장음표시 사용
the last hia centu , has been retained. In reality the book had no connectionWith Cerne, at any rate untii a late stage in iis history; at most it may have found ita way thore in the course of tho Middie Agos. In regard to tho originos the book, the evidence brought sorward in tho Introduction seems to justify the conclusion that the MS was Writton in Mercia, and was writton not later than thesrst hals os tho ninin contuo. There is nothing in the Gospei texi mund in the First Ρari os the Μanuscript incompatibio with such conclusiona; and the Gospei Lemons may be inhen as interesting specimens os a type os biblicat toxi current in England in tho sighth and fini hals of tho ninth centuo. Nothing, hoWever, in the character of the prvere Which lam the SecondΡart of the Manuscript suggestu that they Were os Mercian origin, though found
in a Mercian Μanuscrim. In the Introduction an attempt has been made to discovor the forces at Work in the sermation of the prayers. TWo great currenis os
influence, two distinci spiriis, Irish and Roman, have been recogniged; piriis actingand reacting upon each other, Worhing at times singly then again together, influencingthe composition of these prayers. Once recogniZed, these influences are tra ablethrough the whole range of the strictly devotionat literature of the period, M the Royal ΜS 2 A XX, the Book of Nunnamiuster, the Ρmyer Books of Alcula. Butto limit ourselves to tho Book of Cerae and 2 A XX; as the influenco which hasbeen callod Irish is in them the more pronounced, it Would seem to indicate that the prvers Which they contain Were composed in a place Where and at a time When the spirit os the Irish monis Was predominanti It may be meli to state herethat notthor the Book of C e nor the Myal MS 2 A XX is liturgical in tho propersense of the term; they are simply books of private devotion. ur Edmund Bishop has contributed a Note investigating the liturgical books used by the writers of the prvers; to this Note Ι venturo to invite theattenti oti os studenis of the Western Liturgies. My colleagus Dom Buller has compared the proose of the cime text with the MS, and to him I am indobtod soradvice and help throughout. In addition to othera mentioned during the course of the work, I Wish to exprqss my speciat obligation to Pros Sheat for revising the Anglo-Saxon portions os the ΜS; in Ur Burriti sor guid ce in preparing the critical notes on the Latin Gospeis and the Note oti the Biblicat Text; and toDr Montague James sor many valvabie suggestions, especialty in regata to the apocryphal pieces. My thanlis, too, are due to Canon Armilage Robinson, toin F. Jenkinson, Librarian os the University Library, and to Μr G. F. Warner, Assistant Κεopor os MSS at tho British Museum. It only remaius sor me to thanh
Τho chartere and sequencos are not included in the present odition of tho Book
risfixod to oach vel in a fuit pago illumination representing tho Evangeliat inin his ambes. A photographic reproduction of tho picturo of S. Lulio forma tho frantispio to thia volume.
ro Ment a conventionat End of bud arising out os a cup-liko capita Τho inscriptiona of tho Mur Evangelista ars vritton in moderate alaod ornamentod angulatod capital leti S.