Trimalchio's dinner

발행: 1898년

분량: 248페이지


분류: 미분류


Same, o that ou ould have imaginedyourset in the green-room os a comi operatroupe ather than in the dining-room os a private gentieman. very choice tot of hors muUres Was thenbrought in for e ad atready aken urplaces, ali except Trimalchio himself for


82 Trimalchio's in ner

In the id si os ali his magnificenc Trimalchio a brough in to the ound of music and proppe u on a pile of ell-stus d Ushions. The very sight of him almos made us augii in spite os urseives;

let robe, an around his neci he had tuckeda long fringe naphin illi a road purple Stripe running own themiddie os t. Onthe litile finge of his est an he ore ahuge git ring and on the last oint of thenex finge a ring that appeare to e of solidiold, ut havin litit iron tars ponit. Moreover, est e liould ait o tali in ali his magnificence, he had ared his right


Trimalchio ' Dinner s

venient for me to dine now aut so asino to

Trimalchio ooked, during this opera tio an said, Genti emen, Phad the liens'eggs placed unde this fowl bulci m ather


8 Trimalchio's in ner

busile, a silve disti appene to fallis thefloor, and when ne of the servant started


Trimalchio ' Dinner s

to pic it up Trimalchio ordere hi tobe oundi curid, and tol him to throwit down again and presenti there came in sereant, room in hand who wepti thesilue disti along illi the res of the rubbishtha lay po the oor Aster his, hereentere two long-haire AEthiopia flaves carryin litile ag such as are sed forsprinkling the sand in the amphitheatre, and

We compli mented Trimalchio on ali theseelegant litti delatis, and he observed complacently :


86 Trimalchio ' Dinner

While e were read in the ags, Trimalchio

A we were drinking the wine, and notingver carefulty ali his evidences of good aste, a lave brough him a silver keleton ingeniousty put together so that iis limbs could bethrow out of join and made to turn in nydirection. his Trimalchio ept throwingagain and again pon the table an malaingit assume ali foris of hapes, uiati a lasthe observes:


Trimalchio ' Dinner


88 Trimalchio 's in ner

this culinary surprise, callediut Carver Vand atinc a man provide&with a lanis and malaing elaborate gestures in time to the Usic, hackedis the mea in suci, a fashion that


yo would have imagined hina tot a chariot- figliter lashing bout to the ound of a Water-organ. Trimalchio in a drawling one Lepti his exclamation, Carve Carver Vso that suspecting the repetitionis this ordio have sonae humorous intention I id nothesitate to question the guest,ho sat beside me. He was qui te familiar illi the whole


0, Trimalchio ' Din ner

malchio' estates are so large that it ould tire a bird o fi ove them, and he has heaps on eaps o casti. Tali his silverplate, o instance hy, there' more of