o sos,hon Divo himtho money. V Τho ac spem toto that, aftor conditionat subjunoetives an subjunctives of idea certain , Latin freel conceives of tho subordinato et rom tho ideat potnt of vi- unles the facto iis objectis realityris to M omphasigod, as in Aul. 482, inuidiano minore utamur quam utimur, oriuntes ita time-sphere is olearly

disserent rom that of the govorning clause, as in Asin. 860, numquam faceret ea quae nunc facit. Complete list os examples maybe found Ompp. 40-1.

The indirect question mas evidenti passin through an important change in the time os Plautus Wo nee notaero discussthe proces of the change sine it to a that tho subjunctive Was comin is e the ood for these expressions and that a Deban Was arising hicli demando the subjunctivo for ali indireetly quote questions and when tho quotation includo a dependent clause, his to naturali came to e ut into tho samo mood is it a fel toto an integra par of the original question Thus, in the fossoWing sentenco Mem 623, quin percontatu's, hominis quae facies foret qui illam emisso, tho quote quoslion includes relative clause, and the wholo question hominis quas facies erat qui illam amiserat VI thrown into in subjunctivo. For the sarios comparison, I quoto the folloming, in hic in relativo clauso a no conceived os as a par of the quotation Trin. 7, quae illaec siet huc quas abiit intro dicam. Mul suggest that the originam attractio in clausos of this sorti me deeper, and that thera 'alte relative elaus in many instances a stili, as in iis orion, actuali fel as an interrogativo in dependence pon the main ver of the sentenco. I mean


stat in a sontoneo liko tho folloming Aul. 29 Is scit quae sit

quam compresserit, the speahe may havo folt practicatly the wο questions, quia est quam compressit Comparo Poen. 1027,

Narra, quid est, quid ait ibid. 711 Quid est quid uoltis, testes musta notod that in tho Oxamplo quoted the interrogativo feminino montes qua in tho indirect quotation, though inino direct quoslion it ould bo quis as a substantive in Plautus. This fae mouid facilitato confusion etwoen the relative and in- torrogativo in tho cassis in feminino pronouns. In tho case of tho masculino, inco qui and quis both occurro frequently as interrogatives, there mus have been frequent confusion Os course, in tho majorit os indirect questions tho possibilit os interpret- in tho dependent relative clauso as an intorrogative is recluded by thoonmistahabi natur of tho clauso It is entiret out fine question in sentencos like tho follo ing, as a glance Will sincet Ahom Pseud. 451, quanto satius est . . . exquaerere sint illa necne sint quae tibi renuntiant Aul. 17 Coepi obseruari ecqui maiorem filius mihi honorem haberet vir eius habuisset pater. Sontonoes like in folloming, homovor, ould allo tho possibilio: Amph. 1016, pergam exquirere quis fuerit quem propter corpus suom stupri compleuerit M. G. 261 hominom inuestigando operam huic . . . dabo qui fuerit conseruous qui hodio sit sectatus


Frageintren, diacia os de Bedeutun vo Relativssilete selir ah kommen. Delbrllis, Vergielehendo Syntax, III, p. 403, illustrates et tho ambiguit ofaome relatives. Η says Das elativum entMehi in abhangige Fragen. Ea insit violo ablillngige Fragoslligo, in elchen man das Pronomen ebens gutinterrogativise Wio relativiso aussassen ann . . eoncrepuit ostium, videamus, qui hinc egreditur Men. 348, 4ehen mi nach, er Ommi terheraus ' de ' sehen i nae dem, de hierauinommi. The Iiteratur onino question of the relatio of the relativo pronoun to tho interrogative and Indefinite pronouns an e found is means of the is os references in Delbrilis, ibid. P. 400. Cf. me. 708. Nun speculabor quid ibi agatur, quia ea intro, qui foras ueniat. Cf. also Sommer,mandbuch de Latoinischen aut uno Formiehre,293 Ur die Flexion maehi ursperenglie de Bedoutungsuntorschie nichis aus, das Paradigma a fit alle drei Vermendunge dasselbe. In R. R. 45, homines eos dato, qui placebunt aut custodi aut quia eam oleam merit, Catousea quis as a relative. What has Me sat in this paragraph must, hoWoer,appl to ritte rather than spolien sentences for I am Ware of thelae that tho stres of an interrogativo pronoun is osten no that os a relative. Cf. Semeri, Beri Phil. Woch. 189I, P. 108.

question must e rechone With in his account, is, ars right in supposing that thei forco ill hol in account for tho mood ofvorbs like adimat in tho follo ing Phorm. 161, expecto quammo ueniat qu adιmat hanc mihi consuetudinem.

liko tho ne iust quoto com fmm an Oxaminationis attractionas sed by Cicor in his bos proso, hora it actuali momos intosuch an 'stari at concinni , ' and notrimm an historical sinis of the construction. aliis is atheria habit,hic t Ushapo underino influenes of tho ovorat simila constructions that, havo discusse in tho preceding, an it,orkod outward from thos definito startingioinis long the lines Muerne by the law of analogrTrue i is stat in the examplas of the origina typo, the subjunoetive of tho depondon clauso a duo to thoriae that this clauso happone to contain the fame moda foetin a tho mverning clauso mut in theum in constructionis attractio prope identit os menta altitudo is no a sine qua non os iis occurre e. Attractio thon appoars octo in tho main a phenomenon os nabura lingu1stio volution Whio salis undo tho calogor os analom rhing mechanicatly rastor inanis a conscious ori onscio )menta altitudo connecte missi solistio oonsiderations have een iis origin are seund in tho langvago, notis artistio

'have been aresul to a that this is onI partia stadiment, fora fuit understand the ange of neglecting the element of ψαυ/ra inur in thaoIscussion o a constructio as subjective a this Thera aro psychologieal consideration that must e taken into account elare the fina definition is given. shal have omething to saron thi potnt in a later paper.


prose, butis suta prose a me finxi Early Latin. ho necessarilyaelong of eourae, to the post-paratactio period, ut to that par of the period whil stylo Wa stili quilo simple an unadorned. The very faci that these origin are toae place in a fairi mell- developed stage of tho languam, and yec foro thoricolin for the intricato an sinet wrought period o Cicero' da arises, is amauer of great significance, and again Oint to the fame conelinsion stat the constructio is notrioae tractario considerations os style. What the ea genetio foreos oro mo havo Ointed ut in thoprecedin pages, and have illustraled thema sontences in hichtho dependent clause directi expresse the fame feriin a theindependent clause, or a feelingaindred is it These sentences me havs found in connection it tho ollamin subjunctives: Iussivo, Permissive Deliberative and ita extensions , Dependent Volitive, optativo, Subjunctive os obligationis Propriety Αnticipator present-future and past-futuro), Conditiona Subjunoetive, Subjunctive of Ideal Certainty, and Subjunctive in Indirect Questions. In ther motas, the orions of this construction refounda exist in connection,it almon overy hin os subjunctivo o any importano in Early Latin and the actuat instances of thoorigines hin ars stero found to e more than hal of the verbs

usuali considere a cases of attraction.

I hali rit givo a lis of subjunetivos attraclada volitivos in

the primar clause, placinii a parallel columnisnattracted verba of the samo generat nature, o conveniene os comparison.

shal gmia these illi refereno to the relativo clasenos o timobemeen the dependent an independent veria, for, havo almadvsee stat a histi time-sphere is a mos important considerationi the alter os attraction. The romaining groups Will thon botroato in tho fame a in thei proper orderi It is ais necessar is noto that identit a grammatica te edoes no by an means implfidentit os actuat time. A universa present man or instance, depend um a prosint volitivo suNaunctive both may be in the present subjunctive, While, in respectio actua time, the volitius is futuro, an iis subordinato vor is present of eouris for the momon tho spoahor mania in tho futuro altitude of min Wit rogard o both vorbs, ut hocis notnecessarii m. his genera consideratio must o applio to


320, refert. Truc. 163, ubi mortuost quiescat.

Trin. 671, copiast. Dependent ver attractex SM-junctive in .ser is independent. Cas. 548, ne tu quod istic salutetur auris immittas tuas. Most. 1100, quod agas id agas. Pseud. 70, de locum illi qui


Bacch. 656, furetur quod


Lucii. 572, concedat homini id quod uelit. M. G. 1038, di tibi dent

quaequomque optes.

Μοst. 871, quom impluit ne impluat mi Bacch. 36, Menis Capt. 355, honestra M. G. 1419, des P n. 668, datis; Poen. 687, uis Adel. 18, uideo;

Trin. 671, St. Truc. 127, aduenis. Merc. 553, dum potes ames; Truc. 163, uiuit. Asin. 731, nunc ut est eloquamur; del. 399, est Tu pilius 191 meres. Stich. 44, nos faciant quam

Aul. 785, di quantumst e duint; eaut. 870, est Pseud.

37, est.

Cato, R. R. 1, ambulant. Amph. 960, eri ut sint, ipse item sit. Bacch. 661, utcumque res sit ita animo habeat. mc. 34, turbent quam uelint.

Pseud. 936, tantum tibi bonidi duint quantum tu tibi Goptes. Aul. 91, quo taleant nubanti b The governing

Aul. 576, quod haheo ut commutet Aul. 546, sospitent quod nunc hales Amph. 870, accusat; Amph. 970. opust, Capt. 329, sentio Capt. 908, pendent Cas. 311, postulas: Cas. 512 par tunisi Cist. 32, oportet Cist. 13, arbitrar Curc. 159, υλπις Epid. 268, uolt Epid. 456, adue-mo Men. 427, uolo Men. 558, dant Men. 955, Opus est Meris37 erpetis M. G. 72 9, probas improbasti G. 445, agendumst Most. 903, mulcet; Pseud. 12, nescio Pseud. 168, oisti Stich. 26, metuis; me. 22, uolo Andr. 339, est Trin. 654, Mes; eaut. 867, cupis; Hec. 25, est Adel. 706, sunt; Lucii. 36, impendet Lucii. 440, ser is dependent. Cas. 252, domuisti animum ut quod uir uelit fieri id facias Epid. 283, iam amota ei fuerit omnis consultatio nuptiarum ne gravetur quod uelis. Pers. 601, ut tibi percontari liceat quae uelis. Trin. 221, pauci sint faxim qui sciant. Amph. 630, ut quas imperes


Men. 994, Caue quisquam quod illic minitetur flocci fecerit. M. G. 41, ut praeolat mihi qm d tu uelis. Pseud. 207, faciant aduersum eos quod nolint. mom. 125, ut orbas qui sint genere proximi eis nubant.


intellego Cato, R. R. 14 sunt; Amph. 87s, grauidast Aul. 251, uia Bacch. 863, publicat cas. 107, dipem Cas. 206, Meις

Cas. 39, decent Acin. 256 8olent Curc. 34, palamst M. G. 227 sunt ' M. G. 1050, cupit; Pers. 74, oppugnant Pers. 72, Iieet Trin. 341, uis Trin. 41, promeres Phorm. 42, iubent; Phorin. 533, dandumst; re. 674, noIo; Hec. 268, opust; Adel. 54, faciunt; del. 11, potes. Paco. 282, rogo Turpil. 146, uolo Accius, 509, accolunt; Cato, R. R. 23 sunt Cur 428, peto; Trin. 979, ullo Andr. 825, pis M. G. 1229, amo Pers. 293, opin Rud. 1256 est. Eun. 537, amabo ut illuc transeas ubi illast.

Ηec. 85, cum orata eius reminiscor nequeo quin lacrumem; Merc. 178, quom malum audiendumst flagitas me ut eloquar. Adel. 11, ne imprudens 1 ciam forte quod nolit, sciens


Trin. 211, non flocci faciunt dum illud qum Ictea sciant. Andr. 306, quaeso ... id uelis quod possit. Curc. 29, ne id quod ames . . . tibi sit probro. M. G. 1230, quod cupio- ne


Rud. 874, ut id quod quaerant inueniant M. G. 595, ne dum ahgum o lita fiat M. G. 1317, dat Rud. 123, sudumst; del. 12 est; Pseud. 22, dormit Asin. 914, litigant; Αsin. 31 eoeperiam sAndr. 55 7 datur. Andr. 23, ut sumam supplietum ut volo Amph. 559, sunt; Amph. 982, intellegis Cas. 158, est Men. 861, minatur; Merc. 989, volt Phorin 1020 sunt. M. G. 1086, ne magis sim pubcher quam sum; sin. 268, L bentiast Heaut 681, uolt M. G. Andr. 160, ut consumat nunc quom nil obsint doli. M. G. 1342, nequeo quin fleam

quom abs te abeam. Bacch. 907, ut exin castigem

quom haec facta ad hunc faciat


Poen. 884, metus dum ero

insidias paritem ne me perduim. Capt. 343, alium misero ui tua mandata ita ut uelis perserat. Pers. 237, nunquam Xter brabis, tu ut sis peior quam ego siem.

quantum quo ροι. quantum.


2, solent Truc. 63 sunt Men. 192 impetrant; Poen. 694 solent; Capt. 443, 3um. Bacch. 348, ut conueniam quam tum potest; eaut. 45, est; Pseud. 938 dignu's. Pseud 470, ut possint quo uolo. 2. OTH VE MARE IN THE IMPERFECT ENSE. Eun. 57 ut essem unaquacum Merc. 152 rupi currendo ut mc. 29, ne minus hinc impetrem quam Oratem. Andr. 577, is mihi suadet nuptias quantum queam ut maturem.

cupiebam; Epid. 47, mandauit ut fidicina quam mahat emeretur sibi. quas scirem scire tibi liceret. Bacch. 788, orabat quod istic esset scriptum ut fieret. Cist. 85, ut me quem ego

amarem sineret cum eo uiuere. Bacch. 674, Occasio . . . fuit . . . ut quantum uelles tantum


Phorin. 733, ut facerem egestas me impulit quom scirem infirmas

nuptias hasce eSM. 3. OTH VERBS ARE IN THE PERFECT ENSE.M. G. 588, quin id adimaturi M. G. 149, faciemus ut quod ad quod uidit uiderit Poen. 951 uiderit ne uiderit.

ueni Pers. 478, credidi. Eun. 82, uereor ne taliorsum atque ego feci acceperit. M. G. 70, numquam detere

bo quin uiderim id quod


α Tha dependent ver in the perfect ense. 1 Ilisionernis ver independent.

Aul. 433, utinam auferam quae tuli Poen. 193 hoc agamus quod cepimus Truc. 9, uentumεις Men. 1104, pollicitu's Men. 451, commentust M. G. 1010, gum agressa M. G. 1100, instruetisti;

The ood os scirem ma be due to the adversative fore of tha elause.

Cato, . . , quae dominus imperauerit fiant. Ibid quod dominus crediderit exigat.


Heaut 31 fecit Heaut. 45, attulerunt M. G. 1127, instruetisti; Eun. 302, remoratust Plaut. Frag. 21 and Aquilius 1 re' perit Naeu. 19, protulit Trin. 63, and Truc. 844, habeas

ut nactu's.

Poen. 208, obtulisti. Cato, R. R. 7, Milutauit.

2 The governing Amph. 291, imperauit Amph. 948, noui Aul. 278 imperauit;

Capti 515, orauisti Cas. 503, mandaui Cas. 512, condiuit; Men. 445, imperatumst Men. 686, commisi Men. 991 tmperavi Men. 1057, fecisti Merc. 66s, fugit M. G. 949 condueti; Pseud. 39, missus sum Rud. 587, potaui Trin. 1123 egi; Truc. 93, perdidi Amph. 29, imperaui; sin 38, locutula; Aul. 671, fecit Curc. 72, O tentumst Cure 433 emi; Bacch. 1020, obiurigauit Men. 72, dedi Curc. 464, locaui Most.

416, turbauimus Pers. 13, -- sit Trin. 141, eoncreditumst; Heaut 1067, fecit; Hec. 54 commisit. Trin. 16, euortit. Merc. 425, dum ne minoris emtas quam emi Men. 1033, fui. Men. 1146, ut iusti Pers. 16, ut accepi. Naeu. 7, ut est Pseud. 1020,ti fuit; Pacuvius 297, ut ego egi, ago, azim M. G. 257, Morsi sumus Phorin. 31, usi Sumus. uer dependent. Phorm. 845, ut haec quae Ontigerint sciat. Most. 413, quae dissignata sint

. . . tranquille cuncta ut proueniant. Trin. 1105, iubeto Sagarionem qua imperauerim curare ut Dferantur. Phorm. 272, non causam dico

quin quod meritus sit ferat. Heaut 1040, ut semes quod labore inuenerit.

Poen. 7, ut . . . Sedeant . . .

qui venerint. Rud. 1242, ut cum maiore dote abeat quam aduenerit.

b The dependent ver in the imperfectis pluperfeci tenas. Aul. 33, quo facilius ducat qui

compresserat Capt. 939, retia queram M. G. 132 fuerat Men. 426, dederam Cas. 514 erat. Andr. 543 fuerant. Capt. 247, servibas. 5. THE GOVERNINO VERBI A PAST ENSE WITH THE PENDENT ORBIN A DIFFERENT ENSE.

a The dependent ver in the present ense.

Andr. 583, ne faceres quod uolgus solet Andr. 793, ut sciret gusto uolumus, Bacch. 689, Io quar Pers. 433, faciunt Phorm. 656, debeo. Eun. 93, dolet Trin. 375, repercis ruere. 427 est.

b The dependent uer in the perfect ense. Cas. 33, ut quo ego sti, biberet Merc. 230, ne noceret vir hiaui M. G. 74, O Myrinui M. G. 186, uidit Pseud. 2, sesu Rud 498, addinisti.

Capt. 537, periisti. e The dependent sera in the luperfeci tense. Capt. 20, ut melius consu Curc. 550, tuom qui signum ierem tibi quam illi quicum ... ad , attulisset nuntium ie

ezegeram. Spernerem.

a The main ver is a Mjunctive os deliberation. Hec. 445, quo pacto celem qu dme orauit: Stich. 675, halito; Eun. 1046, fuit; M. G. 199, uidit.


ι na

n M.

b The muta sere is a s junctive surprise, remonStrance, Orindignation. Eun, 47, non eam quom accen cf. p. 9 Most. 896 Heaut. sors 413 15; Hec. 341 Andr. 941; Bacch. 286 1192 Trin. 33; Epid. 588 Men. 56 1 Bacch. 1190 Phorm. 97 2.J Bacch. 66, penetrem tibi desudascitur/Asin. 94, en detrudam quoi est a rasin. 885, habet Men. 560, domist Men. 763 eoepetit Most. 301, cupio Heaut. 84 daturus sum Andr. 271, credidit Adet. 677, ueneram fPhorm. 9n, ubi qua lubitum

fuerit peregre feceris . . . uenias L cf. p. z. Merc. 702, em quoi tua quae hilera commendos uiro lMost. 494, mirum quin uiguelanti diceret qui . . . Occisus foret. Pers. 340, mirum quin regis Philippi causa . . . potius en dam quam mea quae is mea.

a Both verbs re in the present ten8e. M. G. 55, quid . . . dicam quod See p. 10 and Hec. 658 Eun. omnes sciunt Phorm. 345, ea qui practet, non hune habea . . . deum 566 Amph. 434, etc. JHec 760, meritus ... est quod queam ut commodem. Men. 1067, ut pigeat quae uelis. Men. 1100, promeruisti ut nequid ores quod uelis.

There arma great number ol verba in the subjunctivo hicli correspon tothis indicative, ut sine the are usuali classe among the qui-causa and adversative subjunctives, I have omitte them. Cf. Amph. 434, quid ego ni negem qui egomet siem, an se footnote p. 8. What is here state Wil also appl to the clause of the fame natur in the ex group, no III. naroupII, I have o classisse a regarda tense, for reasons hic have been given, P. 7. mos may bo qui-causa subjunctives. THE ISES OR THE MONSTRUCTION TABLES.

Asin. 49, cur filio suscenseam patres ut faciunt ceteri. Eun. 75, ut redimas quam

quea minimo . . . at quanti queas.

Stich. 114, ut quom ambulent... OS Obturent.

Bacch. 139-2, non par uidetur neque sit consentaneum quom haec intus intus sit et cum amica accuset quomqus osculetur et conuiuae alii accubent praesentibus illis paedagogus una ut siet. b Both secta re in the imperfect ense. Ηec. 230, quae hic erant curares Poen. 91, dicebas. o The dependent ei is no in the fame ense a the main verb. Cas. 701, cur non impetrem quod coepi Trin. 1024, periit; Most. 435, voluisti Bud. 1397, sum iurato,Pers. 637, fuit Iaul. 222 furis Phorm. 468, domist.

a Both verba me in the present teme. Asin 23 habeo unde quod Capt. 937, lingua nullast qua poscis fem: M. f. G2 uolt megem quidquid roges.

Heaut 855, Opus Sunt. Epid. 45, postula3.M. G. 615, tu syM. . dum ductant, uideas. b The dependent ver no in the fame ense as he main verb. Merc. 175. quaerebas Pers. 434, ut facere quod faciunt. Epid. 115, sumpSi.


saxifer in the present tense dependis uponis Iera vivid future tapodosis. Cure. 82, istunc qui feri affic Cist. 497, quodquomque optes tum uelim: Capt. 237, suadeo: tibi uelim contingere.

Cist. 97, si me . . . quam

ames Onsulas.

Asin. 122 mauolet quam non reddat quod promiserit. Pseud 427, gestant Poen. 971, iubes Rud. 96, mactati ruc. 349 culpant; Heaut 642, sciunt; His I94. intellego, Cas. 499, dicitis. Aul. 93, mores meliores sibi parent quam nunc ferunt Aul.

eredin pudeat quom autumes fEun. 863, debeam . . . si id fecerim praesertim quom se se

uom fatea ituri b Verba in the present ense V attracted in the imperfeci dependiu pon verbs contra fac in the present V imperfeci sutjunctive . Adel. 108, sineres illum facere dum licet.

Phorm. 11 minus quam nunc laedi laederet Bacch. 434, quamst. Phorm 208, quGm hoc non po sum illud minus OSSem. Asin. 503, credere . . . quod

fers Asin. 860, facit Bee. 657, intellego.

I am notist at aure that, are right in placing subjunctive alter cum- eausa in the lis of attraction.' The data are to meager in furnis trus, ortis resulta besides the question is of no practica importa est classical Latin. f. p. I. The habit os using that mood is expres causo it cumma have had iis Minnini fore the time of Terence Besides the examples here in question contain a stron suggestion of remonstrance.' Cf. P. 26. Rud. 1261, dum . . . emeret . . . pSu esset.

Bacch. 488, si uellem plus uiderem quam deceret. Poen. 681, uidere uos uellem quom aurum darem.

e Miscellaneous erumples in hic the wo uerba refer o different

tim spherra. Heaut 953, non auderet facere

o A ver in the present ense dependin vo lera vivid futura

condition. Bacch. 78, ni . . . facta mpiam quae is uelit. Trin. 72, siquid placeat quod

congeStum siet.

Rud. 1150, si tantillum e cassis quod postules. Capt. 906, si memorem ea quae conducunt M. G. 1429, scio; Rud. 78, memorus Rud. 1021, quoiust Trin. 470, uocant; Andr. 165, uolo Phorm. 171,m hist Pacuuius 407, euentura sunt Pers. 393, damus. Truc. 24 lauant Merc. 874, properas,Pers. 206, digna's Stich. 112, emes. Asin. 507, praecipis. Lucii. 501, petit. Caecit. 174, qu-m aduenis; Cato. Frag. . p. 58, cum . . . ictet.

b A ver in a pust tens dependis upo a Iessis id futura

condition. Capt. 417, si memores quae . . . fecisti Bacch. 698, dirit Merc. 419 emptast; Andr. 142 si illum obiurges qui tulit Cisti 187, uiderat. Capt. 205 si . . . solutos sinat

quos . . . emerit.

Amph. 871, quod contraeterim

Si . . . Apetat.

Cure. 269 8 . . . velint qui periurauerint. Hec. 555, si is POSM . . .

quracum conmeraei. In his sentenc the orba aro in tho fame ense to M aure, ut essem refers to the present, hic os courseisimulabar doea noti


o Miscesian eous eramples in hic the wo verba re in different

Capt. 754, absque hoc esset qui Bacch. 564, nisi cum illa quam hoc ferit; Trin. 967, sunt mortui mandassem Oecipere amare. Pseud. 1236, IOquaere. M. G. 1083, illest.

a Both se s are in the present ense. Heaut ut cures ea quae nil Most. 173, id euenit ut deceat attinenti Most. 396, ut facias quidquid habeas. quod Ἀ eoi Eun. I96. facio; ruere. 1006, arbitri ut sint Andr. 390, sunt certa Asin. 175, uolt Cure. 66 nialist. Adel. 823, duo cum idem fasunt saepe ut possis dicere. Adel. 39, quid sit carius quam ipse est sibi. Pseud. 850, ut appareat quo


qui praetereant. Merc. 840, ubi id eripiatur quod placeat. Bacch. 352, ita feci . . . quantum taleat reddere ut reddat. Phorm. 153- ut qui . . . uelit patrem ut extimescam. Amph. 824, absunt testes qui illud quod dicam adsentiant. Aul. I91 tam sarci pretiquom pudeat quin purget. Asin. 945, tam ingenio duro quin tibi . . . sit faciat bene. Phorm. 154, patrem ut extimescam ubi uenies. mo. 608. qui liquomqus Opus sit, possit. Eun. 554, qui me sequatur quoquo eam.

b Both erbs in the imperfeci teme. Men. 20, ut non posset quias Amph. 47, ut exprobraret . . .mammam aibat Pers. 261, qui daret quoius ingenium nouerat. quod faceret. Aul. 40, ut id quod non tuom

esset tangeres. Bacch. 352, feci ut auri quantum Ile sumeret.

ο The dependent ver is no in the fame tens a the main vera. Poen. 21, qui dormierunt decet

. . . Stent Naevius 58; ostia est. Pers. 25, faciebat. Hec. 150, accepi Eun. 70, studui. Capt. 467, nec uidi quo minus procedat quicquid Mere oce perit. Capt. 473, qui . . . quom ederint reddant domi. Trin. 621, quoi tuam quom rem credideris sine . . . cura dormias. M. G. 742, quin Mi triduom . . . fuerit, iam odiosus siet. n. 99, ut Mi adstrinoeeris

. . . atque dederis . . . nec rit. . . effugias.

Pseud. 725, qui quando primcipium prehenderit . . . teneat. Hec. 859, ut uoluptati . . . aduentus auos suoquomque ad

ueneris . . . it. quia

u Both se s are in the presens ense. Asin. 27, quid sit quod scire euetis eloquere Men. 72, sunt; M. G. 1012, quaeris Pseud. 216, loquor; Pseud. 451, renuntiant; Trin. 257, eget Naevius 60,

Aul. 800, praedico; Bacch. 400,

oportet. Cas. 572, adsitne et . . . qu emaduocet. Cato, . . , possitne quae reliqua sint conficere. Trin. 10, falsone an uero cubpent quem uelint.

Poen. 92, quid id sit hominis

quo Lyco nomenisset. Trin. 306, utrum itane esse

mavelit ut . . . emeat an . . . ut . . . velint.


b Verba in a pas tens dependis upon verbs in the fame ense. M. G. 97, quo modo deuenerim . . . quo seruiui M. G. 34 6, utram egon id quod vidi uiderim; Rud. 1310 periit. Amph. 1016, exquirere quis

fuerit quem propter Orpua . . . compleuerit. M. G. 261, qui tuerit . . . qui si sectatus.

Mer. 623, quae facies foret quiuillam emisset.

e Tha dependent uer is no in the fame emerus the main verb. Amph. 106 quantus amator aul. 29, is scit quae sit quam siet quod omplacitumsti Cure. 630, clusit Trin. 7 alsit Hec. 32, iussi Hec. 873, feci Andr. 525 disit. l. 65, condidi.


Alii in eoepi obseruari ecqui

maiorem filius mihi honorem haberet quam eius haluisset pater.

Somo folio conclusion to b dram from these comparativelisis are obvious Mechanica attractio is os relativel raro occurrenco in ari Latin Evo whon tho depondon vis is in the fame ense a the Duemin clause, ver litile emphasis ianeeded 'prevent assimilation. In faci, ontra ut thiri fivo percenti of the verba closely attache to a ver in tho subjunctivo ars Dun in the samo ood, and moro than hal of thos bolonito thoclas Whic seeme in tho procedinidiscussion to bo influenco to great extent by the anticipator subjunctivo. It is impossibis, hoWever, o give absolutet accurate ratios, since, a Wil appear later, it is no otio possibi tota in sither clam in verba comnecte missi conjunctions stat ma talis sithor tho indicativo ortho subjunctivo. Such conjunctions are, for instance, Sq- ndum an si in early Latin. B a close analysis of the lisis of example givo abo , ma discove t soano extent in conditions undor,hic tho habito attractionJegan to spread, A tho converso, in conditions under Whic the no constructio di nodistrivo Thorioilowing concivision ara based nolint upo the examples of mechanica attraoetion, ut O the example discussed in hap. I, as Woli forcit is obviousb impossibi to state in ever case Whether the subjunctivo is entiret o meret in pari duo to in force of meehan al