The de senectute, de amicitia, paradoxa, and somnium scipionis of Cicero ...

발행: 1848년

분량: 370페이지


분류: 미분류


tho allatris Verrea Compare Quintilian xi. 3 Diu princeps ora torum, aliquando mutua Ciceronia existimatu eat novissime, quoa vixit, aerundus; ' an Aulua Gellius i. 7 tensisa, omni a ferme oratoriis aetatis aure risi M. Tuuis, larior. Obtreetauio. Diaparagin os one another.' Copula. A bon os union m

ahe beat par .' Attieus di not michimaelsi mith any of the politicia partiis of the day, and hene tho mordam the teri man explained by the languam os Cicero in many of his lettera, hem, in ape in of the elui disse inna his agitated his couinto, M

enceis hia rank.V n the constructio Wit vel . . . . vel consult uet, mas. In tam essuris ambitus largitionibus. Ami auctilavia expendit ea in canvassinisor them ' s. e. When money-a prosaaely apent in procuring olea. eque eri e re uis ea vina

perieulo. adminiatem to tho Qvantage of the atate, wit ut dangem to thoam ho fisse them .' The expreaaion e r publiearia equivalent to ad commodum respubliea. matam publieam. aes a public auction.' Atticus avolaedauchisales, cause in theae troubis time the were principallyhela so the purpos os diap in os the essecta os proacri die sona. t Maa matris putis a spear hasta in sale at auction, asymbol derived, it imaaid stomahe ancient praetice of sessing undera apea tho boot acquire in War.-N ius rei neque proe nequa maneeps Detua est. In nocinatano didine ver be me either a auret sor anothea. or a b eris hirer of an public property. Unde the more manee Featu remares that manceps igni monemho buys o viro an public proper . μου, herestre, in tho


πω m, c. Ossicivi atations offere him o the partis many con- mala an praetore, M ovi a sar γεμε acto amompanymo oneos them in his province tote eontent With in more honor of the miniment to devia an in eas of his privato meana stomnuo a noume , ' i e , he meret acoepto in ossio an a compi, ment, but never actualirenteredimiit Byp feeιurae are meant, in the present Maage, ossicia atutina connecte missi tho amyan militar asaira Thoriem, in generat, ho-Ver, reserario omerii stationa in the province of any iand whether civit or military. naehutae, ad loe. - ne eum Q. quidem Cicerone, oco observo that qui in here equivalent to nam ine. -Aaaeciam eoae praetoria. Quintus Cicero aster holdin the o sis praetor a Rome in B.C. 62, meoeede L. Flaccus a govemor of Asia, hero h remainedsor rear of three eam.-Criminiam Alludin to the e mea os rapacit an extortionis osten brought againat the Roman w6ernora and thei inserior ossicem. Even in the M of Q. Cicero, great inenco, alven by the comption of his favoriis re eman, Statius. jus observantia. His attention to Othera . ' O ervo that observamticia here tisan actively, a tho grammariana term it, amis ero alios ere addest.

Ustia est ataeis Matione. Me malle himavi os the exemptionstom militar service Whio his age Mesed.' M ono conia booalladipon to bear arma aster fisty years of age. Comparo Seneca, De res. Vii. c. o. Ipsum Pompeium eo unctum non ostendit. Even Pompe himself, Wit Whomine mas connected by amnity, ho dimnes offend by auch a murus ocoonduet ,' t. e. by no tisinga active part with him against Caesar gens Caellia, to Whieli


tribuis. Provinciarum qin iis meis auaa deo. massairnis tho prom


Hostis Agilomus judieatus, din. Antonyma been declare a m Iis anemy, and thmeonduet os in War againat hi committe in Octavianua and tho consula Hirtius andianaa, at in beginning fB.C. 43. Aster hia delam in the battis of utinari qui in arilios April, M , Antony an obliged is orosa in Alpa an retire into


Ad adventum imperatorum. On in arrivabo tho leadem.' Thotriumviri are meant, amely, Lepidua, Autony, and Octavianus. Compare Florus iv. 6.)-Da foro Me aerat. The meminii thath no iunge appeare in public, o Me ted himself Wit Mai suos an hind. Fastimo. Elevation V observo that peristido, Whichsollams, is no in literat oppoaition to thia, but that the opposition iamacte more by the sense an spirit of the term -- ualm simi timumque sui. of the fame age, an Ver cloael resemblinthim in charapter.' In ludo. At achooI V The est sormis expressionia ludo literarum, o ludo literario.-Ferebatur. Μuc stronger inanthe simple erat ould havo been. uiri sisti. of thsain ossi

Proelium Philippense. At thε batile of Philippi, Brutus and Cassiua


M. Vipsanius Aerippa Tho elobrate Agrippa, Who provo ofaue ementiat servise to Octavianua in scuringior him tho imperialthrone.-Quum propter uam gratiam, oce. M Although, o Meount

of the favor in hic he Mood, and the wWor of Octavianus Caesar, he had the meana in histo ero maring any choico os a misex

Observe, in thia Maage, the distinctio bes en potentia, ael ao-quire poWor, an potestas, authorit emanating rom another. Gener arum nuptiis. M To nuptial Wit a patrician semate. ' Sum

Pomponia or Caecilia. Cicero nominime plantanterma her Attica an Atticula. u. ad Au. H. 5 xii. I xiii. 5 dw. The imus of her marriam Wit Agrippa Waa Vipsania Agrippina, Who marriod Tiberinaraster ard emperor is Whom is Meamo the mother of




orth te muliona o a terces in addition .' Literalty amidis muliona,' M. The allusion is to tho additionalisum his ho