Corpus Inscriptionum Arabicarum Palaestinae

발행: 연대 미상

분량: 397페이지


분류: 미분류



In spite of the relativo clarity of tho letters at tho enit os linos 2 anil 4,I was unable to arrive at a satisfactory rea ling. Sinco in line 4 the writers attachecl to the nante of Allati two of the clivino attributos, or 'boautis ulnamos V at abbar anil a mutakabbix, it is very possibio that the wor i that fol-lows mlati at the enit os line 2 is also a clivino attributo, whicli I am unable


boginning of lino 5. In sucti a case the inscription was incise i only on thissione. The verti ubfra in the passive Case about whicli I am not furo) is a possibility completing the cui se to the abusors in the fame way that blessingswere reserve t for the pious reaclers see following inscription).




Pl. 48a. Original lino reconstructed cli agonal line of Lum 'alis rem edi

No less problematic is the name of the fallier. However here it is very possibio that stight clamago createo linos; whicli intersere Miti the originalletters. The names offereri above are only obvious possibilities. The stylo ofilio script bolongs definitob to the early Um yad porto l: and although the inscription bolongs to the corpus of the commonest invoCations , t O namos and the script poliat to remnants of predflamic tradition.



The state of the stone, especialty lino i, is such that another reacling is Possibio



The stylo os script in this inscription is very similar, but superior to the script


This places the major bo' of the early inscriptions in 'Ein Lur l, at thotii si half of the 8 h centui . The clis orenco in tho quality of writing to the CXClusion os simple Crucle anil un-clat te grauiti, is clue to the talent, cleXtei ity anil professiones ability of the inscribors. For a fuit stu of inscriptions of the Samo typo, their contenis, anil conteXt, seo Hoylanil l 997 77-l02).


Nego plateau was a natural halting station just bos ore the travollers bogan

I am Minosi sure abolit this rea ling. However the conclition of the stone anil the clistortion createo by the photograph are very mistea ling in mOstof the inscriptions froni this site, anil this one is no CXCOPtion. I am mare of the faci that there is not much space bos ore the woro thamamn for thenaines that s ould Come uter the invocation allahumma igor, and that thoroare sigris of letters at the encl of the lino, which look to me like a mnio butcoul l also bo reail witti cliniculty as csa nah. Is my rea ling is correct thent is is tho hi si timo wo oncountor an inscription with a clato in the 'Ein uram materiai. The year l80 796-7 tits woli into my ostimation that most of the inscriptions froni 'Ein Lur l, bolong to the 8 V early 9 V centurios see conciuiling remni ks at the encl of this enti ).


The inscription oXCept for the last line, is almost completob cles troyed, and the above rea ling is the maximum that I could make of it.





Forgive, O Alla , t e sin os abir and that of his parenis.
