장음표시 사용
Si rogat Auviorem, paulatim deum nostrum
Tune Domino nomen, me sciat Gae Probum.
et moriam plura in eo libro perseeuti sumtia quem separarim da eo De
anotho actis liberalit alno.V-So modii tritiei. The modi the principia dry me ure of the Romana, and containe one gallon, 7 8576 pinis Engliah. The common textia septem, Which oan notbo correct an mua bomariaen stom an error faba copyiata VII. sor L . tria mellisacertaine that in Attic medimnu Was equia
principia dry me ure os the Greeta, and uaed eapeciali sor mea uring oom. I Was quai as uatistate Moisi Roma modii, releven gallans, 7 1466 pinis Engliis.
Ipsi et Phidia. The Phidias hors meant uaties of courae boconlaunded Minabo celebrated aculptor an statua , who Muria dioni sors. TM resereno laeto amo individual of the samo name, Whos sauhsul public services procuredior iam the honor mentisnodi in tori; ut of Whonam account is oveni any the writer. Some editora theres o regarein thia Phidias M a personam Lis ther unknown read Piliae sor Phidia, and ma reser in Pilia, the wis os Atticus, hom Cicero osten ames in his letters
is hia menda at homo. Anima live o the mos intimat torma it tho mos distinguis dion os ali partisa, and there a mario have been a oortain tam in his mannora and eonveraation hiin eaptivate ait ho had intermuram it his unera The re enis hio Sulla had movived durinthia starat Athena. i deferri.