The Prayer Book Of Aedeluald the bishop, commonly called the Book of Cerne;

발행: 1902년

분량: 338페이지


분류: 미분류


Domino omnipotona exaudi me ut animam meam liborare dignoris do inferno inseriorimus tu me libora do igno inoxtinguibili Doua tu me libera de mona infornalim tu mo libo, do uormis inmortali amus tu mo libera de protopiario natanao Deus tu mo libora do a plicio aeterno Doua tu mo libera do damnationo et consurions

aeternam tu mo libora do formonto impiorum Doua tu mo libera de angustia aetemali Deus tu libora animam moam de tonobria exto

rioribus. . .

rogo sanctam Mariam rogo uiginti quattuor Senior ...... triRrotas et ProPhetas...angelos

54. p. 163, L 8. In nomine patris ot filii et spiritus sancti Gabrihol osto mihi turica Michahol sato mihi balineus Raphahol isto mihi scutum Urihel osto mihi protector Rumines osto mihi deso ormanniues isto mihi navit

et omnes sancti ac martyrea doPramor.

F. P. sI, L I p. 92, L LAmbulemus in prosperia huius dies luminis

in uirtute alti imi dei deorum maximi in beneplacito christi in luce spiritus sancti in fide patriarcharum in meritia prophetarum

in pace apostolorum in gaudio anmlorum in splendoribus sanctorum in operibus monachorum in uirtute iustorum in martyrio martyrum in castitate uirginum

in dot sapientia in multa patientia in carnis abstinontia in linguae continvitia in pacia habundantia in trinitatis laudibua in acutis sensibus in semper bonis actibus in formis spiritalibus in diuinis aermonibus in benedictionibua in his sat iter omnium pro christo laborantium qui deducit nanctos post obitum sempiternum in gaudium

ut audiam uocem angelorum deum laudantium ac dicentium Sanctus Sanctus Sanctus.



sor my ulteran for my mardian ipsor my precedenoesor my protectionsor my salvationagainst mares of demona againat assummonia os vicea against solicitationa of natur Mainst Mery pomon that Mahis mo illsar and nostratone and in a crowdΙ involis thorctore ali thom forem to intervono tWoen me and overy fiereo morassem forco that

may como Mon v and my mul: againat incantationa os salso propheta against Nach lawa os paganiam against salso lama of hereuagainst demit os idolato againat apella os momon and amitta and druida againat ali knowlo o inat is sorbiddon the

bellos in a rimen a consession of Onon amosting in tho Creator.




That thou talio mo undor aholtor and protection and caro, to securo me and to proieci me against domons With ait thola Maaulta; and againat ali the creatures of tho morid; againat thod ima, againat the transgressio , against the nina, againat the offences of tho morid; againat thoanares of thia liso, againat tho palan of tho nexi; hom the handa os enomios and against

The sollowing passage stom one of tho Hasses in the Stome Missat, mritten in the original hand ibid. 224), reminci us of the passage hom No. 7 os the Book

Deum Patrem, Deum Filium, Deum Spiritum Sanctum imum ot nolum Dominum dominantium, et regem regnantium, et gloriam futurorum, per priuilegia clara Patriarcharum, Per gloriosa preaagia Prophetarum, Per sancta merita apostolorum, Per martyria martyrum, Per fidem cons Sorum, Poeaanctitatem uirginum, per theoricam uitam anachoretarum, per assentium spiritale monachorum, per episcoporum no abbatum catholicorum principatum, innixia ac continuis orationibus fideliter obsecremus apocialiter hoc Per sancta infrigia sanctorum, uel nanctarum uirginum, quorum hodie Solemnitas λ Dr Whiusy Storis and Dr Bernaes ars disposod in identiθ tho sillus, mentioned in the profa in ons of tho MSS sino Leabhar Breae of tho xo centuπὶ as author of the Lorioa, With Gildaa. Is this prelaos and ths idontification basin umn it ars eorreot ibut it is mero oonjsoture , os Lorioa, though collio in origin, may not havo boan oomposed in Delana; but in any oaso it evidently vas in olaoulation infra.



THE BOOK OF CERNE. a nobia colobratur, ut haoc oblatio plebis tuae, quam nanctae Trinitati in honorem Borum, Ν., offerimus, a optabilia fiat Deo, cunctis proficiat ad salutem. ...

It Will hardly bo qu tioned that there is a markod resemblance of thoughtand expression bet eon the passages cited hom the Book of cime, and the extracta oven hom Irish sources. The laci that some os the prvere Me known to have been current in Ireland confirms tho impression that thore is an Irish element in

Hymnorum Vol. ΙΙ, xi seq.ὶ the editora potat out that, Whereas the firet fixW-sixVerses conform to the classical metrio rules M to quantity and elision, aster verse fixw-six the metre changes, and the last figlit lines present phenomena 'possibie

in Irish cantica, but inconcoivabio in this Hilarian poem V p. xiii, We theres ehave here in tho Book of C-e a Gallio hymn to which an Irish termination hasbeen addod . But indoed I do not thiis that the presenoe os an Irish elementin tho Book of Ce e is likoly to bo called in question.

Νos. 8, 9 and 10 are serms of consession os sin. Nos. 8 and 10 are very similarin character. In both there is a minuto enumeration os ali possibie sius, eVen os crimes the most heinous and untihely. The penitent smos as though he hadbeen Milty of them ait; and morsover though ovory pari os him had shared in his mili. Thus he promeda to accuso himself os sina os his vos, eam, nostriis; sinsis his mouth, hands, seet, longue, throat, nech, breast, heari; sins throuo his bones, flesh, mrerro , reins; and eVen through his ain, Meth, hiar, natis, teare, and vittis: finalty he declares V peccaui in anima mea et in omni corpore meo.'This minute enumeration os ali tho paris of tho body reminda ua of the Lorica os Loding. Similar consessiona, it is trus, are Dund in other quartere: in the Canona os Edgar the so--lled consession os Fulgentius'; the consessions os raberi ;



and thoso seund in tho prver books of Alcuin : but the question presenta iraeis Whethor ali these consessiona be not ultimatoly based on more primitive Irish so sauch M thoso found in tho Book of Cerne . And that No. 10 is os Irish orion ismisod a vo the levet os mero conjecturo by the laci that in a x contuo HS now at gers, Which tho lato Samuel Berger supposed is have been written at Τoum

here contended that the prayere passed in revieM Were composed in Deland; this μου is suggested that they have Dish amnities and were composed under Irishinfluenco. They seem to the ulterances of the fame spirit that sound expression also in the extraordinary austerities and penitentiat exercises of the Irish

Is aster examining the consessions 8 and Io the reader Wili turn in No. 9, he will at onos M aWare that ho is in a different region os thought and laeting. The simplici and restraint of this consession lam a striking contrast to theemotional offutivonem os those Which immediatoly precede and solioW it. bosorosinted, consession ΝΟ. 9 Waa evidently a savourite pruer: not only is it Aund in many places, but it Was made the basis os various adaptations. I print in parallel columns the originat s m of the consession as it standa in the Book of cime, and one of these adaptations found in tho Mimale Gothicum, tho most important of tho Oxtant Gallican Missals Muratori, col. 5953. BOOK OF CRUE: SCA CONFESSIO.Anto uisa tuos Domino reus conaciantiao tostia adsisto rogare non audeo quod impetram non mereartu enim acta domine, omnia quae aguntur in nobis.


Ante tuao immensitatis conspectum, et anto tuao ineffabilitatis oculoa, o maiestaa mirabilia, scilicet ante tuos sanctos vultus, magne Deus, et maximae pietatis et potestatis omnipote Pater, quamlibet iano debita reverentia, attamen nulla ossicii dignitato, vilia admodum precator accedo, et reus conacientiae testis adsisto. quidne rogabo quod non memor

at ne pio non sine Dei pace dictum sit) quod

poccati magia est accuSator, qui pro peccatis debuit eam intomontor lλ Migno PM. Lat. IOI, De Hesmorum usu Lib. and meta per Feri . ris fidit prayer es ins Ordo Baptismi' in the Sto- Mimia oontaina auis an onumeration of the parta es the body.


erubescimus confiteri quod per nos non timemus committemusrbia tibi tantum obsequimur cordB autem mentimur et quod uollo nos dicimus nolle non actibus adprobamus me domino confitonti a nosce Mocantibua minorem te roganti aet quia in sacramentia tuis meus sensus infirmua ost prosta Domino ut qui ex nobis duri cordia uerba non auacipia per te nobis ueniam largiaria Ιωus Christua Dominus noctior. Amen.


accuso ergo me tibi, si non excuno: Et coram tostibus confiisor iniustitiam moam tibi domino deo meo. confiteor, inquam confitoor sub tostibus ini titiam impietatis mino, ut remittas immolatom ccati mei. confiteor, quod nisi romittas, recte me punias. habe me confitontem reum, sod scio) nisi uerbia non emendanis uerbia onim pium: operibus offendo. culpam sentio, emendationem differo. subveni ergo nubveni pietas inotabilis ignosce, imoace mihi, Trinitas mirabilia. me, me, Parce, supplico, Detina placabilia. Exaudi, exaudi, exaudi mo, rogo, hia Vorbis illius filii tui clamantem: ritor, aMMnε mus, Poccavi in coelo et coram to: iam non aum dignua vocari filiva tuus: fac mo ut unum de meroenariis tuis. et nunc Pater misericornunicum misericordiae tuae Portum, Christo favente, peto ut quod per me uiloacit, per illum acceptum ferro digneris qui in aeternum tecum uiuit et regnat.

It is hardly necessary to mini out that tho Gallican Apologia Moredo is difforsas much Dom No. 9 os Cerne as both of them do hom 8 and 10. Wo aro in the presstico os three distinct modes os expression, representing three sorma os devotionat thought. Knowing that the Apologis Moerdotis in tho Missalo Gothicum 'is Gallican, and granting that Nos. 8 and 10 of the Book of G- ars to M tracodio an Irish Aource, in What category, is it be netther 'Gallican V nor Irish,' is No. 9 to bo placody It Will assist us is ansWer this question is Wo considor No. 28, Which runs M sollows:

Deus inmortale praesidium omnium matulantium liberatio supplicum Pax rogantium uita credentium

resurrectio mortuorum

spes fidolium gloriatio humilium boatitudo ivatorum Qui plenitudinem mandatorum in tuo proximique amore nancristi, hanc nobis gratiam largim propitius, ut qui in multis offendimus, tua caritas in nobis abundet per quam poccata mundantur.

Os sis eight invocations at the beonning of this prver, forming a sori os introductory litany, the fini sive, ' Deus ...mortuorum,' are seund in the ordo



Pruer, 'Qui. . .mundantur,' recalled the rhythm and balanced structure of the prversos the Roman Sacramentarios. On examination it mas found lo M a collect in the Leonine Sacramenta No. XXXIII mense Julio, col. 374, Such rhythm and balanceare marhed and characteristic seatures of the collecta found in the genuine portions os the Roman Sacramentaries. Some examples of these collecta are given hom the Gregorianum, es. μανετ for Mater Sunών in μου. col. 67 -d Mias. Rom.

Deus, qui hodierna die per Unigenitum tuum aeternitatis nobis aditum deuicta morte resoraati: Votis nostra, quae praeueniendo aspiran, etiam adiuuando Promquere. Per.

Concede, qua umus, omnipotenΗ Deus: ut ad meliorem uitam Sanctorum tuorum exempla nos prouocent; quatenus quorum solemnia agimus etiam actus imitemur. Per.

Omnipotens, sempiterne Deus, qui humano generi ad imitandum humilitatis exemplum, Saluatorem nostrum carnom inmere et crucem subim sectati : concedo propitiua; ut et patientiae ipsius habere documenta et resurrectionis consortia mereamur. Ρα.

Deus qui fdo Misa. M J beatao uirginia utero uerbum tuum angelo nuntiante carnem suscipere uoluisti: praesta supplicibua tuis; ut qui uero eam genitricem Dei credimus, eius apud te interice ionibus adiuvemur. Per.

Deus a quo ot Iudan maius aut poenam, et consessionis suae latro praemium sumsit: concedo nobis tuae propitiationis offoctum; ut sicut in pamiona aua Iesus Christus Dominua noster diuersa utrisque intulit stipendia meritorum, ita nobis ablato uetustatis errore, resurrectionis suae gratiam largiatur. Qui focum uiuit.

These five Wayers chosen at random vili mahe cloar What is meant by the worci rhythm and balance used above in describing the Roman colleci. Nos. 38, 39, 40 and 41 are, as has alaeady been sald p. xviii), froni a largercollection os prvere based on the evenis os the liso and passion of Christ, found in the Book of Numinaminatem. The differenco in tone os these prayers hom


othera in that eouoetion .hich contains tho ' Lorica of Lodgen,' tho Consessionos S. Ρatrich. ' and other pinyers of the Irish type, Bund also in tho Book of Ce εὶ struch Ηr de Gray Birch; sor he svs Introd. 23x 'thv am ahori and apposite, severat of them indicating considerable thought in theis compilation V; and again he spe s os them as possessing 'an almost epigrammatio beau os con-atruction ' assur ly the very last things that could M said of thoas prvors intho Book of C e that have been called Irish, but utly describing the character os tho collecta just cited Dom the Roman Sacramentaries. Αnd M a matter of saci oneos these pruere NO. 403 is substantialty the Epiphany collect of the Gelasianum.

En Omni ι-ε αειrorum o- ιον Omnipotena aempiterno mua, qui Verbi tui qui incarnationom tuam preolari nidoris testi- incarnationem practesari testimonio uideria indicanti, monio indicaati, quod uidentos magi oblatis malem quod uidentos magi oblatia malentatem tuam munetatem tuam muneribus adorauerunt: propterea ribua adorarunt: gratias agem eroem tibi Mattam laudia ae depra- ων concede mihi minuiua; ut in mea semper mente concodo; ut nemper in menti a Matris tuae appareat stolis luatitiae, et in tua consensione meus appareat atella iustitiae, ot noster in tua ait con- in aurus sit domina mi iam christe Aman. se tono thesaurus. Ρα.

Similarly is Νω. 39 and 41 be examined, it Will M seen that thv iam plannod on tho linos os the Roman collecta. It is true that they are expanded, and the symmeto obscured by the insertion os additionat clausea; neverthel a thostructure of the Roman collect is clearly to be recogniged. An example Will shoWthis. I ove prayer 41 and tWo prvere hom the Gelasianum exhibiting analogi

ωαιὰ in rena dominimus refugium pauperum spes humilium Deus, omnium misericordiarum ac totius boni- salusque miserorum, qui remotis obumbratim istis auctor, qui Peccatorum remossia ieiunita, orani a carnalium uictimarum spiritalem nobis tionibus, et eleemosynis demonstrasti: respico pro- hostiam et uiuentem placentem patriquo incho- Pitius in hanc humilitatis nostrae consemionem; antem sic dicasti quando oenanti a diae uias ut qui inclinamur conscientia nostra, tua nemper panem et oesiam benediesndo atque porrigem o misericordia erigamur. Per. dixisti Mespiae α manducate hoc est comua -- et uerum hie est calix invisinia mini noui testa

remigionem Peccatorum: gratias tibi remem et preMo clementiam tuam suppliciter deposco; ut illo Clementiam tuam, Domine, supplicitor Oxoramus: sanctimimo ac nalutifero protio purificata atque ut Paschalia muneris sacramentum, quod fide m sanctificata redemi merear hic si in futuro domina limus, et spe desideramus intenti; per tua dilac- mi iam chriata Amen . tion capiamus. Per. Tho Monningi Dous dodioasti ia made up of diagmenta os tuo Gelasian prvors, ot. notes in lae.




This sol os prvors then has evidently been constructod undor the influence andumn tho modet of thoso in the Roman Masa Books; and the samo seems to botrue of the conclusion of ΝΟ. 9 Re can observo the worhing os a like restraining influence in other prvera throughout the Book of Ceos, sor examplo in those MAlchfrith tho Anchorite, Non. 47 and 48, already spolion of pp. xiv vi sq.: and itis only natural to attributo this influenco to tho evident familiariu of the vario

writers With Roman Sacramentaries.

The instances that have been cited suggest the conclusion that in tho Book of Geme We are in the presence of two currendi os influence, imuing in t o types Os prver: he Roman type Which, While heeping in chech devotionia seeling, manifesta a high quali of thought, ari, and liturgical culture; and the Irish, Which is predominately an out uring of seeling and devotion. The question is notWhethor the individual prvem Were composed in Ireland, in Rome, or in England; but Whether they wero composed under the twosold inspiration os Rome and Ιreland. Is Wo look at the matter hom tho historicia stand int, this is What in hi


Lichfiold; sor the book was written at latest Mon aster his episcopale. The onlyhnoMn earlier bishop of tho namo was Aetholwold of Lindisfarno 721-7403. Τhis Would talis us in Northumbria, Where historicatly Wo fhould expect to find themeeting os Irish and Roman influoncea Mith the former in the ascendant. Τhore seems then reason sor thinhing that We have in the Book of Cerne a produci of the Monnings of English Christianity, at a time When the spiritualsoreos Whicli croated it had not yet been Melded togother into their finia resultant. Herein lies the main interest of theso prvera, and the similar onos in 2 Α XX and the Nwnnaminarier Moh, vla. that in them Me appear to have specimens os the devotional, as distinguished stom the liturgical, prvors current in England in the VIIand VIII centuries. Such prvere the English missionem themselves probably used and carriod to the Continenti Wo seo hom Alcuin's and other pruer books that prverssimilar in charactor to those of the Book of C e bocame pari os the Carolingian revivat, and thus influonced the whole devotiones fido os Christian illa in Wostem Europe. But this opens out interesting questions Which cannot be puraued here, as to the influenco os the Irish character and ascetiolam on Restern Christiani . The publication os these prvors by bringing fresti materials Within the mach os studenta mili, it may be hoped, lead to further investigations of the subjecti

The iam has been to reproduco as accurately as possibio tho texi in iis uncorrected som as it originalty lest the handa os the scribe, the various corrections Ming indicated in the apparatus. Certain necessary corrections hoWeVer, madeis the scribe himself, have been insertod in the texi in parenthesis. In the cam oflotters Which have faded aWay or have been erased beyond recoveo, the present