Corpus Inscriptionum Arabicarum Palaestinae

발행: 연대 미상

분량: 397페이지


분류: 미분류





se ita



The script givos the impression os an early mediovat inscription but it is very probabio that the inscription is rathor modern tho lettor has in halaba in the soconii line anil tho lettor dat, both are not ancient. A locat Beclouin or a travolei seems to have imitatecl other inscriptions in the area.

Iubayr b. Hasan seeks refuge in Allati and places his confictence in Him.






The closori ''n pus eo the clato of this inscription to the 2 4 9 V centui .

Allati is the conticlence of ... in me love of Muti ammis .



L. l. The rea ling of the name Ras i l foenas correct, but sonae Ow I am notcoinfortable Miti it be auso it ignoros a vertical lino at tho eno of the wor liliat fornis togethor Mih what seems to me like a dat, the letter mkm. Withtho Clear two potnis unctor 3a There are only two possibio rea lings of thoname, Rasim anil Ras im. BOth names are nonexistent in the foui Ces that Iwas able to seo, although theoreticatly they are not impossibio. Is one ignoros the two potnis unctor 3T as marks in the stone, then the namC Rustum Comesto minit. I clectile l on Ras i l bocauso it scenis to me that tho vortical lino mutilating the dat is not part of the inscription. L 2. The cle claration that Allati is the patron-ioa -of the Mustim is a Common Qui anic notion ano is repente i frequently in many places in the




i salsa j sea os, aliaee , serusalem


anil large monastery in honour of St. Sabas who was one of the S Cnt twΟclisciplos of our Loro Jesus Christ in occidentali parte eccliniae Sanctae CruciSquauei trium milliarium rat monaSte tum pulcherrimum et maximum in honore Sancti

Sabae, qui fuit unus ex Septuaginta duobus discipulis Domini nouetri Jesu Christi). Saowulf aclos that 'thoro sero above throe huncti ecl Grook monks living thoro in the service of the Lorit anil of the Saint of whom the greator part were flain by the Saracenos. The Latin toXt quote i in Guerin, ludee l ibid.; 94.

The place of this monastery as detineo by Saowulf loavos littio cloubi asto iis location somowhere in the area of 'Ein Karem. Although it cannot beruleii out, it foenas very improbable that he had mixe t up this monastery withtho monastery calleo utor St. Sabas bulli in the 5 V centui to the east os Bethlehem whose priosis also sufferoci attacks anil massacro by the Mustinis bos oro tho Crusa les uel in ibid.; Hoacle l984 426). The faci that notio 'mentions after arcis sucti a monastery is sui prising for not long after Saowulf the Crusa tors bulli tho Church clecticateo to St. Jo n. Nothing can bo founctio explain the Change of the name of tho Saint. A cloar closcription of thel tigrim Pipinus frona l320 speaks abolit an ancient anil beautis ut cliui cti inhoriour of Saini Jotin the Baptist anil not far away from there, anothor OnC, that of St. Zacharias, anil bo oon the two the fountain calleo utor tho Saint Mai . sibi cit ecclinia antiqua et pulchra in honore beati Johannis BaptiSte, et non longe ab ipSa rat alia Sub et ocabulo Sancti Zacharie, ubi fuit alia domus ejus. Inter has reclinias ini sons qui dicitur Beate Marte, de quo ipsa bibit et impluries aquam