장음표시 사용
expression o mis also present abnorma siluations a regardatense. Tabulating the est missi reserene to the timo relationshipwhie exista emeen the dependent and the overning ver efind tho following ratio os verbs attractexto thos no attractede
Verba in the future depending pon other verba in the future spp. I 24 24 Iother verba dependingrapon verba in the fame time-sphere 10 10 Verba in the present depending pon verbs in the future. 49 162 Verba in the perseet depending pon verba in the future. 16 4Other verba depending pon verba no in the fame timin sphere 2 27
Thus in hapta a sontone lita in following : d. 485 Qui homo sese miserum et mmdicum uolet, Neptuno credat sese, tho min&ma mellam conecived the relative clauso in entire , foro ichad any dosnito relinii rogard to tho main verb. In like manno tho dependent claus mayae forming When the main verbaas atready been ultere and iis modat tone is growing indistinet, as may be the eam in sentences like tho follo ng: Lucii. 440, Ut ego effugiam quod te imprimis cupere apisci intellego. Somotimo the dependent ver is attracted though it precedes the main eis; very osten hon it follows. The favorite position, hoWever feem to e emeen the subjunctive ver anxiis intrinductor mord, hen this,-like ut, ne, te. O an Verb, lihe pedis deo, hie calis for a subjunctivo clause,-signat the approaches a subjunctive a case in minicis: Andr. 424 I nunciam intro ne in mora quom opus sit sies.
This term future' refers of eourse not oni to the future an futurin perseet tenses, but alsorio many of the verba in the present indicative an to ver man verba of the present subjunctive speciali thos of the volitive subjunctive.
THE 'SES OF THE CONSTRUCTIOR LIMITATIONE. 47 In sentences containing independent subjunctives, and in manu conditiona portod an in indiroo questions thor is usuali nopossibilit os a centra positio foris dependent clauso, ut thesellomin table ili ho the relative importance, unde normalconditions of tho thres position montion :
When the dependent clauso lies besere the goveminis junoetive an precedes ali sim festa oming, it mania sal to bo in the 's pos uisn. The Meonci position is in contrat ono iustassu tratod me his position is that in hie in clauso lies arier
It appears that tho contra position elaim fiftrfivo per cento the attracted verbs, hil ont a stird of thos not attracted arein that plaee. The dependent clauso is occasionalty found et e the introeductor condunctio an us ver in conditiona clausos lino ins1ollOWingo Pers. 206, si ut digna' faciant, odio horcio haboant, an in imprecations an expression of Wish, as in: Aul. 785, ut illum di immortales omnes deaeque quantumst per duint; but instances of his hin are notisor numerous Tho data in regar to the positio os verbs depending upo independent volitave an optative sentences and pon conditiona clauses and clauses of ideat certaint areis follows:
24783 PRECISION IN TENSE AN MODA FEELING. When recision in certain respecta is required, the dependent ver 1 geldom attracted.
a As regard time, the present subjunctivo ma standrior a presen or a future indicative, and theroforo is otio of itsodsomewhat ambiguous. In the fame Way the imperfeci subjunoetive a b confusing in that it represent an imperfeci indicativeor a future thrown into the past. It may bo for the salis of avoissi
inithis possibi ambiguit that ineri Me indicative ccur in aiam sentoneos liks tho following: Bacch. 989 Volo ut quod iubebo facias. and the prosent indicativo in many sentences like this: M. G. 1054 Age, . . . fiat quod te oro. In tho fame Way the imperfeci indicative cupiebam in tho ol- Iomin provenis the interpretatio of the verbis a past future fa generaligin clauso, hicli mould havs Non possim ii tho verbhadaeremo imperfeci subjunctive is attraction:
Eun. 574, Ut essem una quacum cupiebam.
It is a Ioas truo that no vor in Early Latin is attracte init is modified is a tempora adver Whicli ofors to a time dissering from that of the governing clause Cf.: Andr. 339, ubi inuoniam Pamphilum ut metum in quo nunc est adimam l bhFurthor, tho indicativo must obviousi stand when precisioni modat coliniis callod for So osten does the tone of the gov-erning clauso penetrato to tho dependent ver that tho in is continuali expectinxto finxit there In a great number os cases, though it is no definitet callod for it matter littio is horo is inadinco it but Ofton it is vor essentiat o stato a plain factwhichris,holly douoid of tho volitive, optativo o conditiones attitudo of tho ovomin verb. ho term integra part V or essentia part V ars ambiguous for the reaso that he ignore considerations of this naturo. A clauso may bo functionali an integra pari oscit sentence, and essentia in iis meaning Without haviniit m d. On thoither hand is hos rem ars uso Withtho undorstandin that tho conve tho modat an tempora feobing of the main sentence, such uso ignores the fac of mechanicalattraction. The followin sentones mill illustrato ha I mean in s Ain os procision in m d secured by tho indicativo:Pers. 21 3 Di deaeque me omnes perdant-lloueniant uolo tibi quae Optas. Quae optas refers definitet to tho prayer jus ultered A subjunctivo hero ould have been ambiguous, ascit might have been
equivalent to tho a veris attracted, o could havo been underat da partaring of the optative natur of eueniant, or a conditional TH 'SES OF THE CONSTRUCTION LIMITATIONE. 49
In De both, thos potnt aro Woli illustratod is a numbo offentencos in hieli ho contrastis time and of mota seolin isbmurat ut is contrastingo subjunctivo ver Wit tho indicativo of the fame verti Soerilis following: Trin. 351 Quod habes ne habeas ot illuc quod non habes habeas. Aul. 482, Et inuidia nos minore utamur quam utimur
Et illa malam rem metuant quam metuont magis Et nos minore sumptu simus quam Sumus.
ο In Dei, as an contrast necessarii calis se an explicit statement of tho contrasto paris, heroe such a condition prinvalis here is os liholihood os attraction. Eo in tho follo nethere is a contrast etWeen the subjecta tu an ego: Trin. 341, Non eo haec dic quin quae tu uia ego uelim. contrast f this hin may Mamucti ut is somo Otho mordin the sentence, as by pariter inritis following: Cap. 329 Nunc hoc animum advorte ut ea quae sentio pariter
Trin. 979, Dum ille ne sis quem ego esse nolo. 4. HE FUNCTION O THE DEPENDENT CLAUSE.
compariso of the determinativo it tho generaliging clauses Willumve that he readin s it whicli a vor is attractod do-pmd i a great extentis the functionis it clauso as a par of the sentence he determinative clauso is necessarii procis init statemenis. Jt aim at accurae in tho expressionis it modalan tempora Deling, an is apirio possessis poculia emphasis from his facti In dependencomponis volitivo or optatius ver itis hereser lihely, is remaining in tho indicativo, to donnina it partahes in an respectis therione of the govomin vore and in subaunctivo conditiona sentences, here tho Roman was so pronot cast the hado of the ideat ovo ove clausos,hic expressed facts generalty known in Mariae sto dotorminativo clauso is muchles frequently attracte stan is tho generaligin clauso. Comtrast, or example the following, hic is detorminativo: Rud. 78 si istuc ius sit quod memoras, piscatores perierint, Wit this, hielicis generalieting :
Bacch. 778, ni meum Gnatum tam amem atque ei facta cupiam viae is
tua iam uirgis latera lacerentur. An examinationis the attracted verba hic referri in present, whilo in opendenco pon volitive, optative, potentiat, or Onditiona clauses in tho present subjunctive, mill ino that eventhough the aro determining ather than generaliging, an ars ob interpreteras referring definitet to the present in connectionmissi a menta spolienis in tho rest of tho sentenco in Whic theyaro found the Will, missi ut few exceptions allow of an ideat interpretation hic remove them mm tho spher os a dote mine time o cireumstance Theram os in typo illustrate istho fossominget
Amph. 630, memor sum et diligens ut quae imperes compareant, in hich, octo ure, quae imperes refers to the command just ing oven, but mani a large gens mean ,hateve commanda
ne gravetur, quod cupiam semcto refer to the wishescius e pressed, but may here bo conceived os as a partis a genera prayer, 'Manno Venus Moudgo m Wishest ' Contrast tho mors definito statoment: Hec. 674 cogis ea quae nolo ut praesente hoc loquar. in then is that suo clauses, hil actuali servingin thei prope contextis determinative clauses, re ala gi Ven a form Whic suggesta a genera meaning of universa application, much a tho universat present in conditional sentences may be so expresse acto serve a such, hil a the samo timo the adaptinemsolves to the feeling of the sentenc in hic the aro found. Cf. Tusc. Disp. III, 35 Diceres aliquid et magno quidem philosopho dignum, si ea bona esse sentires, quae essent i. e. Sunt homino dignissima. 5. 11 TEMPORA VERAGA THE RELATIVE CLAUSES. The tempora clauses in Early Latin, hen attache to a subjunctive are found in the fame mood more frequently in propodition to the number of occurrences stan the relative clauses under the fame condition. ahere are a great number referring to the
futuro, of tho naturo discusso unde tho anticipatory, and wesa that these ere a a ule subjunctivo, is condition mere notunfavorabie. his very ac Muid naturali gius a stron impetus to attractio in ius tempora clauses in particular. Besororving the genera table P vi potnt ut the more important
habit of somo of the individua tompora oonnoctives. Cum. have attributo in subjunctivo it cum, olovent es t the inherent Delingis su rise, indignation, etc. seeip.d-11 , three times to the necessities of ita servico as a past-future se p. 12 , Ortythree times t iis future forco after a subjunoetive see p. 16-21), te times t a more mechanica attraction. Afis a subjunctive, the cum rempora clauso has Me found in the futuro indicativo tWolvo times, in tho prosint indicativo seve times, an in the perfeci indicativo istos havo found tho ver missi cu causa attracto fius times, an unaura dseve times; I Ouid hoWever, callistrention to thoriae stat thocausa connectio is no functionali a closo ono, ascis seon in thocas of the numerou loosely attached qui-causal clausos addi to this consideratio tho intorastini ac that in quandocausal clause, ut O Misen opportunities, is notisne attracto in Plautus an Tereneo, I ould suggest stat tho ord attractio must noto emplπed ο frequently as a Waste-bashet, in attemptingi remove troublesome subjunctivo cum-clausos hominari Latin. Tho Ollowing orbs am cum Phavo classed Wit perfeci subjunintive rastor than futuro perfeci indicativos astor comparing their natur an positio Min hos in Whio no doub is attaehed:
Men. 43, ut te lubentor uideam quom ad nos ueneris.
Phorm. 185. Quando.-Τhis conjunction dos nodissem, Mised in Toronceas uret remporal. Τhe statistica hic ars found bolo re-garding this conjunctio apply therofore maint in Plautus. sverba astor Mando-causa ars no found in o attractod, I havono even place the non-attracte indicatives of this clas in mytablos, ut for the ahe of completenes ove a lis of them hora: Capt. 12 Men. 34, M. G. 1269, Bacch. 445, oen. 15 Rud.
Cf. P. Seherer, o Particula Quando, Studemund Studien II, p. I30.
1182, Ades. 877 Adol. 201 Adel. 287. In tho following, hichialon to tho fame class, the conjunctio is quandoquidem Mer. 170, Trin. 351 Trin. 991 Eun. 373, Andr. 487 Hec. 490. Astiti and the remaining tempora conjunctions homno marhed peculiarities, it ill o suffcion to refer to tho tablo givo belowfor tho facts regardin them. The followiniis a synopsis hieli mill give a fairi a cancte done in comparative frequenc os attractio in the tempora and relativo clauses. I summariges the sat clausos hieli are tabulated in the collections of pp. 1 44, omitting the clausos in hichthe causa or adversative fore predominates.
The proportion o subjunctives in these tempora clauses ascompare With the subjunctives in relative clausos is thus seen tobo a ut sive t One. tim morda os explanation ars algo notae in regar to thebohavior of the conjunctions co noni used mith the anticipatorysubjunctive. Dum.-It is not milhin the scopo of this aper to decide hendum tahes the subjunctives cause of iis own force Without regardio it position, and Iaavo thought it sumetentrio callistrentio tosteriae that tho mood of the main clauso mustae echone With, for,hic purposo I havo tabulated therases of dum in Embi tui mi in the present and future tenSeS.
heeps si verbs out os attraction, it is impossibi is a that ali os the subjunctive example are duo to the regula habit os dum unti to talio that inood. Sinco, homover, it a impossibi toeali an of them undoubio instances os attraction, I havo notadmitto any of this hinxinto, tablos in Chaptor II. For thesak of completeness, I shal givo a lis horo of tho nino hicharo subjunctive and dependispon other subjunctives They are: Cist. 782, M. G. 1249 Truc. 482, Andr. 980 Pseud. 1234 Cure. 526 Rud. 328, Rud. 1190, Trin. 757. Abulo is ometimes found in tho hand oks statin that coditain conjunctions hieli are sed it both ood auoid attractio in orde to prevent confusion, and that dum is ne of these. glane at the tablo ill show that sociar asinari Latin fromthus distinguishiniboimeon dum ranti an ira ther Aes that there are a many instances 14 os dum 'hil in the subjunctive a of the avoidance of attractio by tho fame particle. ehavo oon p. 13 that ali the evidonee seem ratherri potntrio a furvivat o an early anticipator subjunctive se even illi his meaning, hen the ver refers to tho future. Priusquam present some of tho fame dissiculties a dum, bocauso even hon it stand free, it talios the subjunctive at times It is,hOWever, ara O say that a jus Ahar of tho subjunctivos hieliare in dependeneorum oster verbs of that mood shouldio attributo to tho growing habitis attraction, since priusquam in arbLatin When standinifreo inhos the indicativo far more frequently than in subjunctive. Priusquam does no suem to talio the subjunctivo in Toroneo. I therofore foel fas in attributin tho moodo Eun. 751 to tho influone of the main verb. The passages indoubi are Rud. 456 Men. 846 Mer. 1015 Αul. 154, Epid. 277, Truc. 23, seud. 1031, Bacch. 175, Trin. 886. 6. ADVERBIA VERSUS ADJECTIVA CLAUSES. further reason for the proponderance of the subjunctivo in temporal clause is that these are usuali adverbia clauses andas suo generali depend more closely upo the overnin verbthan do relative elauses, hic are, as a ule, attache to the subjectis objoc of tho orb. Similarly it is obvious that relative
Cf. Lange, p. 36. Adel. 583 is an example of the secondisingula generalietin subjunctive.
clausos in dependencompon the object of the ver aro more loselyeonnected illi that vor than hos Whieli aro attacho to tho subjeci, and aro in consequone more lihely octo attracted a is proved by the tablo horet appended. his ablo includes lilysuch examples a depend directi upo the subjeci, verbis objeci.
FH -six per cent of the subjunctivos ars in clausos hicli deponddirecti upo the verb, herea butrimen inio per cent of the indicativos ars in Euch clauSeS.It is no doubi tho fallure in mali this fundamonia distinction ita has lod grammarians into tho erroneous conclusio that theindicativo is kopi in circumlocutions equivalent O a Substantivo, ' a statomoni,hicli nodioni fatis in ovo tho rea reason fortho actuat honomena, ut ove missiatos the facts in the case. very considerable number of clausos of this hin ars in aetattracted. Soe, for examplo tho following: Men. 994, auo quisquam quod illic minitetur nostrum flocci fererit quod minitetur minas eius . n. 1026, ut . . . faciam quod iubeat quod iubeat Jussa eius). Add in theso Phorm. 125 Trin. 211, Bacesi. 788, Trin. 715 Eun. 90 and many thers. It is no true, heresoro, stat verba finis hind ars novo attracted. However, the majorit are not, and the real causo of this fac is that suci clausos usuali modis thes iret o object of tho senteno or modisser of these, an are es, therofore, as closely Mundis With the govorning orbis tho adverbial clauses are. In faci tho table just gi ven shοWs that almost 70 per centi os suin clausos alter subjunctivo verba remat in the indicatiVe. Somo of tho advorbia clausos present dissiculties hie cali fora fem mord os explanation. Si latues.-I have atroad spino of tho impossibilit of mah- in a satisfactor statemen in regard to the conditiona clauses, bucit ean a Ieastae stared missi cortaint stat the Dclauso feelsino influenes of tho ood of the apodosis Mothoimer's collection
of tho conditionat sontoncos o Early Latin hoWs that whon therois a question of mixe conditions the twlaus is quite regularly in tho subjunctivo it tho main clauso is an apodosis of the regulartypo in tho subjunctive. here ars ut hirtoen exceptions ofwhieli ho followiniis an illustration:
Mor. 351, si dico ut res est . . . quem ad modum existumet mel This fac bommos tho mors notomoroe whonino find that 129 exception occur in the converso typo, hic means that tho primcipat clauso of the conditiones sentenco is ver otio indicative though connecto mitti a subjunctivo protagis, ascin: M. G. 73, siquid sumas, Sumptus est. Τhis contrast certaini potnis to assimilationis tho protagis tost mota of tho apodosis.
bo solos to attemptrio decide in particular cases hester a si- claus is attracte or not, non of this clam illa found in the
parison is omotimos gaid in tho handinooks, o moid in m duso missi final and consecutGerut for tho ah of clearnem. Itis truo that though this is an adverbia clauso it is no osten ab tractos; buta doubt whothor in roal causo of tho fac is tho re so Hven. his clauso osten recludes assimilationa ita very nature, since, as has Men oinred ut p. 49), comparisons and contrast naturali ten to throw emphasis pon in verba iuri posed, hic fac entatis precision in expressionis tho modes and tempora force CL: Mero. 874, si huc item propere ut istuc properas facias rectius. But his considoration is quali trus o quam in comparisons and allisther comparativo and contrastin expressions ThoriobloWing ma representis largo grou of this hind: Truc. 324, si proinde amentur mulieres diu quam lauant. Again the ex paragraph Will inom that many of theso clauses, adverbial though the are dependispon adjectives at a secondisin moverimm tho ver of the governing clause These Wo ream mill account for tho fac that suo clausea ars no attracte asfrequently a themther adverbial clauses.
In Eari Latin the twlauses are found octo attracte fourtimes an to avoid attractio menty-five times Wit quam in comparison the ratio is Q 17.
minute classificatio mus no M ad in ordor o determino hom closely the dependent claus mus M attache to the main bod of the govorning clause, in orde tora attracted. Ithas appeare in the a verilia not ni may thos verba be at tracted hic are found in adverbial clauses an in direct deponde ei iste subjunctive eis, but also those hicli are attachedio the subjectis objee of the fame. In Eari Latin his statemon is no to e undersino as applyin to clauses iter antincedent completo in themsolves, hic remes in the indicative cf. Cato 4, uideto ut bene percocas medium, ubi altissimum est , noesto any of the loosely attached coordinate relative clauses, tho domard, in clauses,' o parenthetica asides It refers to the losely attached clauso hicli is necessar to complete themeaning of the antecedent expresse or undersi d.
1. In Early Latin the relativo clauso, hen attache to the subjectis attribute eo temeri of the sentence, is found o be attracto undo tho soli omin conditions: a When the antecedent of the relativo is no expressed a in Amph. 30 diligens ut quae imperes compareant 2 examples).
b Whon tho antecedent is expresse an is a nou Or Substantivo adjective, as in Most. 13, uir doctis opus quae dissignata sint . . . tranquille cuncta ut proueniant 2 examples). e mon tho antecedent is expressed an is a demonstrative pronoun,-is, ille, etc., as in Curc. 29, ne id quod ames . . . tibi
sit probro 4 Xampleη - , i2. Similarintho relativo clause hen attache to the obrect isto ver is found toae attracted: a Whon the antecedent is no expressed, as in Epid. 6, ident quas uelis 41 examples . bhWhen sto antecedent is expresse an is a noun a in Uur.550 tuom qui signum ad me attulisset nuntium ne Spernerem
e When the antecedent is expressed and is a demonstrative pronoun. f. Meil. 72, concedat id quod uelit 18 examples . 3. I may also M attachod to the indiroe objoc of tho verti Cf. solid. 70, de locum illi qui queat 5 examples . 4. O to the objectis a complementar infinitivo dependingum the subjunctive eis, o forminiit subjeci. Cf. Aul. 600, quod iubeat properet persequi an Mer. 152, ut quae scirem scire actutum tibi liceret examplas . 5. O to a substantive in an adverbia clauso hic modifies the predicate, as in Heo. 491, exopto ut relicuam uitam exigat cum eo uiro me qui sit fortunatior. Eo also Cist. 85.6 As regard the adverbial clauses, the large par of these
means os a temporal conjunction, as in
Pseud. 307, quando nil sit, simul amare desinati Wo have atroad inown p. 50 that this is tho chio reason
Wh so large a proportionis tempora clauses suffer attraction. Furthermore, an adverbia clauses are attracted hic areno directi attached to tho verb, but b dependisponis e modi fier of the subjeci, asPers. 237, Numquam . . . Xterebrabis tu ut sis peior quam ego siem. Cf. Tru.96.
uidendumst ne minus propter iram hine impetrem quam γωsiom. f. ers. 340. d Or hic dependisponis second adverbia modisse of tho predicate, as in Rud. 1243, ut cum maiore dote abeat quam aduonori f. Bacch. 488 Hoc. 555 Aul. 17. It is orth of noto that therias three classes contain for themost pari adverbia clauses of comparison it quam, and that many of these clauses areis necessio far removed grammaticalbfrom the governing verb, and therefore remat in tho indicativo. O tho oster han cit is readii seo that in a sentenco lita thelast ono cited Rud. 1243 the dependent ver aduenerit, eventhough a secon removo from abeas grammaticalin is, in similarit os functio an in position very nea tocit consideratio whic probabi meto a heavit a that os grammatica pro
imit in dotormining the mood of tho eis.
Tho fimi par of this aper mahes an attempt 1 t explaintho origi and 2 is describe the πο- of the constructio ofmoda attraction. 1 It endeavors to ho that rom severat constructions enumerated on p. 7 in hic tho dependent clauso containod in moda fores of the governing clause, the tendencyarose Whic mas in Aource of the constructionis moda attraction.
2 Ι attompis to describo how this beginning develope by thelam os analog into a habitis placinidependent clauses in the
subjunctivo hen attachedri clauses of that m d.
The second par of the aper, after givin a complete lis of in clauses in dependenc um subjunctives in early Latin attempis to defino sto limits of tho fiold into hic tho constructioni question spread in that period, andri potnt ut the obstacles whic so limited it. his discussion hows it more definitenegathan canas reproduced in a genera statement, a stat the ab tracted olaus is prefersit in the fame timoesphere a the clause
introductor conjunction When suo exigis and the verbis thegoverning clause; 3 that iis ver raret expresses precis modaland tempora force; 4 that the claus M a holocis ather of the generaligin than of tho determinativo type 5 that it is more frequently a tempora than a relative clause; 6 that it is connecte Wit the predicate more frequently than it the subjectis objectis the sentenco, and 7 that, as a ule, it is an
essentia clause, an grammaticali dependa very losely ponine main bod of the clauso to hic it is attached. Tho a vo Pthiis, ars practicali ali and the ni statements of importanco that canae mado regarding the limitations of iis uses in Early Latin. t is ometimes gaid that unde give condition a clauso is inevitabi attracted o the contra , I inlios stat the comparative tables ove a v and the discussiono the samo have mado it evident stat attractio is neve absin
lutei necessary. Practicali ever example os attractio maa balanco by one or severa nomattracted clausea hich, sociar aselosenes of attachment is concerned mere of the fame nature asthe attracted clauses hic the resembled. These resulis may seem omeWhatonsatisfactor in that nosingis hori statomen has been Dund adequato in defining the construction. HOWever, a hori definition a serve the ped gogica purposes of those ho correcti understand the sage of the construction, and know the actua facis a ut it limitationsas I havo trio to present them in the precedi . A res maybo formulato somewhat a follows me a clauso depondingum a subjunctive clause forma an essentia par of tho thought
of the overning clause, it ma be ut in the subjunctive. In this rute, homoer, the ord issentiat V musta interprete intho licti os allis tho precedinidiscussion an it mustae in membere stat the probabilit of tho assimilation o a clauso
varies missi ita successi non-suoces in complying mith in qualification herei enumerared Theso are quite tangibla, and asme have seen lend themselves readibrio definite, statistical trea, ment. Tomne ho Tinderetanda these the stud may bring satisfactor resulta.
Finalba mouid protest against the common customis treati this constructionis a Lind of Indirect Discourse. his error is probably duo to the fac that the two constructions Mhave in muta the Same Way, and are to a certain extent assected by the amolimitations It is also truo stat ono osten findscit diffouit, notio a impossibio, o decide hester a ver is influenred by oneor the ther, ora both. e have foen homever, that here is ver litti in common emeen them. heir origina aro idely Separated, and an gramma stat purporis toto historical inould trea them separalely. Again the constructio os a simitati iii inould bo caresully di tinguishod rom stat hie occus altor an infinitivo Thorimo havo in many particula is the me ira innings ih F have praeticatly the samo habiis buf tho ratior is moro et et allie to that