A History of the Commandments of the Church

발행: 1915년

분량: 389페이지

출처: archive.org

분류: 미분류


a retum toWard the severer discipline os formerdays. In the seventeonin centurri Alexanderio 'Transeribus etsi probabile sit servile est, contrarium probabilius amrmo. . . . Pingere servile ex suo genere. Itineratio minime, nisi fiat cum oneratia jumentis, vel deferantur humeris onera. Venatio at fiat ex omio, servile est, ut pictura, ob voluptatem et recreationem minime. Ibid. Theolaria morasia, I. IV, traei. VII, e. li. Di0jtigod by IOOOle


77 talia Alsaeander, I. IV, De Decalogo, art. VI, reg. I. τε Sesa. XXV, moretum de morι satione camis, i unita et diebus featis.


sitions of his forerunners, and for that reason hisbook Was destinest to servo as a texi for the commentaries of many of his SuceeSSors, among Whom

s Die festo prohibentur omnia opera Mollia, hoo est, quae et vomantur etren materiam externam; et vel mechanica, et illiberalia sunt, V. gr. suers, satiricare: Vel requirunt tantum laboremo poris, et ab operariis tantum, et servia fieri solent.' Me lis theologiae moralia, l. III, tract. III, c. i. Di0jtigod by IOOOle


iecti, but also those of Bailly and Bouvier, and Was finalty naturalized by GOusset, Who est lishedit definitively in France. One of the politis is Which Gousset enters into the true tradition of the Church and takes the opposite stand to Natalis Alexander, is Where he affrms the legitimaey Of

For a time, at the beginning of ths nineleentheentum, it Was deemed possibis to rebulld by means os authority a discipline that had fallin into desuetude. In France, after the fali of Napoleon, ins Muerment of the Restoration, by recogniti ins Catholic religion as the State religion, and by a special I- of November 18, 1814, again pus into fores the old ordinanees On the obserVance of Sumdays and diastidays. Α similar revival of Christian legislation manifested iiseu in Vari s other


the a ahening of the Christian spirit, uΡ- Which

as they had supposed. What nesther ins Churin

fait ut in favor of his opinion, thus expresses himself : Wores of a liberat nature of themserues


mr so Iicent opera liberalia, ea videlicet quae antiquitus a solis liberis exercebantur, et in quibus magis mens quam corpus occupatur. Ista tamen, si modo mercenario, seu ad modum arι , atque ad lucrum faciendum emerceantur, mmmuni Metium ae utamquam servilia et illisita habentur V Praria confGaar. is did


os ins ns facilities Which the la thus places attheir disposal for observing the precem os ins


βη Cf. supra, p. 72, and sono. Francorurten. 7943, c. xxi: Ut dies dominiost a vespera usque ad Vesperam servetur.' Mon. Germ., Conestis, t. ΙΙ, 168. 33 Dies sabbati ab ipsa diei saturat hora pomeridiana tertia usque in lunaris diei cubiculum festua agitur: quit non celebrarit, poenas in judiciali libro descriptas pendito.' Lesea e Imisatio regis Edgardi, c. v. Mansi, t. XVIII, 513. Di0jtigod by IOOOle


8ε Ubi eonsuetudo viget festa inchoandi a Vespera tanquam ex obligatione, non ex libera devotione, ita observandum est. Quare, adveniente vespera, videlicet ad solis occasum, talibus locis laborare concessum erit.' LamRun, Op. st lac. est. Di0jtigod by IOOOle