장음표시 사용
Mendes, Catulle, Z. Metamorphoses, of Lucius os atrae, Apuleius, I, 2. Milesian ales, O, I, 22, 23, 2 . Mormoly Ce, a.
ODYssEU and Olymela, 22, 23. Oriental origin os Gree fiction, 6, 7, 8, 9. Orientalism in ancient fiction, 2. Orientalism in ree character Z. PALLENIAN Tales, O.
Pati et Virginis, O . Pericles, Prisce of Tyre, ource of the play, 37. Persian influenc in ree fiction, 6. Persian ars, thei influenc on reeCe, 33.
Scaevinus, 6. Scolt, Sir alter, I 3.
Sisenna, Ι. Subjective noVel the 39. Superstition8, I .
Sybariti Tales, O . TACITUS, S, 6, 48. Taylor, eremy, s. Theodorus Prodromus, 37. Theophilus of Simocatta 38. Tigellinus, 7.