장음표시 사용
graphical mistakos than in the not so olit times of the linotypo. I owe him much thanis and sincere gratitudo. There are many volumes of C AP alieno anil eacti volume Mil contain not only my own corrections and ad litions but also corrections anil suggestions of sucti fait fui rea tors like Professor Diem, thus koeping the CorpuS as up to clate, anil RS ACCurato as Possibio. Sometimes, in Cases of unsatisfactory rea ling of an inscription On my part Ι
stili publisti iis repro luction hoping that in the futuro, other Cyes woulit be
In referring to the sitos, I usually, but not aM S, USC the modern DamCS, RS they appear in the present maps, followed by oliter names. I also followtho Current pronunciation of the names rather than tho artificiat classicalones, but I always inclicate the names accor ling to the rules of the classi-Cal language. Thus I proferreo the colloquial hin whicli contributeri to this volume most of the sitos in the letter E to the classical n. A fow sites clo not exist any more, but there are referen es to inscriptions cliscovore i in thom by the Inspectors of Antiquities of the Britisti Manclatoryc overtament. Some of their reporis contain photographs, and sometimesthe rea ling of inscriptions in Situ. When only the rea ling of the inscriptions exisis in the filos of the Israel Antiquitios Authority IAA) I referre t to theserea lings, and when or possibio repro luce i their copios. From this volume onwariis there Mil be two grio referen es to the stan lar l
The CXCavations, whicli are in process in many places in the Counti', and the continuous archeological sui Cys, yiolo adclitionat material to tho Corpus. A constiterable amount of this materiai comes froin the City of Ramlati, an leni iches my lites abolit this town, but many inscriptions have been clisCowerect elsewhere, anil found their way into this volume. Sometimes I referre lio inscriptions bolonging to lator ontries when I felt that they were neocle lio elucidate a poliat or a lil information to the stu' os a particular inscrip
ume with her professional a Miso on matters of language ano style. My Son Daniel Sharon contributeo to the volume sonae of the in s anil Plans. Photo Garo anil iis proprietor Marcliros Nalbanilian, anil his artist photo raptior sola Garo Nalbanilian, supply the photographic services to the CLAV.
ADDENDA AND CORRIGENDATO CIAP l1. TO ASH LONADDENDA 17 Epitaph of a Mustini Shawwal l l 33 22 July-24 August l72l
syntactical harmoni atton. The writer relateo the worcl dhu to the woro rabihawhicli is in tho genitivo case thus pro lucing a particular Qui anic interpretation. In the commonly used Qui anic teXt, the dhu in the nominativo relatos the 'glory anil honoui V to the Pace of Allati, whoreas the writer of tho texi of this inscription cle illecl that they bolong to Allati himself rathert an to His face. Tho Qui an interpreters make sui e to emphasire the factthat there is a particular theological significanco for the referetice to Gocl 'sFaco. 'This verso is similar to what He bo CXalteo, S S, in anothor VCI SC,
L. 5. The clate on the photograph is not very Clear. But I am PI CtW SUI Cabout the rea ling, whicli places the inscription in tho hi si quartor of thet 8 h contui . In tig. Ait t. l. I offore t another remoto possibility of the clato