장음표시 사용
following the instructions in lines l0 anil l l lanionis his cloparturo whilo thostro of clesii o was stili burning in him b na dum thi'. Unfortunato frona
However even is we were to reail the woro muti Sil, whicli sits very woli into the verse, there is not much Change in the meaning. The other Change is froni tabudu of Ben Horin to lubidu, whicli sits more to the contenta. Theclis forent vocali ing whicli I chose, grues the seconii hemistich a bellor sense, anil moro soli lily to the whole verse
Nothing is mentioned abolit tho placo in tho Arabic solii Ces, although the village must have been important, hecause of iis position on the
The investinent in the clevolopinent of natural solii Ces of water by officials anil locat notabios anil ricti men cloes not necessarily prove the CXistenCC of soluomoni in tho placo biit it clefinitoly potnis to the strategic importance of sucti a place. However in the Case of Bur r both these provisions were Prosent. Iis Strategic importance was clemonstrate i in Worl l War I cluring the Britisti offensive against the Tui ks utor the capturo of Ga a on the 7 h of November l9l7. Bura r was one of the fit si placos to be taken 9 V Novcmbor) thus consoli lating the Britisti hol l on the strategic positions controiling