장음표시 사용
MufaZZam 'Isa's Construction projects are very impressive even is one takes into consideration only tho buit lings frona whicli inscriptions remaine l. See-ing that now inscriptions aro stili clis ovore t froni time to timo it is cloar that many works attributeri to this Sullan have since clisappeare l. The inscription folino in Bas Jibi in commemorating tho bullding of an inn fundusseo Ail lenclum to C AP 2, in this volume) and tho prosent inscription froni
The clotormination of the golit coin value by weight, rather than by tale, Wasa Common practice in the East whicli makes ini las anili's repori abolit thopassing of the 'Frankisti clinars' by tale quite important.
Curi Cn in ali Cases when accurate amounts of money are cliscusso i, whic attests to a documente i usage of the term for ovor 600 years. BT, Rid Shon ita: 'every money mentione i in the Torati, is Tyrian money: V lli, 'overy accurate amount of money mentione i in the Torati means Tyrian money. V