Collectanea; 1st-2d series

발행: 1906년

분량: 157페이지


분류: 미분류


have been thus particular in poliat in oti a sew of the resemblances etween the tot of Sidney and Uebster ecatis I asserted in m sirst aper that incident in the play were munded pon simila in cident in the Hrcadia I could ursu the subjectinuch fur ther, ut o not isticio de prive myself of space o dea ling ith Uebster' language an proverbia lore. It is interest inito ind that webster lingere Iove rhis rea ling of the stor, of theming o Paphlagonia. Everybody nows that it a frona his stor that Sli akespeare derived materia sor the underi tot of Gloster and his sons in in Lear. Sidney' hingopens his speech thus


It comes frona the defiance of Argalus to Ampli talus:

Stricines is no the way to preserve virtueri he had belle leave women' mind the mos utata med that way os an formo age illpleas a bird, and ver dolis the fierce for tying. - Book i.


It is a singula and remaricabie ac that, although Massinge was cli ac qua in ted illi the rcadia and borrowed rom it, et severat times e varies Sir Philip idney in the very ord used by ebSter. It is also strange that he houid adoptoli phrasingo Beatimoni and Fletcher in exacti the Same way. Tahe the sol ego in parallelis an instance, and Seelio the dog V of Sidneycis particulari Zed by Massinge and webs te a the Englisti mastisf

The passage si Beati moni and Fletcher, hici, r.


Massinger has the fame allusion in almos the fame words, in The t matura Conibat, II. i. an die repeatSthe rema inde of the spe ech in the lalter in another scenem The Renegado, as welitas in Theiule V silanand ther plays. He was a riter lio thought hecould o say a good hin to osten As regardSThe ah One, it is conjectured that Massinge and Flet cher rote the play et ween them, and ther fore it is possibi that Massinge is only borro ingston himself, as usual But that ille ory ould notaccount for the great number of the parallel thatare to e found in Massinger an Beati mota and Fletch Cr. When the duches is part in frona lier lius barad, sh say to im,


When Bosola is courted by Julia, and e telis her

The ast speech in The Duches of s asi has hisbeautim sentiment, hici Nebster latins a is t

I may be that a perfect op of the Arcadia illShow that nolint these lines, ut ther paris of the speech in the play, a re stolen My rcadia is plit

ster and

Sir Philip


Si Philip connected illi the ther The editor os ille prose Si no rondia, in his introduction, SayM -

we are tot in a sentence hicli spealis to the ear of a good man a a rumpet oes to that os a sol dier, mature had done somuch for them in nothin a that ita ad made liena toriis of Truth, Whereon allisther goods vere bullded.'

The sentenc is no in my copy of the book, and Is houid have missed it is it ad o been quo ted in the introduction. have no pace now o deat, illi parallel in the Arcadia and insonumenta Colunt ut Pana boundio mention a discovery I liave made since I eganthis article. In monumenta Colum and Thei tithes of sa i there is a line almos identi catly the sanae. I quoted his line earlier in his essay p. 27), and said that it a no in Sidney, althoughin his style. It was familia to me, and I ad distinc recollection o hau in read the matte in the precedin lines of A sonumenta Column else-where. The following ill sho that the line inquestion is copi ed Domi en Jonson, and that IVebster

Sonae great inquisitor in nature say, Royal and genero iis forins weeti display


Frona a pure esserice and elected ree lingQ Howe'er, truth for hina thus much doth importune, His sorin and virtve both deserv'd his fortune. OG UI IP

Jonson 's phrasing and his definition of the doctrinea re ahen direct romadmund penser ' An 'mne in Honour of Lea utie, specialty rom l. 2O- of that poem. A referen C to the poem ill sho conclusive ly that et was hin hin os a rother-poet 'stines, and notis a dryasdust philosophica dissertation, when he was pay in to Prince Henry the om-pliments hich Nebster copi ed rom hi m. Heiace Edmund penser, in Jonson 's opinion, is ne of the great inquisitor in Nature. V o forin's ah I, ill quot a se lines rom penser, an refer the reader


John IVeb to the poena sor the sui proo that it inspiret Ben


the parallel Pwas abieri gather id notaea direct lyupon the subjecis I ad in and I contented myselfwith meret taking a note of them, and then et them rest. But Some time ago, at the instigation of the late Dr. Grosari, I obtained a copy of another anonymous play, Selimus, and I very oon discovered that in SpenSer-Loc Ἱne paralleis e re of ather more importance than I ad suspectes an a clos and searchin examination of Selimus reveat exto me the fac that I as at or on a traged froin the penos Christopher Mario C. Selimus, I need ardi say, is generali supposed toliave been writ te ni Rober Greene Pand a regardSEdmund


tionsilii of the two plays, I communicated illi

Dr. Furnivali, and he went ver a portion O the eviden ce illi r Daniel, ho was not Sio todiscove other material in corroboration o my State-menis, illi the resul that I as adii sed to et my parallel into prini at tace. Vithout fui ther re face, I ill at iace directat tention to the parallel in penser, Locrine, and Selimus, me rely re markin ilia it ili sui pris manyto find that suci, gros repetitions os penser 's ork have o been detected long ere this.

I, ill commence illi a se parallel in pensurand Locrine that are no repeti ted in Selimus -