장음표시 사용
Concerning the fons of Jacob, Tewhk Canaan wrote: 'It is Curious to note that for most of the fons of Jacob thoro are stirines siluateri in clis forent villages on the westoria molintains of Mi lille Palestino.' The stirino for uita
the ancient remalias scatiore t around the place caves Capitals martile anil granito Columns, POPtery) attest to the ancient setilement in the site. In the tiles of the Britisti Manclatory Departinent of Antiquitios thoro is a note abolit 'ancient founcla tions' os past Construction anil an 'ancient Com
Two of theso fragments A ano B join together perfectly to forin the toplost part of the inscription consisting of the en is of the three hi si lines. This part was rogistoreo as I-8727. In the thirci fragment )-rogistore t asI-8728-only a few letters were preserveo froni tho boginning of oach of tholast thirit lines. Howevor, as M or ali ea δε noteo, there is no interruptionbe een the fragmenis: that is to say that the sinalter fragment Oins perfecilyto the top part of the inscription, it consists of the three last lines. From the certain reconstruction of the Qui anic texi in linos i anil 2 itis cloar that cach lino of the inscription containeo bo oen 53 to 6l letters clepencling on their combination. The part proserveo froni the fit st 3 linos of the inscription is tess than a half, while much less than a quartor Has PI C- servo i froin the last three lines. Baseil on many inscriptions froin the timeos B bars, it is possibie to reconstruct the whole inscription though notallogether Mili certainty.L.A. M ei 's rea ling anil reconstruction
elther a mosque or a khan, anil is the worcl f imarah, buit ling or Construction, Can be inserte i here then it foenas more probabio that it was in themasCulino. In the report of the Inspector of Antiquities froni 9 h July l 926regar ling the origin of the inscription he wrote 'Tho inscription anil othor fragments are salit to come frona ruine i mosque Closo to the wolt which was clostroyed by the Tui ks cluring the war. IAA PAM) tiles 'Dimi a.' Information used by the Courtesy of IAA). There areno grouniis to cloubi this information although is a mosque originating in the early Mamluk period existed in the place near the well, notther Guerinnor the S P sui Cyors coulo have missecl it. The only possibility is that a Simple village mosque was bulli there closor to tho bogintaing of the 20 Vcentury in whicli tho inscription was utili ecl as buit ling materiai. In sucti acaso it coulo have been brought frona somowhere in the neightioui hoo l.
402) tho OXcavations also uncovereo in a clepth of 7m. the remnants of uae City defenso system; a massivo wali 2.5m. thi k froin the early Bronre Age. Theroastor the fortifications wore bulli anil robuiit to fit the changos in thesi e of the city. These fortifications fit tho reporis in the historical solii Ceswhicli describe it in the Hellenistic periori as a 'forti ess clis Cult to conquer.'
an important capital os a district which boro iis name, anil one of the main Mediterranean marine gales of Juclea worthy to be put unctor the governor-
lenistic perio i ii resiste i many attempis to conquer it hecause of the strengi
particularly tino harbour. Since l960 tho Israeli Socioty of Marine Rosearchlias been engageo in the exploration of the seaberi in the area of the lagoon whicli set leo a largo amount of linclings attesting to a se aring action in the area since the seconii millennium BC. The systematic mapping of thes orolino in various perio is the sea levet heing much lower in ancient times) rovoaleri the clocks froni tho Cannanite period, a further proos tot e importance of the City as a harbour. The nautical troasuros clisCovere l