Trimalchio's dinner

발행: 1898년

분량: 248페이지


분류: 미분류


Pres Ce vii

Cena was ritien, ut hicli are ver localand ephemerat in thei nature and with

omitted ecause of the ulter impossibilit os representin in an Englisti forna the stringo puns hicli it contain and whicli is notsatisfactorii imitate in the Englisti ould leave the translation holi Vol o mean-ing. Here and there I have modisie a feru

The translation is based principali uponthe Latin textos edite by Bucheler seditio minor Berlin, Ι 89s); butes have had e re me also the ex o Fried tander LeipZig, 1891 as elicis at the early Variorum editions. The rench version by De uerleand the Englisti versio by elle have likewise been compared, though ith very litti profit. The book salven to the public in theliope that it ill prove os interest both for


viii res Ce

the rst hand picture hicli it contains of SOme curious phases of Roman private life unde the Empire, an for the value hichi possesses in representing one stage in the evolutionis realistic fiction.


I. Tros Fiction in Greece and Rome II The Novel o Petronius III. The Cena Trimalchionis



Illustration S

A ROMAM REVEL Frontisiece



tio neve attaine to the importance whicli it possesses in the literatur os modern times. The reasons hicli explain his factare o dissiculi to discover. In the rst place the genius of the Greelas in the sphereo the imagination ound iis mos naturaleXpression in hos form o literatur thalare poeticat. The rue fiction of that re markable eopte is to e discoVered, there fore, in thei heroi verse, in the Homericeptos, in the nationa myths of the Cyclic Writers and in the great masterpieces of the tragic poetsci for the Gree dancy was Oo


2 Intro dia Clion

lively, to Vi Vid, and O Unrestrained, o confine iself to the limits of even the finest prose. In the econ place the emotionalliis of the Hellenes lached ne important element that has vivifed and iven beautyand significance to the fiction that is rittenfor the modern orid. The ne unDilingilieme round whicli ur modern novelisis bulld thei imaginative or is romanticloVe,- that Dei in for oman, tended freVerence and tendernes and affection, hi chis no a casual impulse or an incidental manifestation o temperament, ut hicli is X- tremely undamental, in that i lies o closet Our hole conceptionis domestic life and socia stabilit a to e interwoVen to a certain extent illi the very fabri os ursociety. BUt among the Greelis, o ali in tenis and purposes, it ad no Xistencewhatsoever. The Greek, o that fide, as

essentialty an Oriental. In his home iis,

woman was an inferior eing the manager


a domestic necessity, Ut noth in more. He kept e seclude Dom the worid atlarge, and sh neve influenced his thought

nor hared his serious preoccupations ThewOmen ho ere to Some Xtent his com panion and confidantes ere the hetaerae, and

ali me crave, and whicli in iis perfectio cara come to them ni froni congenialassociation illi the ther sex. et thehetaerae, haleVer may haVe been thei cleVer ness, their nowledge of the worid, and thei persona charm, ere stili omen whom, frona the ery circumstances Ofthei lives, hei male companion could notreverence and respect and there re here

again the love that ornas the staple os allmodern fictio hadiso rea place Finalty, the se of prose a a medium for imagina live or of this description a notSeriousi attempte untii Gree genius hadenteresipon the period i iis decline,


4 Introduction

and unti no only aste and morais, ut creative imagination, had quali fallen into the eginnings, at east, o an accelerated

Theres ore e n in os of the prose fiction that has come down to Us Domantiquit three characteristic traiis, in lacho variet in iis themes, a lac os interest in iis reaiment, and a lac o originalit in iis forna. There are Xception to this generat statement, and these ill e exhibite here aster ut their Xistence SerVes Only toaccentUate and bring into a stronge and more pronounced relle the truth that hasbeen here nunciated. The origin os prose fiction is to besough in the histor of the able, and thes able grows ut os a destre to Xplain thephenomen o nature and o give to the X- planation a concrete form. It represenis also a chil disti love of the picturesque thatendoW roclis and tones and rees illi lise, and ives the power of speech to animais;