The de senectute, de amicitia, paradoxa, and somnium scipionis of Cicero ...

발행: 1848년

분량: 370페이지


분류: 미분류


unea in a legion. Consul Diet. AM. a. v. --Potitia. M A matteros more importance,' s. e. more ageri desim is me. asini


auo a reauit in alae a that hic Ennius alatea Wit regar in Homer.' Ennius, in the commenoement of his Annias, hau spolieno the vision his inomed hi in aramam in imago os Homor: In somnis mi hi visu Homerus arisae poeta,' a the lineri quoted by the achesiast onmoraco Epist. ii 1, 62 . Compam me. Acad., iv. Is Meret. i. 126. - Me mihi ex imagina ejus, Q. I ma


e tornar Wit in nobis familia among the Romana in prsa mathunt of the de Medissmbere of the line Theae mere placeat e ea range along the walla of the atrium, and were callexim eremes. An intereating account of them imoVen is Polybium vi. 53 .


Omnias Thou ahal find. 'ohe ver ostendo in his aena iamnerali applied i aomething nexpected. epesia mai. The allusion is to Tiberius Gracchus, the weB-known advocato of tha Agrarianda a Whoae mother omelia Wamine tau ter of the viderAfricanus. Die Gracchia disturbanoea ega ac me hil inamunge Scipio Wa enoge in the lege of Numantia. Amms, ingenii, onsiliique tui. in tu spirit, in malua, and thy Madom. '-Sed ejus emporia ne uem deo. In relation, hoWevor, to thia periodio thy liis , Laee tho mute of the latea uneertain, and were, 'Le., Pon novelearly trace in order of the latea at thia particular

peris of thy existen . A purpoael dare aliuaton to imminentdanor, hic macto satali verine in his Math at thia timo istho hand of violance C mauit Muratia III.-Septeno setis solis anfraetua deo. Shal have complete eight times aeve obliquaeircuit and retum os in aua,' s. e. eight timeo seVen annuia re olutiona of the avn. The term anfraetu refers to the oblique motion




have vive e reos here, Withrae ner, is , an Oressi, a form -- playe ala in Cicero in tho tranatationa stom Aratus, v. sis. Other editora grue eis Ioa Injussu e a Compare De Sem L, xx. Wra, and Tuae Disp. L, M. M. serring to inmma. Sed ale. mutismaining thua,'' i. e. hut While in thia lila. Astis euus. His adoptive grandiather, the Her Astieanus.- eum sit maena in parentibus, din. μωμ, hilarit in m erivi in tho pase of parenta an vindred, o, ea civily, iacit moatio e ut in thatietur country.' this elegant construetion, compare in ner, ad Cis. Erim. P. 40 and Moser, ad Cic., de Leg. ii. I 36 P. 268.-Splendidissimo eandore i uersammas elueens Mining orthmith moat resplendent righinem, mi Matin mare.' O Boethat flammas in here equivalent in sidera. - Orbem lacteum. The Gree term is Masac.-Ex quo omnia via Leontem inti, din Thomunge Africanus imagines himaeis, viso, to e tandinii a parto the so Way, a mellis the oldor Scipio. Comparo h e planationis Macrobium ad So-. Scip. i. 4ὶ Sciendum eat, quod laetis, in quo sibi esse videtur ripis per quietem, lacteus circvis eat, qui radaria voeatur.' 'iacia vi ver appropriate, sine the nolenta thought that dreamata et in homilis Way. An henes Proetu remaris δημον δε ινείρων, ο ιπσιν ἐκεινος Homer τὸν γα


is, ompare me. De Divin. u. 43 meet enim ratio mathemat eorum, quanta hiamisitara Luna feratur, Terram paene contingema suam rum absit a proximamercurii atella, multo autem longius a Veneris, inda alio intervallo distet a Sole, euis lumine inustrari putatur. Ratio uero tria intervalla, in ita et immensa, a Sole ad artis inda ad Iovia ab eo ad Satura stellam, inde ad eoesum ipsum, quod eare mum atque inimum mundi dat. Summus ipse Deus. Compare tho languam o Cicero elaemhers, N. B., I. Ia 34 vim, qui et omnibus sideribus, quae infixa ago sunt, ex dispersis quasi membris sim ea ait purundusima.' In quo in iis Miso. The more common sormis expremio Would hos

en, Min quo in in aurit atella, qua cursu sempitem viavuntur.'


the Chaldaean and tho theurgio booka; ut Aristotis an Callippus the astronome in eoineide Wit that o Plato dum ad loe. --- mundi et temperatio. Tho oui an regulatin principio os tho

universe.' Observe that temperatis is here, a Graevius remaris,put lar temperator, in abstrac so the concrete. Compar Moser, ad loe. Veneria uer, adis Meretiri curatia. The ne aphere os Venus, inmother of Μereury. Ca eum. Feri sile. -Nam ea qua ea media et noma duo. Compare me. Aead. ii. M Niseis Syra rima, ut ait Mophra

rua, eoelum, solam lanam sis o superaque denique omnia Mara est et, neque ηαter ωπram rem ullam in rando moveri.

me est, inquit ine, qui intervavis, & o. Thia repliedine is that harmony Whioh, sormed stom a combinationi unequia intervata, butyet, at the ame time, atrioli calculate accordiu touuat propoditiona, is produce by the impulso an movement of the sphereat maelves, and Which, blending har tones Wit grave calla sorinvarie accorda in regular order.' - have here the samoua Pyth gorean doctrine of the musto of the apherea Pythagoran conoeived that in colestial spherea, in hic tho planeta move, atriaivg pontho ether, throuo Whic the pam mvat produc a nound and that this nound must arracoordingis the diveraturo their magnitudos,


Cicero, solio in the vatem of Pythagoras, ompare in m V menta os in aeve planeta and the sphere os the fixe atara tori vibrationa of tho eight chorda hic commaed in ancient musica instrument ealiud ootaehora, sorme of tWo diajunci tetrachorda, oro ei Patringa, producing the ei trione or munda os modera mu- aio, amely, i, D, es, is, si, ut, re, mi so that the oon the lo- εα of the planeta, numerario mi in gravent of the eight Eounda; Mereury to a Venus to aes the Sum inua Mara in si Iupitctrito in Satum, in re and tho aphere os the fixe atam, hic is thomoat elevate os ali, is ms, the harpeat mund an maring the o lave mit in gravest meae tot nounda, a may b Seon uroasparate by eight intctoala, eo diu to certain proportiona nothat rom mario facis the distanceis a semitone stom mi in aes, that os a minor third stom mi incla, that os a quarte tone stommi to at that os a fifth; rom mi in ut that os a minor nixin and rom mi in re that os a minor MVenth; hich, Wit in octav ,som in ali aeve aecorda. Aureue, ad loe. In quibus eadem eat via duorum. In Which tW have the amosores.' The resereno i in therim alara at either extremi , eo responding in thei movementario the vibrationa of the two extremo stringa os in tetrachorda that a the wo mi. Burette, ad Me. Sommodition rea aster duorum the worda Mercurii et Venerim; butineae arma mero gloaa, and intersere Wit the aenae. -Distineto intervallis. Separate is regula intervata.''-- --ma rerum omnium dae. St. Jemme mave an allusion to thia Maam in his fori ei in letter Where he 'An foraitan Pytha ramis Ameistam Tarentiniam, et Publium Seipionem in sexto de Republiea d -- pari numero proferam dispulantea IVDoeti Aominea Alludium in particular, to Orpheu an Amphion. Compare momoVer, a regarda the idea e maaed in the texi, tho languam os Quintilian i. 10 12 At Maro nonian sapientiamros nemo dubiisveris tudiosos musices fuisse cum octagoras, a que eum saeuii, acceptam sine dubio antiquuti opinionem Memuerint, rundum ipsum ejus ratione so eo oritum quam Oatea ait lyra imitata.' Nervis imitati resereno icto the heptaohord, or